The Financing Efficiency of the Russia’s Scientific and Innovative Sphere

Prof. Dr. L.P. Kleeva, Academician, International Academy of Organizational Sciences, Professor, Russian Presidential

Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow, Russia,

key words

scientific and innovative sphere, innovative activity, patent activity, technologies


The advancing development of the scientific and innovative sphere are the most important conditions of successful social and economic development. This sphere represents very resource-intensive sector of economy. Therefore, I consider that efficiency of investments and an expenditure of the funds allocated to this sphere to be an extremely actual task. In the research work I have analyzed the main indicators of investments efficiency:
(1) the dynamics of the innovation activity of domestic enterprises in the whole country and by economic activity;
(2) patent activity; (3) the dynamics of the development and implementation of advanced manufacturing
Results of the carried-out analysis allow to draw a conclusion on low efficiency of costs of the scientific and innovative sphere of Russia, and its her lag in this direction from the majority of the West countries.
Summing up, I believe that it is necessary to look for ways to improve the effective use of these funds.


2. Nauchno-tekhnologicheskoe razvitie Rossiyskoy Federatsii: sostoyanie i perspektivy [Scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation: state and prospects], Moscow, IPRAN RAN, 2010.