Journal Kompetentnost': 179/180 / 9-10 / 2020
Dynamics and Development Prospects of Carpooling IT Platforms in Restrictions Conditions
Authors: A.N. Shmeleva, G.V. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Assoc. Prof. Dr., schmelevaanna@mail.ruDespite the active development of carpooling in the world, the advantages of its use in our country, especially in the Moscow region, are underestimated and poorly implemented. I have researched the dynamics and problems of development of IT platforms for carpooling in the country and abroad in China, France, the Netherlands, the USA, Portugal, Great Britain and Ireland. And considered problems both from the point of view of users of the service (i.e., the control object) and from the point of view of the service itself (the communication channel). Of course, the development of carpooling (as well as other sharing segments) was greatly influenced by the Pandemic situation in the country and the world. To improve the Russian service of transportation offered three directions: development in the application of the query function trip passengers; mandatory inclusion of the function of the regulator of the payment order reservation and travel, as well as penalties for violation of the rules by the platform participants with payment of relevant fee IT platform; the change in coverage area travel service with an extension to inner‑city areas (primarily in Moscow). I believe that as a result of the proposed changes, the efficiency of using the IT platform will increase and the environmental situation in the Moscow region will improve.DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2020-10901
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Automatic Emission Control: Experience with Predictive Systems
Authors: V.P. Meshalkin, D.I. Mendeleev Russian University of Chemical Technology, N.S. Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of RAS, Аcademician of RAS, Prof. Dr.D.O. Skobelev, Federal State Autonomous Institution Research Institute Center for Environmental Industrial Policy, PhDA.Yu. Popov, Federal State Autonomous Institution Research Institute Center for Environmental Industrial Policy, PhD, ChemistryThe analysis of international legislative practice of application of predictive emission monitoring systems (PEMS) in environmental activities was carried out. It is shown that PEMS as specialized tools of mathematical simulation and continuous assessment of pollutants released represent a reasonable alternative to the instrumental systems in cases when the relationship between a limited number of controlled variables of the state of technological processes and the concentration of the pollutants in emissions is scientifically justified. It has been found that while regulatory approval of PEMS differs from country to country, there is a trend towards the adoption of emission simulation technologies. To stimulate the integration of mathematical models that predict concentrations of emissions into continuous emission monitoring systems, it is advisable to take measures to improve the current legislation governing the implementation of automatic emission control at facilities related to BAT application areas.DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2020-10902
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Normative Problems of Calculating Dynamic Parameters of Buildings and Structures
Authors: Zh.G. Mogilyuk, Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Center for Fundamental and Applied Research on Reliability of Construction Projects, PhDV.V. Poduval’tsev, N.E. Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Assoc. Prof. PhD, vvpoduval@mail.ruWe discussed the theoretical foundations of computational modeling of dynamic characteristics of building structures in the article. There are objective reasons for slowing down its implementation in civil construction, we have shown. On the basis of the theory and method of vibro‑acoustic analogies by Prof. Hlystunov M.S. algorithms for calculating dynamic characteristics are obtained. The results of a critical analysis of GOST 34081–2017: Buildings and structures are presented. Determining the parameters of the fundamental tone of natural vibrations. In addition, we conducted comparative studies of the fundamental differences in the amplitude‑frequency characteristics of real building structures and calculated materials of Appendix D to GOST 34081–2017. We believe that to solve the existing problems, a significant modernization of higher education programs is necessary, starting with the course of higher mathematics and ending with General professional and special disciplines of the graduating departments in the profile Industrial and civil construction.DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2020-10903
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Collection of Fees for Impact on the Operation of a Centralized Water Disposal System
Authors: A.V. Kodolova, St. Petersburg Federal Research Center of RAS, St. Petersburg Research Center for Environmental Safety of RAS, PhD, alena_kodolova@mail.ruА.B. Manvelova, St. Petersburg Federal Research Center of RAS, St. Petersburg Research Center for Environmental Safety of RAS, abmanvelova@mail.ruWe have analyzed the practice of applying the Rules of cold water supply and sanitation, taking into account the changes made by the RF Government Decree N 728. We believe, that amendments to Regulation N 644 have significantly improved this legal act. But, unfortunately, at present, it is still difficult to call the judicial practice of collecting fees for violation of the requirements for the composition and properties of wastewater uniform. We think, that it is necessary to finalize the issue of a unified interpretation of the results of studies of wastewater samples that are outside the definition range specified in the laboratory’s accreditation area. We have proposed a number of additional adjustments to improve these Rules in relation to the calculation of fees for negative impacts on centralized water disposal systems.DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2020-10904
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Electric Car — is it the Future or a Myth?
