16 COMPETITIVENESS Kompetentnost' 1/152/2018
The Role of Unification in the Industrial Products’ Modernization
Prof. Dr. A.V. Leonov, Leading Researcher, the 46th Central Scientific Research Institute of the Russian Federation
Ministry of Defence, Moscow, Russia, alex.clein51@yandex.ru
Dr. A.Yu. Pronin, Senior Researcher, the 46th Central Scientific Research Institute of the Russian Federation Ministry of Defence, Moscow, Russia, pronin46@bk.ru
key words
modernization, unification, industrial high-tech products, program-target planning
Our research is based on the well-known encyclopedic definitions of the term modernization, emphasizing the modern constructive refinement of products. We have shown that the modernization of industrial high-tech products is a complex scientific and production problem. It requires a system solution taking into account a variety of risks, factors and conditions, including unification.
We have examined the content of key stages of modernization:
(a) formation of requirements for modernized products; (b) determination of the functional and operational-technical characteristics’ level conformity for existing products with the requirements imposed on them; (c) formation of possible options for the modernization of products to meet specified requirements; (d) determination of modernization type taking into account the state of products and directions of unification for each modernization type; (e) technical and economic assessment of modernization options by the criterion of efficiency — costs and justification for choosing a rational option.
We have proposed a method of economic evaluating the unification measures effectiveness, based on a structural analysis of the costs of modernization and establishment of those components that are most dependent on the ratio of new, including the original, and unified components. The essence of the proposed method consists in a comparative evaluation of the costs of development work for modernization using only original and with the joint use of original and unified components.
In conclusion, the maximum joint use of unification and modernization potentials becomes a priority strategy for improving and developing modern technological and technical systems. Modernization works should be carried out systematically on the basis of the methodology of program-target planning, taking into account the interrelation of existing and upgraded products, as well as the results of detailed technical and economic analysis of the whole set of measures for unification for a long period.
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4. Leonov А.V., Pronin А.Yu. Programmno-tselevoe planirovanie otrasley oboronno-promyshlennogo kompleksa [Program-target planning of the defence-industrial complex], Voprosy radioelektroniki, 2016, no. 11, v. 7, pp. 89–102.
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11. Leonov А.V., Pronin А.Yu. Effektivnost’ meropriyatiy po unifikatsii i importozameshcheniyu vysokotekhnologichnoy produktsii [Efficiency of measures for unification and import substitution of high-tech products], Voprosy radioelektroniki, 2016, no. 6, v. 5, pp. 132–142.