Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution on Further Vocational Training, «Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Educational)»
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Journal Kompetentnost': 2 / 163 / 2019


  • 1
    Polar Execution as an Object of Regulation Сompetitiveness in the Arctic
    M.Yu. Kuprikov, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Prof. Dr., kuprikov@mai.ru 
    L.N. Rabinskiy, MAI, Prof. Dr., rabinskiy@mail.ru 
    N.M. Kuprikov, MAI, Science-Information Сenter Polar Initiative, FSAEI FVT ASMS, Dr., nkuprikov@mai.ru 
    А.А. Tishkov, Geography Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Prof. Dr.
    In this article, we have considered the algorithm for introducing ideas about polar implementation in different areas of activity and its regulatory and legal support for projects in the northern regions. We believe that active infrastructural development of the Russian Arctic is justified not only by its rich natural resources, but also by the strategic logistics opportunities that open up for the domestic economy. Therefore, the development of a complex Arctic standards is a necessary step in the implementation of successful activities in the Russian Arctic. Conducting research in the Arctic is aimed at studying and its scientific description, creating samples of high-tech products that can function in polar conditions, as well as developing recommendations for the organization of human activity in northern latitudes. The activity of TC 187 contributes to the strengthening of Russia’s priority positions in this region.
  • 2
    Evaluation of Standards for the Hardness of Drinking Water
    M.Yu. Zabolotnyy, D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia (D. Mendeleev University, MUCTR), mikez962@mail.ru
    E.G. Vinokurov, D. Mendeleev University, MUCTR, Prof. Dr., vin-62@mail.ru
    Kh.A. Nevmyatullina, D. Mendeleev University, MUCTR, Dr., knevm@mail.ru
    T.F. Burukhina, D. Mendeleev University, MUCTR, Dr., burukhina@bk.ru
    In this article, we made an attempt to analyze acting standards for the hardness of drinking water in different countries. In a number of countries, there are some requirements for both upper and lower limits for the hardness, as well as for the separate concentrations of calcium and magnesium. We gave a short description of the effects of the drinking water hardness on the human health and also the actual values of hardness of tap water in a number of European and Russian cities. State standard for the drinking water was introduced in Russia in 1940 and has been changed since then several times, although the hardness index has been preserved at constant level of 7 mmol-equiv/l. We have stated in the paper that an optimization of the range of hardness of drinking water is necessary for both health care of the population and minimization of the corrosion of water supply equipment and pipelines.
  • 3
    Audit of Accredited Organizations’ Management Systems
    S.L. Aleksandrov, FBI State Regional Center for Standardization, Metrology and Testing in Samara Region, Dr. Senior Researcher, stalek@bk.ru
    In the given article I have analyzed the content of the requirements of regulatory documents for internal audit of accredited organizations’ management systems. I have shown that the existing differences in requirements for internal audit of management systems depend on the type of accreditation or certification. For example, GOST R ISO / IEC 17021-1, GOST ISO / IEC 17025, GOST R ISO 9001. This is a complex organizational task, caused by the unstructured presentation of the corresponding text, differences in the terminology used, and different requirements. To solve it, I have recommended developing and applying in the organization a single documented internal audit procedure (IA) that meets the recommendations of GOST R ISO 19011. I have noted that special attention should be paid to the competence of the audit participants, primarily auditors and technical experts. Combined IA may be recommended for units of certified organizations performing work in accredited areas of activity. Identifying new not yet unidentified risks and other opportunities for improvement may be one of the effective approaches to improving the organization’s IA processes. In conclusion, I have given recommendations on the implementation of the internal audit of accredited organizations' management systems.
  • 4
    Qualimetric-statistical Evaluation of Quality Management Processes
    V.V. Miroshnikov, FSBEI HE Bryansk State Technical University, Prof. Dr., v.v.miroshnikov@mail.ru
    N.M. Borbats’, FSBEI HE Bryansk State Technical University, Dr. Assoc. Prof., borbact@mail.ru
    T.V. Shkolina, FSBEI HE Bryansk State Technical University, Dr., hedera@yandex.ru
    In the given article, we have spoken about the approach to assessing the quality management system processes by the method of forming a generalized (integrated) quality indicator using the qualification provisions. We have proposed a method of statistical determination of quality indicators’ critical values for recalculation of the obtained performance assessment using the veto coefficient. We gave an example of the application of the proposed method. We believe that the obtained performance assessment should be analyzed and form the basis of the relevant management decisions that will improve the QMS processes. However, it should be noted that when using the proposed method of finding the critical values of quality indicators, it is possible that the minimum value will be zero. As a result, the calculation of the complex indicator becomes difficult. So, further development of the proposed method is required in order to solve this problem
  • 5
    Kaizen-offers System is a Key Factor in Enterprise Development
    V.D. Mogilevets, FSBEI KNRTU-KAI, Dr.,  mogilevec-val@mail.ru
    I.A. Savin, FSBEI KNRTU-KAI, Dr. Assoc. Prof.
    We have analyzed the methods of continuous improvement and the experience of creating systems for proposing improvements to enterprises based on the Lean production methodology and tools. Continuous improvement is one of the principles of quality management systems and Lean production. The policy of continuous improvement in Japan is determined by the kaizen philosophy. This is a hard, deliberate process of continually improving all aspects of an organization’s activities in order to increase value and reduce losses, in which all company employees are involved. Employees are given the right, tools and methodology to find opportunities for improvement and make changes. The Kaizen- offers system stimulates the growth of the personal and professional development of each team member, provides a basis for continuous improvements, allowing the company to remain stable in today’s competitive environment.
  • 6
    Methodology of Innovative Manufacturing Systems Entropic Analisys
    D.А. Tomasova, Department of Management, St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design, rameria@rambler.ru
    The main task of this article consists in investigating possibilities of entropic analysis for efficacious assessment of innovative activity and quality of manufacturing system functioning. In this article I have analyzed the use of such categories as «entropy» and «information» in economic science, innovation and industrial management. The study is based on the methods of terminological and comparative analysis as well as on specification of methods for calculating of share entropy. As a result of theoretical and practical research in this article I offer an algorithm of manufacturing system innovative development uniformity monitoring. Research results can be used as the base of formation of manufacturing data monitoring system aimed at guaranteeing high level of innovative activity.