Authors: Yu.A. Baryshev, FSAEI FVT Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Training), Assoc. Prof. PhD, elizm@asms.ruM.L. Palagin, FSAEI FVT Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Training), PhDWe reviewed the development of the electric vehicle market, battery production, as well as the problems of modern energy to explore the possibility of a full transition to the operation of electric vehicles in the near future. Although many automakers say that they are almost ready to switch to the production of exclusively electric vehicles, we nevertheless recommend not to rush to a radical solution to this problem for the following main reasons: cold climate, the need to charge batteries before and during travel, lack of developed infrastructure, high cost of ownership of an electric car, difficulties with the production, maintenance, replacement, disposal of batteries, conflict of interests of oil and gas producers, etc. Despite the fact that the serious competitive advantages of electric vehicles are not disputed, we are confident that traditional cars with internal combustion engines, hybrids, and alternative fuel vehicles will continue to fight honestly and almost equally for consumers in the coming decades.DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2020-10905
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Management Company’s Quality Management System
Authors: A.O. Gorkunova, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, gorkynovalina@gmail.comL.A. Red’ko (Redko), National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Assoc. Prof. PhD, laredko@tpu.ruM.N. Yanushevskaya, Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics, PhD, vela2007@bk.ruWe have examined the main aspects of the management company’s activities serving modern apartment buildings, and have analyzed the concepts of utilities and housing services. We have also studied the basic principles of the management company’s quality management system: housing market research, the formation of a management portfolio and the acceptance of apartment buildings, operational planning, maintenance of the house fund, settlements with consumers and additional paid services; identified external and internal factors affecting the work of the management company. In addition, we have classified the risks, established the most effective methods for their assessment. We believe that the considered aspects of the management company, as well as the results of internal audit, assessment of customer satisfaction, etc., will allow the top management to give an objective assessment of the organization’s QMS, and will help the further development of the company.DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2020-10906
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Informal Knowledge in the Accredited Organizations Management System
Authors: S.L. Aleksandrov, Samara Branch of FSAEI FVT ASMS, FBI State Regional Center for Standardization, Metrology and Testing in the Samara Region, PhD Senior Researcher, stalek@bk.ruI tried to draw the specialists’ attention to the need of mentoring procedures development in accredited organizations for the right to carry out work in the field of verification and calibration of measuring instruments, examination and testing, as well as certification. I consider that it is necessary to remind that the peculiarity of mentoring and certification in accredited organizations is the binding of the trained personnel to a narrow specialization and to a specific workplace of departments. In my work, I have also stated the fact that mentoring must be appropriately motivated and stimulated in order to maintain its existence and development. In addition, I reviewed and analyzed the main points of mentoring at the stages of the probationary period, internship and creation of a pool of employees.DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2020-10907
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Basic Concepts of the Digital Measurements Metrology
Authors: D.N. Sattorov, Uzbek Agency for Standardization, Metrology and Certification, uzst@standart.uzP.M. Matyakubova, Islam Karimov Tashkent State Technical University, Prof. Dr., p.matyakubova@tdtu.uzWe reviewed the basic concepts of measurement systems Metrology and showed the shortcomings of historically established methods of metrological certification of digital measurement systems. We consider it appropriate to allocate and metrologically certify as measuring instruments in modern measuring systems only their input part, primary digital measuring instruments or measuring channels with digital output, while the remaining system tools are considered as secondary non‑measuring tools that require digital certification, not metrological. This approach can significantly reduce the cost of metrological support for measuring systems. The current issues discussed are undoubtedly of great importance for the socio‑economic development of Uzbekistan in the coming years, because its future is inextricably linked with the widespread introduction and use of digital technologies.DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2020-10908
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Some Metrological Aspects of Applied Measurements. Automobile Transport
Authors: V.A. Grushnikov, VINITI of RAS, Assoc. Prof. PhD, viniti@mach04.ruCompetitiveness in comparison with other types of modern road transport, along with the undoubted advantage of the prompt delivery of passengers and goods, is ensured by the implementation of measures for the constructive and technological optimization of rolling stock, which has increased active and passive mechanical, as well as environmental safety, comfort and ergonomics. Achieving these interrelated goals is impossible without the use of innovations in all areas and at all stages of the life cycle, from design, including manufacturing and operation, to disposal, and the use of control and measuring devices operating on the principles of direct and / or indirect registration of monitored parameters based on ultra‑precise metrological methodologies that are optimal in specific environmental conditions and most appropriate for the multi‑vector process of monitoring various parameters. They characterize the values of indicators that determine the autonomy, efficiency and safety of the use of automobile wheeled rolling stock.DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2020-10909