Journal Kompetentnost'
ISSN 1993-8780

ASMS & Journal's History
Great attention in our country was always paid to the specialists’ training and retraining. Constant improvement of the role of standardization and metrology in the national economy required fundamental, systematic training and higher quality in education.
Academy for standardization, metrology and certification was found in 1968 as a National institution for further vocational training in the field of standardization, product quality and metrology (NISM).
The Institute was established by order of the Committee of standards, measures and measuring instruments of the USSR Council of Ministers according to the decree On Improving the training system for managers and professionals in industry, construction, transport, communication and commerce released in 1967.
When forming NISM included 7 faculties, 4 institute departments, St. Petersburg branch with 2 faculties and 18 study support centers in different USSR cities. There were 296 people in the institute stuff, among them professors and doctors of science.
While its first academic year the institute had 18 training programs on standardization and quality and 11 metrology programs. Within a year the institute trained 7500 people, and after 5 years a contingent of listeners has grown up to 18,500 people per year.
Because of its intensive development work on standardization NISM also became a training standardization learning center. For example, in NISM were organized lecturers’ study courses on relevant disciplines in higher and secondary educational institutions.
NISM has acquired various international links. Experts in standardization, metrology and quality management from more than 30 countries, including Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Mongolia, Cuba, Vietnam, the developing countries of Asia and Africa were trained there.
In 1992 it was renamed as the Central Institute for retraining and further education in standardization, metrology and certification (CISM). CISM audience contingent in 1992-93 has decreased to 3-4 thousand people per year.
With the RF laws On Standardization, On traceability ensuring, On product and services certification, On Protection of Consumer Rights it was clearly identified the need for extensive training and personnel skills improvement in order to implement for the law realization. In 1995, taking into account increasing goals and objectives it was decided to upgrade the educational institution to the Academy for standardization, metrology and certification (educational) (ASMS).
In 2000 ASMS began to publish its own journal Kvalifikatsiya i Kachestvo (Qualification and Quality). Its first aim was to ensure the educational process.
The Federal Law On technical regulation initiated the development of the educational system: the contingent of students was growing, all educational programs were actualized, the number of specializations increased, short-term seminars on topical issues of technical regulation, metrology and management became part of the training process.
Since 2004, it was decided to rename and reorient the journal. So, it obtained its new name – Kompetentnost' (The Competence). The journal had received hard tasks to do. It had to win strong position in mass media market in the short terms and enter the Russia The Higher Attestation Comission (VAC) list.
Thanks to staff professionalism, scientific advices of leading Russian and foreign experts, its own style and publications quality the journal was included in the Russia VAC list in 2010.
We can surely say that the journal became recognizable, has formed its traditions and priorities, and has its own range of authors and readers. The key task is to move with the times. That’s why the Russian economy modernization, innovations, information technology development are among the most important areas of the journal.
On the 8th Moscow International Salon of Innovations and Investments the journal Kompetentnost' won the gold medal in the category Press about innovations.
Materials of the journal publications are actively used at conferences, seminars, reports and are frequently discussed by the experts during round tables.
Academy for standardization, metrology and certification was found in 1968 as a National institution for further vocational training in the field of standardization, product quality and metrology (NISM).
The Institute was established by order of the Committee of standards, measures and measuring instruments of the USSR Council of Ministers according to the decree On Improving the training system for managers and professionals in industry, construction, transport, communication and commerce released in 1967.
When forming NISM included 7 faculties, 4 institute departments, St. Petersburg branch with 2 faculties and 18 study support centers in different USSR cities. There were 296 people in the institute stuff, among them professors and doctors of science.
While its first academic year the institute had 18 training programs on standardization and quality and 11 metrology programs. Within a year the institute trained 7500 people, and after 5 years a contingent of listeners has grown up to 18,500 people per year.
Because of its intensive development work on standardization NISM also became a training standardization learning center. For example, in NISM were organized lecturers’ study courses on relevant disciplines in higher and secondary educational institutions.
NISM has acquired various international links. Experts in standardization, metrology and quality management from more than 30 countries, including Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Mongolia, Cuba, Vietnam, the developing countries of Asia and Africa were trained there.
In 1992 it was renamed as the Central Institute for retraining and further education in standardization, metrology and certification (CISM). CISM audience contingent in 1992-93 has decreased to 3-4 thousand people per year.
With the RF laws On Standardization, On traceability ensuring, On product and services certification, On Protection of Consumer Rights it was clearly identified the need for extensive training and personnel skills improvement in order to implement for the law realization. In 1995, taking into account increasing goals and objectives it was decided to upgrade the educational institution to the Academy for standardization, metrology and certification (educational) (ASMS).
In 2000 ASMS began to publish its own journal Kvalifikatsiya i Kachestvo (Qualification and Quality). Its first aim was to ensure the educational process.
The Federal Law On technical regulation initiated the development of the educational system: the contingent of students was growing, all educational programs were actualized, the number of specializations increased, short-term seminars on topical issues of technical regulation, metrology and management became part of the training process.
Since 2004, it was decided to rename and reorient the journal. So, it obtained its new name – Kompetentnost' (The Competence). The journal had received hard tasks to do. It had to win strong position in mass media market in the short terms and enter the Russia The Higher Attestation Comission (VAC) list.
Thanks to staff professionalism, scientific advices of leading Russian and foreign experts, its own style and publications quality the journal was included in the Russia VAC list in 2010.
