Kompetentnost' 4/115/2014
ISSN 1993-8780
Rating System of KGMU Activity Estimation. Five-year Application Experience
Prof. Dr. L.M. Mukharyamova, Head of Department, Kazan State Medical University, RF Ministry of Health, Kazan, Russia, commerce@kgmu.kcn.ru
Prof. Dr. M.F Yaushev, Professor, Kazan State Medical University, RF Ministry of Health, Kazan, Russia, umukgmu@rambler.ru
key words
rating system, departments evaluation, score rating system of estimation, the teaching staff
activity, mechanism of actualization
Rating system of the KGMU departments and the teaching staff activity estimation was developed in 2007 and has been functioning at the University for five years. The system is a list of 50–80 achievement indicators of departments and individual employees of the University in the main areas of activity. We describe an embedded rating system, analyze the five-year results of its application, ponder over positive and negative sides.
The place (rating) of each employee is determined on the basis of the calculation of the total number of points, depending on the degree. Department rating is calculated as the sum of the scores of all staff assigned to the total payroll. After analysis of the advantages and disadvantages rating system we believe that the analysis showed the growth of all activity parameters of both departments and the University. An increasing number of departments and employees are involved in the competitive process. The University has introduced a transparent, public competitive space.
1. Polozhenie o reytingovoy sisteme otsenki deyatelnosti kafedr KGMU: metod, instruktsiya [Statute on rating system of the KGMU
departments activity estimation: method, application], Kazan, 2011.
2. Polozhenie o ballno-reytingovoy sisteme otsenki deyatelnosti professorsko-prepodavatelskogo sostava kafedr KGMU: metod, instruktsiya
[Statute on point & rating system of the KGMU departments activity estimation: method, application], Kazan, 2011.
3. RF Ministry of Health Order of 29.12.2007 no. 818 On approval of types payments list of stimulating character in Federal budgetary establishments and explanation of the payments stimulating character order (In Russia).
4. Informatsionno-analiticheskie materialy o deyatelnosti Kazanskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo universiteta za 2012 god
[Information & analytical materials about activity of Kazan State Medical University for 2012].
Ю.Н. Берновский
Стандарты и качество продукции
Учебно-практическое пособие. — М.: АСМС, 2014.
Основная цель пособия – убедить специалистов организаций в необходимости использовать достижения, зафиксированные в стандартах, в своей практической деятельности. Это позво- лит сэкономить время и средства на изготовление новой продукции и повышение ее качества. Рассматриваются экономические аспекты качества, подробно описаны процессы, влияю- щие на качество готовой продукции, говорится о роли высшего руководства и менеджмента при выпуске качественной и конкурентной продукции.
Автор знакомит читателей с законодательными основами и основополагающими стандартами в области качества, в том числе со стандартами системы менеджмента качества, националь- ными стандартами в области оценки соответствия.