Functional Control and Diagnosis of Complex

Technical Devices

Assoc. Prof. Dr. S.V. Vantsov, Associate Professor, Department of Instrumentation Technology, Moscow Aviation

Institute, Moscow, Russia,

A.A. Khalyavina, Postgraduate, Department of Instrumentation Technology, Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow, Russia,

key words

diagnosis, automated control system, complex technical devices, algorithms, avionics systems


We have reviewed the main problems experienced by the developers of complex technical devices during the functioning control and diagnostics. We consider that continuous improvement of both the systems and controlling equipment is the main characteristic of avionics systems being developed in recent years. This is due to the increase of requirements to their functionality. We are confident that the growth of requirements to the complex systems specification leads to increase the structural complexity and, as a consequence, to increase the complexity of control and diagnostics applications. We have devoted the article to searching the solutions that will reduce labor content of control tasks implementation and reduce the influence of human factor in the process of diagnostic procedure. We also investigated the ways of quality monitoring improvement and diagnosis of complex devices.

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