Perspectives for Quipping Industrial Enterprises with Automatic Emission Control Systems
E.V. Nikitich, Deputy Director (Technical Policy), State Budgetary Environmental Institute Mosecomonitoring, Moscow, Russia,
M.Yu. Misyurev, Chief Metrologist (Metrology and Quality Control Sector), State Budgetary Environmental Institute
Mosecomonitoring, Moscow, Russia,
Dr. Ya.P. Molchanova, Associate Professor, Management and Marketing Department, Dmitry Mendeleev University
of Chemical Technology of Russia, Expert of Russian-German Project Climate Neutral Economic Activities: Implementing Best
Available Techniques in the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia,
key words
continuous (automatic)
self-monitoring systems, industrial emissions, environmental legislation, Best Available Techniques, integrated environmental permits
We consider challenges of the implementation of new environmental legislation in the field of equipping stationary emission sources with continuous monitoring systems. Key industrial enterprises of major sectors categorized as installations causing adverse environmental impacts have to install such systems in the near future. We suggest that current problems deal not only with technical aspects of measurements but very much by gaps in and shortcomings of the Russian Federation legislative acts, norms and standards setting requirements in the area.
1. RF Federal Law of 21.07.2014 N 219-FZ On amendments to the Federal law On environmental protection and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation (ad. of 3.07.2016 N 254-FZ).
2. RF Federal Law of 4.05.1999 N 96-FZ On the protection of atmospheric air (ad. of 13.07.2015 N 233-FZ).
3. RF Federal Law of 10.01.2002 N 7-ФЗ On the protection of the environment (ad. of 3.07.2016 N 254-FZ).
4. RF Government draft resolution On determination of the list of stationary sources and the list of harmful (polluting) substances subject to control by automatic means of measurement and recording of volume or mass of emissions of harmful (polluting) substances in atmospheric air, concentrations of harmful substances (pollutants) in such emissions.
5 RF Government draft executive order On approval of the list of stationary sources and the list of harmful (polluting) substances subject to control by automatic means of measurement and recording of volume or mass of emissions of harmful (polluting) substances in atmospheric air, concentrations of harmful substances (pollutants) in such emissions, as well as technical means of information transfer about volume/mass of such emissions, the concentration of harmful substances (pollutants) in such emissions.
6. The list of presidential instructions following meeting of the state Council on the issue of environmental development of the Russian
Federation in the interests of future generations of 27.12.2016.
7. The draft Federal law On amending the Federal law On amending the Federal law On environmental protection and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation and the Federal law On environmental protection in part of creation of systems of automatic control of pollutant emissions, pollutant discharges.
8. Information and technical reference on Best Available Techniques in its 22.1–2016 The General principles of industrial environmental control and metrological support, Moscow, Rosstandart, 2016.
9. RF Federal Law of 29.06.2015 N 162-FZ On standardization in Russian Federation.
10. The Ministry of natural resources order of 7.12.2012 N 425 On approval of the list of the measurements relating to the sphere of state regulation of ensuring the uniformity of measurements performed in the implementation of activities in the field of environmental protection, and compulsory metrological requirements for them, including indicators of accuracy of measurements.
11. GOST R 8.596–2002 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Metrological assurance for measuring systems. Main principles.