Kompetentnost' 1/122/2015
ISSN 1993-8780
Best Available Technologies: Aspects of Training and Advanced Training
RF Ministry of the Industry and Trade, Moscow, Russia
key words
Best Available Techniques, negative environmental impact minimization, environmental regulation,
integrated environmental permits
In 2014, a new Federal Act introducing compulsory Integrated Environmental Permits (IEP) based on Best Available Techniques (BAT) was passed in the Russian Federation. It is expected that over 15,000 Russian industries will become subjects of this new regulation. Though the very concept has been discussed since late 90s, Russian practitioners are not ready yet to implement BATs and to gradually improve environmental performance and energy efficiency of their enterprises.
Results of the training needs assessment prove that a whole range of training programmes has to be developed and gradually implemented in Russian regions. While introductory courses should be addressed to regional administrations, industrial associations, educational establishments, etc., tailor made courses need to be prepared to provide the necessary support to key sectoral industries and environmental inspectorates responsible for BAT and IEP implementation.
Since 2008, pilot training courses were provided to Russian practitioners in several regions actively collaborating with the Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification and its partners. Over 700 specialists trained using methodological materials prepared by leading using and international experts.
Thus, introduction of BAT and IEP in the Russian Federation started in 2015, needs to become a process in which practical and training steps need to be logically interrelated to achieve economic modernization along with environmental performance and energy efficiency enhancement.
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