Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution on Further Vocational Training, «Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Educational)»
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Journal Kompetentnost': 221 / 1 / 2025


  • 1
    On Training Specialists In the Field of Metrology, Technical Regulation & Standardization
    Authors: M.A. Cherepanov, Ural Branch of Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Training) (Ural Branch of ASMS), Russian Academy of Natural History, Assoc. Prof. PhD (Ped.) 
    M.A. Ishutina, Ural Branch of ASMS
    The discussion is about the training and education of qualified engineers as the main task of institutions of additional professional education at a qualitatively new level of development of domestic metrology and the implementation of projects for the introduction of high-tech production, as well as the need to popularize such professions as metrologist, standardization specialist and related ones. It should be noted that the teaching staff of the branch has the highest qualifications in the field of metrology, standardization and quality management, as well as extensive practical experience. Honored metrologists of COOMET, candidates of sciences, technical experts of Rosaccreditation and the Rosstandart system, chief metrologists of large industrial enterprises of the region teach here.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2025-1-04-06

  • 2
    On the Effectiveness of Voluntary Certification Systems
    Authors: I.Z. Aronov, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) (MGIMO University), FSBI Russian Standardization Institute (FSBI RST), Dr. (Tech.), Senior Researcher 
    A.M. Rybakova, MGIMO University, FSBI RST, PhD (Biol.)
    E.V. Lebedinskaya, FSBI RST
    The results of a systematic analysis of the effectiveness of voluntary certification systems (VCS) of agro-industrial enterprises in developing countries, carried out within the framework of evidence-based methodology, are considered. It summarizes the results of 43 quantitative and 136 qualitative studies on the impact of certification on the most important socio-economic factors, such as product prices, farm income, and standard of living. The authors of the article revealed that there is uncertainty in assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of using the voluntary certification tool in Russian practice. In this regard, they consider it advisable to develop adequate criteria in the country to correctly assess the benefits associated with certification. 
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2025-1-07-11

  • 3
    A Conceptual Model of the Science & Technologies  Achievements’ Impact on the Production  Development
    Authors: V.Yu. Korchak, Innovation Technology Center of Bauman Moscow State Technical University (ITC BMSTU), Full Member of Russian Academy of Rocket and Artillery Sciences, Dr. (Ec.), korchak.v@mail.ru 
    D.Е. Baranov, ITC BMSTU, PhD (Tech.) 
    N.S. Efimova, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) (MAI), Assoc. Prof. Dr. (Ec.) 
    E.V. Surkova, MAI, Assoc. Prof. PhD (Ec.)
    The description of the main scenario conditions for the development of weapons and the corresponding production base is given. A conceptual model of the impact of scientific, technical and technological achievements on the development of industrial production of defense products is proposed. The content of its main stages is revealed. To date, conceptual models have been developed that relate to various areas of human activity, including defense. The production of high-tech defense products is precisely the final stage of the conceptual model of the impact of scientific and technological achievements on its development. The proposed conceptual model can be used in shaping the activities of the state program of the Russian Federation Development of the military-industrial complex, as well as in planning the production of defense products for the future. 
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2025-1-12-15

  • 4
    Digitalization of the Pharmaceuticals Production Process
    Authors: S.M. Goryunova, FSBEI HE Kazan National Research Technological University (FSBEI HE KNRTU), Assoc. Prof. PhD (Chem.), svetlanagoryunova@yandex.ru 
    N.G. Nikolaeva, FSBEI HE KNRTU, Assoc. Prof. PhD (Chem.), natalia0205@yandex.ru 
    We have described the main problems in the production of a specific medicinal product at one of the leading pharmaceutical enterprises in the Russian Federation. Using the model for describing the business processes of the As is organization, the process of production and validation of medicinal products (MP) was detailed. Based on the developed schemes and surveys of the main stakeholders (owner, performers) of the processes, nine key problems in the production process of a specific MP were identified. They lead to product defects. Also, to determine the root causes of production problems, all identified problems were analyzed using the Lean production tool 5 whys. As the analysis showed, the reasons for the defects were very different from the original version and were caused by other factors. In this way, the most common causes of all key problems in the production process of a specific MP were identified. The identified problems were ranked, followed by the development of corrective measures to eliminate them. 
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2025-1-16-21

