On Foundations of Inter-agency Co-ordination of Works on Creation of Robotics Technology

Prof. Dr. V.Yu. Korchak, Chairman, Applied Problems Section of Russian Academy of Sciences, Full Member of Russian

Academy of Rocket and Artillery Sciences, Moscow, Russia, korchak.v@mail.ru

Dr. V.V. Ivanenkov, Associate Professor, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russia

Prof. Dr. V.A. Vikhrov, Head of the Presidium Apparatus, Corresponding Member, Russian Academy of Rocket and

Artillery Sciences, Moscow, Russia

key words

inter-agency co-ordination, robotics technology, robotic systems, fundamental and applied research, state and federal science and technology programs, projects and grants research funds


We have considered various aspects of inter-agency co-ordination in the context of one of the most perspective directions of science and technology. This is the robotics.

We believe that the development of a concept paper is attributed to the number of priority organizational, scientific and methodological measures. We are confident it is necessary to regulate the order of all phases of operation in this document to implement science and technology achievements in development activities on creating robotic systems. We have classified the stages as follows:

(a) establishing a mechanism of scientific and technical examination of the research’s results for the purpose of their correction;

(b) formation of a unified information database with the results of intellectual activity in the field of robotics technology;

(c) organization of information exchange with scientific organizations of Russian Academy of Sciences, High School, United Instrument Manufacturing Corporation, as well as Foundation for Advanced Research, Russian Foundation for Basic Research and other research foundations.

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