Kompetentnost' 3/114/2014

ISSN 1993-8780

Metrological Control of Total Stations

Prof. Dr. L.V. Kolomiets, Rector, Odessa State Academy for Technical Regulation and Quality, Odessa, Ukraina, odivt@list.ru

K.A. Podostroets, Graduate, Odessa State Academy for Technical Regulation and Quality, Odessa, Ukraina

key words

accuracy, metrological control, verification, tachymeters, geodesic stations, reference base lines


Modern geodesic instrument and methods of metrological control are presented. Specifics of tachymeter metrological control are considered. As an example, the Odessa reference linear basis of geodesic polygon consisting of 7 fundamental geodesic stations situated on the plain and seismically safe site is presented. A number of problems concerning the use of the existing standards are stated. The concept of a new method of tachymeter metrological control is suggested. The purpose of the new method is to create an additional stage of metrological control to allow qualitative and efficient metrological control of tachymeter that had not been subject to verification procedure previously due to various reasons. Investigations in connection with the use of the new method of tachymeter metrological control were carried out on the existing experimental reference base. The article presents the calculation of the mean-square error in measuring distances by way of multiple measuring the reference base lines.

Current measuring means of large linear dimensions as well as the existing methods of their metrological control are examined. The concept of a new method of metrological control of total stations is proposed.

1. GOST 8.503–84. Gosudarstvennaya sistema obespecheniya edinstva izmereniy. Gosudarstvennaya poverochnaya skhema dlya sredstv izmereniy dliny v diapazone ot 24 do 75000 m. [State system for enshuring the traceability. State calibration scheme for measuring lengths in the range from 24 to75000 m], Мoscow: Izdatelstvo standartov, 1984.
2. РТМ 68-8.12–85. Obshchie tekhnicheskie trebovaniya k obraztsovym bazisam dlya kontrolya geodezicheskikh dalnomerov [General technical requirements to the referencel basis for the geodesic finders control], Мoscow: TSNIIGAiK, 1985.
3. Podostroets K.A., Analiz sredstv izmeritelnoy tekhniki geodezicheskogo naznacheniya i metodov ikh metodologhicheskogo kontrolya
[Measuring technology for surveying purposes. Its analysis and methods of the metrological control], Metrolоgiya i pribory, 2013, no. 2 ІІ (40).
4. Patent Ukrainy na poleznuyu model. Sposob peredachi edinitsy fizicheskoy velichiny — metra ot etalonnykh sredstv izmeritelnoy tekhniki do rabochikh sredstv izmeritelnoy tekhniki dlya opredeleniya bolshikh lineynykh razmerov [The mode of physical quantities (meters) transmission, from the standard measuring equipment to an operating measuring equipment, for determining the large linear dimensions]: Patent 57280 Ukraina, IPC8 G01C 25/00, IPC8 G01C 3/00; byulleten no. 4; accepted 23.04.2010, publ. 25.02.2011.

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