Peculiarities оf Educational Organization Transfer to GOST R ISO 9001–2015
Dr. А.G. Zekunov, Professor, Deputy Head, Management Quality Department, Leading Expert, Academy of Standardization, Metrology and Certification (АSМS), Moscow, Russia,
S.V. Babykin, Head, Department of Scientific Research and Quality Management Systems, АSМS, Moscow, Russia Assoc. Prof. Dr. L.Z. Ryazapova, Head, Center for Educational-Expert and Quality Management, Kazan National Research Technological University, Kazan', Russia,
О.V. Vavilova, Head, Standardization and Quality Management Department, Kazan National Research Technological
University, Kazan', Russia
key words
quality management system, risk- oriented mind, method of FMEA
Today, higher education institutions are compelled to compete for each entrant. In this regard, quality management systems from competitive advantage become an obligatory factor of the organization's existence on the market of educational services. Successful functioning of the organization's quality management system is possible only with the constant support of top management (its leadership), ensuring processes with sufficient resources, making decisions taking into account risks and opportunities. These allows successfully to overcome resistance to changes in the external environment.
We examined the mechanisms for introducing new requirements of GOST R ISO 9001–2015 to the educational organization by implementing the risk-oriented approach in the university QMS. We offer a method for analyzing the types and consequences of FMEA failures (inconsistencies) we proposed as a tool.
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