We can surely say that the journal became recognizable, has formed its traditions and priorities, and has its own range of authors and readers. The key task is to move with the times. That’s why the Russian economy modernization, innovations, information technology development are among the most important areas of the journal.
On the 8th Moscow International Salon of Innovations and Investments the journal Kompetentnost' won the gold medal in the category Press about innovations.
Materials of the journal publications are actively used at conferences, seminars, reports and are frequently discussed by the experts during round tables.
Journal’s policy.
Scientific and technical journal Kompetentnost' (The competence) is a Russian periodical that provides experts of various industrial sectors with professional information.
The journal informs about current trends in science and practice in various activities, new concept and techniques of practical quality assurance, measurements assurance, etc. It covers topical issues of enterprises and organizations competitiveness. Considerable importance is given to increase products (including environmental), processes and regions safety.
The modern economy requires constant knowledge improvement, retraining and other important abilities. Nowadays the key priority for any enterprise is highly qualified personnel. Professionals always need to improve their educational level and refresh knowledge. Scientific and practical journal Kompetentnost helps them to find all these.
Articles on vocational training, technical regulation and standardization, measurement assurance, confirmation assessment, management systems, innovations, competitive recovery are given in our journal.
Academy activity is also in the focus of attention. On our pages one can find new educational programs developed by ASMS experts, modern teaching methods, work in ASMS departments. Our professors and teachers are eager to share their knowledge and practical experience with the readers. Russian and foreign scientists, heads of department and experts share their views on what take place in our country, national and international organizations activities. Special attention is paid to domestic products safety and quality, problems of the Commonwealth.
We publish informational and analytical materials, results of researches carried out by domestic and international markets of educational and innovative services. Problematic issues of enterprises or regions competitiveness, management system are on consideration. You also can learn where and how to get additional vocational training and improve qualification.
Our key task is to help everyone who tries to become competent in technical regulation, standardization, measurement assurance, confirmation assessment and quality management systems – everyone who is willing to get an up-to-date knowledge and to better comprehend various life situations.
The journal informs about current trends in science and practice in various activities, new concept and techniques of practical quality assurance, measurements assurance, etc. It covers topical issues of enterprises and organizations competitiveness. Considerable importance is given to increase products (including environmental), processes and regions safety.
The modern economy requires constant knowledge improvement, retraining and other important abilities. Nowadays the key priority for any enterprise is highly qualified personnel. Professionals always need to improve their educational level and refresh knowledge. Scientific and practical journal Kompetentnost helps them to find all these.
Articles on vocational training, technical regulation and standardization, measurement assurance, confirmation assessment, management systems, innovations, competitive recovery are given in our journal.
Academy activity is also in the focus of attention. On our pages one can find new educational programs developed by ASMS experts, modern teaching methods, work in ASMS departments. Our professors and teachers are eager to share their knowledge and practical experience with the readers. Russian and foreign scientists, heads of department and experts share their views on what take place in our country, national and international organizations activities. Special attention is paid to domestic products safety and quality, problems of the Commonwealth.
We publish informational and analytical materials, results of researches carried out by domestic and international markets of educational and innovative services. Problematic issues of enterprises or regions competitiveness, management system are on consideration. You also can learn where and how to get additional vocational training and improve qualification.
Our key task is to help everyone who tries to become competent in technical regulation, standardization, measurement assurance, confirmation assessment and quality management systems – everyone who is willing to get an up-to-date knowledge and to better comprehend various life situations.
Our advantages.
Exclusive content
Wide range of issues and their practical use
Scientific questions and their accessible presentation
Publication of dissertation materials properly and timely.
- Education
- Innovation
- Standardization
- Technical regulation
- Metrology
- Management
- Microeconomics
- Sustainable development
- Competitiveness
- Research
- Topical theme
- Review
- Conferencess
- Education;
- New educational programs and training materials in the field of education;
- Innovations;
- Technical regulation;
- Problems of standardization, certification, declaration;
- Measurements assurance;
- Current management issues;
- Competitiveness;
- Quality management
- Reliability and safety
Material submitted for publication may be very diverse.
The Journal is represented in:
1. Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI).
2. Scientific electronic library RUNEB (eLibrary)
3. Scientific electronic library "CyberLeninka"
1. Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI).
2. Scientific electronic library RUNEB (eLibrary)
3. Scientific electronic library "CyberLeninka"
4. Internet resource RUKONT
5. The University library online
6. Electronic library system IPRbooks
7. Publishing House "LAN"; Electronic library system "Lan"
8. East View Information Services (IVIS)
9. Ulrich's Periodicals Directory
10. In the information market of the CIS countries.
In our work we follow professional ethics and the ethics of scientific publications. No abuse have been identified.
2024 год
2023 год
2022 год
2021 год
2020 год
2019 год
2018 год
2017 год
2016 год
2015 год
2014 год
2013 год
Monthly Research and Practice Journal
Published since 2000. (Previous name: Kvalifikatsiya i Kachestvo [Qualification and Quality])
Certificate of registry ПИ no. ФС-77-48934 from 12.03.2012.
Certificate of registry ПИ no. ФС-77-48934 from 12.03.2012.
Included in the list of publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission.
Volgogradsky ave., 90/1, Moscow, 109443, Russia
Chief Editor – Vladimir N. Voronin
Deputy Chief Editor – Svetlana A. Kalintseva
Telf: +7 (499) 172 7717, 172 5757
Fax: +7 (499) 742 5241