New Stage of Quality Management Development in Russia

Prof. Dr. А.N. Shmeleva, Professor, Management and Marketing Department, S.Yu. Vitte Moscow University, Leading Scientist Worker, V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Management Problem RAN, Moscow, Russia, Prof. Dr. Yu.V. Fedorova, Head of the Department, Economics and Management, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow, Russia, Е.А. Аlyamkina, Deputy Сhief, Management and Marketing Department, S.Yu. Vitte Moscow University, Moscow, Russia

We have investigated the relationship of life quality of the population from the standpoint of ensuring its normative legal acts of evaluating the performance of local

life quality, indicators, efficiency,

governments and the annual rating of Russian regions for life quality, drawn up by

evaluation, management

the RIA Rating agency. We believe that increasing the role of health saving indicators in the evaluation of the quality of life is a new stage in the development of quality management in Russia.

We have proved the feasibility of improving the applied methodology for calculating the rating of the Russian Federation regions on the quality of life by enhancing the importance of regional health-saving performance as a major factor in assessing the population’s life quality.

The conclusion is that these indicators should be included in the list of indicators

for assessing the effectiveness of local government, as well as evaluating the efficiency

of local authorities by the public


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