Regional Experience of Improvement the Industrial
Enterprises’ Competitiveness
M.A. Yankovskaya, Deputy Head, Volga Region Center of Quality, Kazan’, Russia,
Dr. A.N. Yashin, Head, Kazan’ Branch, Head, Department, Technological Management, Kazan’, Russia,
key words
competitiveness of organization, self-assessment, methodical recommendations, complex indicator, criterion K
Constant improvement is the basis for the functioning of any successful organization. It is periodically necessary to assess and analyze the current activities of the enterprise, and determine the direction of work improving. The self-evaluation of the organization’s activities and the comparative analysis with the results of other enterprises, including competitive ones is an effective solution. We have examined the methodology for increasing the competitiveness of industrial enterprises using the mechanism of public- private partnership, developed in the Republic of Tatarstan. It is based on a multi- criteria model of enterprise’s performance assessment. We are confident that this methodology is aimed at the continuous improvement of industrial enterprises through self-assessment and subsequent comparative analysis of performance. We believe that it may be required in other regions of Russian Federation.
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