52 TOPICAL THEME Kompetentnost' 8/129/2015

Relations between Russia and China at the Present


I.A. Shablov, Postgratuate, Russian Diplomatic Academy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia, hablovioni@gmail.com

key words

domestic policy, foreign policy, commodity turnover, strategic planning


In article deals with the prospects of development of Russian-Chinese relations in the light of the foreign policy objectives of the leadership of Russia and China. The article also outlines the problems in Russian-Chinese interstate relations at the present stage. The possible impact of some of the leading factors for the further development of relations between Russia and China is analysed.

I considered the modern Russian-Chinese interstate relations, possible prospects of their further development are analysed. Relevance of reasearch, in my opinion, is caused by the following. Today China advances Russia on dynamism of development. On the majority of economic indicators it or already bypassed, or will bypass it soon. Everything is more deeply involved in the China economic orbits the Far East. The Chinese domestic policy is very effective: this and strategic planning for the decades ahead, and the principle of political rotation, and real progress in fight against corruption. Also the foreign policy of the People’s Republic of China is successful. Therefore the Russian diplomacy should be ready to various options of succession of events and to act on the basis of in advance prepared and carefully worked plan of action.

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