Kompetentnost' 9 –10/120 –121/2014

ISSN 1993-8780


Self-evaluation of the Production System Quality

Dr. I.I. Antonova, Associate Professor, Director, Private Educational Institute of Higher Professional Education, Institute of Economics, Management and Law, Kazan, Russia, antonova@ieml.ru

key words

production system, lean production, quality criteria, quality indicators, analysis of the results


It is impossible to improve the quality of working life without improving the quality and the efficiency of the production system in which people work. The theme of the study was to determine the methodology for assessing staff of the enterprise quality of the production system that is the self­esteem of the existing system. The study was performed by the teachers of the Kazan Institute of Economics, Management and Law under my supervision. The system was analyzed from two perspectives: in and out of its relation with the approaches of lean manufacturing. In the first case we analyzed the activity of two plants with a high number of trainees. In the second case we analyzed all the enterprises, where the training on the principles of lean manufacturing was held.
For the first research we selected ten estimated figures which characterize the material, moral, social, psychological, organizational, cultural and motivational components of the production system. Self­assessment was carried out with the help of an anonymous survey of employees.
In the second research employees were asked to rate the level of the enterprise maturity in accordance with the concept of Lean approach. To do this the groups of three to seven members of the students studying this system management were formed in order to develop the consensus on the raised issues.
As a result of the data processing of anonymous questionnaire, the quantitative estimation of the production system is presented, as for the second one the alternative group assessment of the most important trends and performance of the company is given.
The above approaches and criteria for using the self­assessment can determine not only the aggregate level of maturity of the production system of a particular enterprise, but also the direction and priorities for improving its individual elements.

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