How to Improve the Quality and Accessibility of Public and Municipal Services?

Prof. Dr. T.I. Zvorykina, Professor, Member of RANS, Leader of the Centre of Scientific Research and Technical

Regulation in Services at RERI, TC 346 Chairperson, Moscow, Russia,

key words

state services, municipal services, technical regulation, availability, quality, standards


In the article, I analyze the problems of accessibility and quality of public and municipal services that have a social character. Although the provision of social services is regulated by a special law, but, in fact, both state and municipal social services remain services, therefore, in accordance with GOST R ISO 9000-2015 the services are the result of interaction of the performer and the consumer in services provision. At providing state and municipal services, one of the key principles of quality management — «customer orientation» — must be implemented. I consider that many problems can be solved with the use of technical regulation tools: standardization, certification, competitions, etc.

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