Metrological Provision of Technical Means for Measurement, Testing and Control
Dr. V.G. Kutyaykin, Head of Department Standardization, Certification and Quality Management, ASMS Nizhny Novgorod
Branch, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia,
key words
measuring instruments, standard, standard sample, testing equipment, control means, conformity assessment, verification, calibration
The amendments to the Federal Law «On Ensuring the Unity of Measurements», a number of new legal and regulatory documents, as well as the existing production practice, required clarification of certain provisions of the proposed classification of technical means and forms of their conformity assessment. We have examined the issues of classification and the forms of assessing the conformity of technical means for measurements, testing, control based on legal and regulatory acts in the field of ensuring the uniformity of measurements. We have described in detail the results documentation and the performers.
At present, there is ambiguity in interpretating the issue of identificating the document, accompanying the results of admission control systems’ verification. We believe that the Measurement Report can become such document, or other forms of documenting the results of the verification system verification, approved by the company: a journal, a form, electronic files. GOST R 8.884-2015 uses the concept of «certification of means of admission control».
1. Kutyaykin V.G. Formy otsenki sootvetstviya tekhnicheskikh sredstv izmereniy i kontrolya [Forms for assessing the compliance of measurement and control technical means], Metrologiya, 2013, no. 7, pp. 29–35.
2. Kutyaykin V.G., Makarov N.A. Metrologicheskoe obespechenie sredstv izmereniy, dopuskovogo kontrolya i indikatorov [Metrological provision of measuring instruments, pre-commission control and indicators], Kompetentnost’, 2013, no. 7(108), pp. 38–41.
3. Federal Law of the Russian Federation N 102-FZ from 26.06.2008 On ensuring the uniformity of measurements (with amendments).
4. GOST 16504–81 The state system of testing products. Product test and quality inspection. General terms and definitions.
5. Kutyaykin V.G., Savrovskiy K.K. Pravovaya i normativnaya baza attestatsii ispytatel’nogo oborudovaniya [Legal and regulatory base of certification of the test equipment], Kompetentnost’, 2015, no. 9–10(130–131), pp. 38–42.