Kompetentnost' 3/124/2015

ISSN 1993-8780

Perspective Standardization iss a Way to Reduce the Information Asymmetry in the Market

A.V. Melikhov, Deputy General, FBI, Rostest-Moskva, Moscow, Russia,

Dr. Yu.P. Zubkov, Deputy Head of Department, Quality Management, FSAEI FVT, Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification, Moscow, Russia, mk@asms.ru

key words

standardization, equal

competitive conditions, standards of the organizations, asymmetry

of market, competition, consumer behavior


The symmetry of information implies equal access to information and completeness of its volume for all market participants. It creates for them an equal competitive environment. Vice versa, an information asymmetry is uneven distribution of information between buyers and sellers because of the different awareness of the conditions of sale and each other’s intentions. If the consumer is not able to assess the difference in terms of the similar products’ quality, than an adverse selection model begins to operate on the market.
In order to loosen the information asymmetry, and thus save the market, J. Akerlof offers in particular by reference to the documentation on this product. If the buyer knows in advance what he will get and this is stated in the standard, it is likely that it will be more consciously refer to the purchase of a product.
For these purposes the most suitable is a new kind of standards imposed by Article
13 of the Federal Law “On Technical Regulation” — Organization Standards (company standard). Later on some sections of the company standards can be included in the so­ called standards with future requirements. The aim of such standards is to determine the development directions of the similar products groups.
Standardization can have a significant role in reducing information asymmetry on the still developing domestic market of the EurAsEC countries.

1. Akerlof G. The Market for Lemon: Qualitative Uncertainty and Market Mechanism, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1970, vol. 88, p. 488–


2. Spence M. Market Signaling: Informational Transfer in Hiring and Related Processes, Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1974.

3. Vinogradova I.V., Kharisova S.S. Potrebitel’ i gosudarstvo [A consumer and the State], Standarty i kachestvo, 2013, no. 3, р. 6–9.

4. Auzan A.A., Kharisova S.S. Chernye i belye klavishi reform [Black and white keys of the reforms], Standarty i kachestvo , 2013, no.1, p. 6–9.

5. RF Federal Law on 27.12.2002 N 102-FZ «On Technical Regulation» (In Russia).

6. V.A. Shvandar, V.P. Panov, E.M. Kupryakov i dr., Standartizatsiya i upravlenie kachestvom produktsii: uchebnik dlya vuzov, pod red. prof. V.A. Shvandara [Standardization and product quality control], Moscow, YuNITI-DANA, 1999, 487 p.

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