Digital Economy. Tools to Stimulate the Production of Innovative Products
Dr. Е.А. Rovnykh, Director, IT Department, JSC Far East Development Corporation, DBA, Moscow, Russia,
key words
innovation activity, demand, production, the state role, digital economy, software
The importance of innovation is recognized at all levels of government. Formation of infrastructure that ensures the development of innovative goods, works and services is the most important task of the RF government and all institutions of innovation development. Unfortunately, Russia is far behind leading countries in terms of production volume and innovative products consumption. Software development is one of the most dynamic and promising segments of innovative products. In the study, I have reviewed and described the main tools to stimulate the production of innovative products in the digital economy. The creation and development of virtual territories for social and economic development will provide support and further growth of innovation activity in Russia in the context of Industry 4.0 and the implementation of the state program Digital Economy of the Russian Federation.
I believe that formation of virtual territory for socio-economic development of innovative software will make it possible to reduce the software production (development) cost, to increase the transferring results speed from their development sphere to the sphere of practical use, and to stimulate its implementation.
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