Forecast of Science Priority Directions Development as an Element of Initial Data System
Assoc. Prof. Dr. V.Yu. Korchak, Chairman, Section of Applied Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia,
Assoc. Prof. Dr. V.A. Vikhrov, Head of Presidium Administration, Russian Academy of Missile and Ammunition
Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Assoc. Prof. Dr. E.Z. Tuzhikov, Leading Researcher, Section of Applied Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
key words
scientific forecasting, science development forecast, technology and engineering, targeted forecasts, technological advance, fundamental and exploratory research, technology and innovation
In this study, we have shown that scientific forecasting allows defining the priority areas of science. We are confident that it allows ensuring the creation of scientific and technological potential for solving a wide range of civil and defense oriented problems. The practice of carrying out target forecasts was widely used in the 1990s and now revives again. In this research, we have shown what the role of scientific forecasting plays in ensuring the processes of socio-economic development, national defense and state safety. Forecast documents are a constituent part of the initial data system. The formation of the state and federal target programs is based on them. We have described the basic national forecast documents and its role in creating the scientific and technical basis for the perspective technical systems.
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