Kompetentnost' 7/128/2015 ISSN 1993-8780


Modelling of the Process of the Information Systems’s Functional Obsolescence

A.V. Murav’ev, Applicant, FSUE STANDARTINFORM, Moscow, Russia, info@gostinform.ru


key words

technical regulation, information systems, functional obsolescence, modernization


The monitoring of functional obsolescence of the IS should be given the highest priority because of the important role of information systems in ensuring the leading position of commercial and government entities in the economy and the defense sphere. We considered these issues based on the use of expert information on the dynamics of improving the characteristics of the equipment, the definition of sustainable trends in their backlog from advanced level and predicting the date or time period when the gap becomes unacceptable to the user.

Expert information, formalized by means of the theory of fuzzy sets and fuzzy regression analysis is used when constructing such model. These estimates can be used to assess the quality of information services to the consumer, and as a source of data in the task of planning works on modernization (reengineering) of the IS.

These results may be useful for the development of methodological support in the evaluation of the technical regulation and conformity assessment of information systems at the stages of design and operation.

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