The Main Innovation of the Contest the Program
100 Best Goods of Russia
M.B. Plushchevskiy, Main Methodologist, 1st Class State Civil Service Assistant, Full Member, Interregional Public
Organization, Academy of Quality Problems, Moscow, Russia,
key words
methodical documents, policy of quality, strategic structuring, the best available technologies
We have studied the structure and content of the basic documents that all participators of all-Russian contest Program 100 Best Goods of Russia must provide. We have paid the main attention to the use of different policies, including the Integrated Management System. We consider such system opens the way to a sustainable and strategic- harmonious development of the subjects of economic, educational, medical, IT or other activity. We have denoted that, starting this year, in products questionnaires the information about the innovative and import-substituting development of products, services and the modernization of production according to the plans of successful and sustainable development of the country becomes a priority. We have also examined the competition innovation, associated with changes in national legislation and recommendations on identification of the best available technologies.
1. GOST R 55833–2013 Resourсes saving. Requirements to documentation by production of products. Policy of rational using and saving of materials.
2. GOST R 55834–2013 Resourсes saving. Requirements to documentation by production of products. Environmental police of organization.
3. Plushchevskiy M.B. Avtorskie standarty ponimaniya (v dopolnenie k sotsial’nym i natsional’nym standartam) [Author comprehension standards (in addition to the social and national standards)], ASMS, 2009, 112 P.
4. Bunin G.P., Plotnikov A.V., Plushchevskiy M.B. Standartizatsiya i standartosofiya na sluzhbe tsivilizatsii (Proshloe, nastoyashchee, budushchee) [Standardization and standartosofia in the service of civilization (Past, Present, Future)], Moscow, NTK «Trek», 2011, 240 P.
5. GOST R 56020–2014 Lean Production. Fundamentals and Vocabulary.
6. GOST R ISO 50001–2012 Energy management systems. Requirements with guidance for use (IDT).
7. Plushchevskiy M.B. O novykh konkursnykh podkhodakh k podtverzhdeniyu kachestva, bezopasnosti i konkurentosposobnosti produktsii uslug [On the new competitive approach to validate the quality, safety and competitiveness of services], Mir standartov, 2015, no. 4, v. 95, pp. 36–50.
8. Plushchevskiy M.B. Ob identifikatsii v sfere importozameshcheniya [On identification in import substitution], Mir standartov, 2015, no. 6, v. 97, pp. 57–64.
9. Plushchevskiy M.B. Akademiya problem kachestva: Programma «100 luchshikh tovarov Rossii» [The Academy of Quality Problems:
the Programme Contest 100 best goods of Russia], Kompetentnost’, 2015, no. 8, pp. 30–35.
10. GOST R ISO 26000–2012 Guidelines for auditing managements systems.
11. GOST R 54934–2012 Occupational health and safety management systems — Requirements (IDT).
12. GOST R 10003–2009 Quality management — Customer satisfaction — Guidelines to dispute resolution external to organizations (IDT).