On the Impact of the Organization’s Social Policy on the Quality of Life
Dr. D.N. Levitskiy, Professor, Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gaz, Moscow, Russia
K.A. Pikanov, Postgraduate, Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gaz, Moscow, Russia, com@gubkin.ru
key words
social responsibility, ISO 26000, sustainable development, society
We examined the relationship of social policy and the quality of life, studied the scientific sources that investigated and analyzed this problem. We came to the conclusion that the performance indicators of companies using social programs are usually higher than those of companies that do not have social programs. Organizations that have realized the importance of social policy can improve their competitive advantages, reputation, ability to attract and retain workers, customers and customers, the morale, involvement and productivity of employees, the attitude of investors to themselves, relationships with other organizations and society as a whole. Due attention to social policy will ensure the sustainable development and well-being of the organization and society. The quality of people’s lives will change for the better, this is the main goal of social responsibility.
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