Chemical Leasing. New Model of Business
Е.А. Кurilenko, Junior Researcher, Regulatory Practices Department, Federal State Unitary Enterprise, All-Russian
Research Institution for Standardization of Materials and Technology (VNII SMT), Moscow, Russia
E.V. Zbitneva, Head, Regulatory Practices Department,VNII SMT, Moscow, Russia
Dr. N.М. Мuratova, Deputy Head for Science, VNII SMT, Moscow, Russia,
Dr. D.О. Skobelev, Director, VNII SMT, Moscow, Russia
key words
leasing, chemical leasing business model lessee, lessor, competitiveness, investment appeal, modernization
We suggest to consider the business model of chemical leasing as one of the potential progressive modern technologies adopted for the construction of production processes. Thus a rational way to achieve efficiency in the sphere of industrial complex modernization is based on international experience and its extensive use. The introduction of chemical leasing guarantees financial benefits to enterprises, allowing them to increase their competitiveness, investment attractiveness and modernize production. Today, this practice is common in many developed countries and is encouraged by the state.
We have revealed the essence of chemical leasing, the principle of its application in production, and benefits of its implementation. We believe that the practical importance of the chemical leasing is that it is one of the most effective business schemes and sustainable consumption and production.
1. Leasing operations;
5. Аpshina О. Khimicheskiy lizing i konets epokhi potrebleniya [Chemical leasing and end of a consumption era], The Chemical Journal,
2010, no. 6–7.
6. RF Federal Law 29.10.1998 N 164-ФЗ (ред. 31.12.2014) Оn Financial rent (leasing).