Experts on Accreditation in the Field of Conformity
Assessment and Ensuring the Uniformity
of Measurements: the Requirements
and the Procedure for Attestation
Dr. V.Е. Kovlyakova, Associate Professor, Department of Conformity Assessment, Academy of Standardization, Metrology and Certification (training), Advisor to the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation and Moscow, Technical Expert for Accreditation, Standardization Expert, Moscow, Russia,
key words
national accreditation system, conformity assessment, assurance of measurement uniformity, accreditation expert, technical expert, requirements, certification, education, experience, competence, qualification examination
We have examined the current issues, concepts and requirements established by the legislation in the field of accreditation, applied to the activity of accreditation experts and technical experts, have analyzed the main aspects, the procedure for attestation, the methodology for selecting experts for accreditation at the current stage, have presented approaches to the education, training and competence of experts on accreditation in the field of conformity assessment and ensuring the uniformity of measurements.
We consider that the status of accreditation experts should only be received by competent and qualified specialists in a certain field of activity and attestation. Since the activity of the national accreditation body as a whole depends on the quality of their work, the requirements for these experts, under the federal law On Accreditation and by-laws, are very high.
1. Order of the RF Ministry of Economic Development of 30.05.2014 No. 326 On Approval of the Criteria for Accreditation, the list
of documents confirming the applicant’s compliance with the accreditation criteria and the list of documents in the field of standardization, compliance with requirements that applicants, accredited persons ensure their compliance with the accreditation criteria.
2. Federal Law of 28.12.2013 No. 412-FZ On accreditation in the national accreditation system.
3. RF Government Resolution of 17.10.2011 No. 845 On the Federal Service for accreditation.
4. Order of the RF Ministry of Economic Development of 23.05.2014 No. 291 On Approval of the Attestation Areas’ List for Accreditation
5. Order of the RF Ministry of Economic Development of 23.05.2014 No. 287 On approval of the methodology for selecting experts for accreditation to perform work in the field of accreditation.
6. Order of the RF Ministry of Economic Development of 23.05.2014 No. 289 On Approval of the Requirements for an Accreditation Expert and the Rules for the Certification of Accreditation Experts.
7. Official site of the Federal Service for Accreditation; id/70/;
8. Resolution of the RF Government of 5.06.2014 No. 519 On approval of the general terms for the implementation of accreditation
and the procedure for confirming the competence of an accredited person, including the general terms for carrying out a documentary assessment of the applicant’s compliance with the accreditation criteria and the general terms for conducting an on-site assessment
of the applicant’s compliance with an accredited person accreditation, as well as the timing of certain administrative procedures in the implementation of accreditation and the procedure for confirming the competence of accredited person.
9. RusAccreditation order N13 from 17.01.2017 On approval of the Procedure for conducting a qualification exam for citizens who are applying for attestation of experts involved in carrying out control measures.