Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution on Further Vocational Training, «Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Educational)»
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From «Kompetentnost» Journal

  • Topical Issues of Transport Systems Safety
    Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yu.A. Baryshev, Head, Electrical Measurements Department, FSAEI FVT ASMS, Moscow, Russia, baryshev@asms.ru 
    Dr. A.K. Tabunshchikov, Associate Professor, Russian University of Transport, Moscow, Russia 
    A.S. Kuz’min, Postgraduate, Russian University of Transport, Moscow, Russia
    We have considered issues related to the safety of rail transport in the new economic
    conditions for servicing automation and telemechanics devices. First, issues related
    to the safety of railway transport in the context of the increasing role of automation
    and remote control devices.
    We assessed the risks of hazardous and emergency situations associated with
    external factors of exposure and proposed ways to eliminate the causes of device
    malfunctions and the emergency situations risk reduce.
    The reason for the violation of the operating mode of the automatic locomotive
    signaling requires serious statistical measurements at the highest metrological level, but
    at present they are not carried out. The complexity of the solution lies in the different
    subordination of various transport structures responsible for individual sections of the
    work of the same automatic locomotive signaling system, we consider. Therefore, the
    causes of failures are not well understood and understood.
    An assessment of the risks of hazardous and emergency situations associated with
    external factors of impact is given. The ways of searching and eliminating the causes of
    device failures and reducing the risks of occurrence of contingencies.
    Download the article Last issue


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