On Formation and Development of Productive
Practical Knowledge
Dr. L.V. Sergienko, Management Department, Financial University at the Government of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia, sergilub@yandex.ru
key words
socio-genetic, the new practical knowledge, socio-economic variability
Usually, economics is defined as a science that studies social and economic relations that arise in the sphere of production. However, these relationships are formed and developed in the process of joint practical cognition, which is the basis of production carried out by interacting subjects, which in turn belong to one or another social and economic genotype formed and functioning within the given public organization and aimed at satisfying specific needs. In this case, the presence of the genotypes themselves is the result of acting the regularities inherent in human thinking and the behavior.
We have determined the specification of the economy subject as the purpose of this work.
The specific content of each socially important need is of interest to us. This determines and limits the process of management, which is the result of socio-economic genotypic nature of man.
In this study, we have used two methods. These include analytical methods and methods of comparative analysis of social processes under study.
We have obtained results that can serve as the basis for forecasting the direction and dynamics of the socio-economic life of a particular economic community at a particular stage of its functioning. We are sure that the foundations of the formation and development of production are the result of acting the pattern inherent in human thinking and behavior as such.
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