Combining of Lean Рroduction Management with the Integrated Management System

Prof. Dr. V.V. Miroshnikov, Professor, Quality Management, Standardization and Metrology Department, Bryansk State Technical University, Bryansk, Russia, Т.Е. Martokova, Graduate, Quality Management, Standardization and Metrology Department, Bryansk State Technical University, Desnogorsk, Russia, martokovaTE@SAES.RU

Growth of requirements for nuclear power plants from the federal supervisory authorities and international organizations, the need to improve efficiency pose

quality management, lean

objectives in front of the NPP for improvement of all processes of the company.

production, integration, models,

The introduction of advanced methods of lean manufacturing and modern quality

methodical approach

management models, environmental, occupational health and safety in accordance with international standards marked a major problem, in particular, the lack of a uniform methodology that ensures balance between all requirements posed by systems, leading to the harmonious development of the enterprise for all indicators activity.

We discuss the problem of introduction of lean manufacturing tools in the enterprise, where quality management system has been implemented and certified. We propose a methodical approach to the integration of quality management systems, environmental, health and lean manufacturing.


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