  • 5
    Modern Technologies for Improving the Quality  of Services in the Transport Industry
    Authors: O.V. Knyaz’kina, FSBEI HE Siberian State Industrial University (FSBEI HE SibSIU), Assoc. Prof. PhD (Tech.), dmtov@mail.ru 
    R.M. Khamitov, FSBEI HE Kazan State Power Engineering University, Assoc. Prof. PhD (Tech.), hamitov@gmail.com 
    G.V. Dmitriev, FSBEI HE SibSIU, dmtov1@gmail.com 
    O.P. Chernikova, FSBEI HE SibSIU, Assoc. Prof. PhD (Ec.), chernikovaop@yandex.ru
    Transport services connect all sectors of the country’s economy. The main task of transportation services is to meet the requirements of passengers and shippers in accordance with established requirements and standards. In this regard, it is necessary to study customer requests, accurately formulate and professionally implement marketing strategies for customer transportation services. The use of artificial intelligence in the organization of the transportation process creates conditions for improving the efficiency and quality of transport services. Of particular relevance is the concept of a Smart city, with a multidimensional urban transport system integrated into this concept, which is aimed at solving urban problems related to the transport sector.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2025-1-22-27

  • 6
    Procedure for Assessing the Maturity Level of an Organization’s Quality Culture
    Authors: M.M. Mityugina, Ulyanov Chuvash State University (Ulyanov ChuvSU), Assoc. Prof. PhD (Ec.), mityuginamm@gmail.com 
    T.V. Kravchenko, Ulyanov ChuvSU, PhD (Ec.), dtv1981@yandex.ru
  • 7
    Improving the Reliability of Multiparametric  Measurement Testing
    Authors: S.B. Danilevich, Novosibirsk Branch of FSAEI FVT Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Training) (FSAEI FVT ASMS), Novosibirsk State Technical University, Prof. Dr. (Tech.), Senior Researcher, ser-danilevich@yandex.ru 
    K.P. Arsyutin, FSAEI FVT ASMS, kirillarsyutin@yandex.ru
    The possibilities of increasing the reliability of the control results of products with nominal values of controlled parameters and their permissible deviations are considered. The Monte Carlo method (digital modeling) was proposed to substantiate the requirements for the accuracy of parameter measurement, as well as to determine control tolerances for parameters. The influence of measurement uncertainty and control tolerances on control reliability indicators is considered. The Monte Carlo method is used to calculate the risks of the customer and the manufacturer under multiparametric control. The influence on these risks and the probability of error of 2nd types of uncertainty in the measurement of parameters and the introduction of control tolerances has been investigated.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2025-1-34-36

  • 8
    Analysis of the Uncertainty Assessment of the  Moisture Volume Fraction Hygrometer 
    Authors: A.K. Zhumagali, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, RSE Kazakhstan Institute of Standardization and Metrology, wap.aseke.kz@mail.ru 
    B.U. Baykhozhaeva, Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Prof. Dr. (Tech.), bajxozhaeva63@mail.ru
    Measuring gas humidity in units of the moisture volume fraction is crucial in a wide range of scientific, industrial, and environmental applications. The moisture volume fraction provides an accurate and quantitative measurement of the moisture content in the gas. In the article we have analyzed the uncertainty assessment of the moisture volume fraction unit, reproducing the values measured in pressure and temperature units at a point using the one-pressure (1-P) and one-temperature (1-T) method. The values of dew point temperature sensitivity coefficients are proposed and equations for determining the sensitivity coefficients are disclosed. The effect of atmospheric pressure in the range from 84 kPa to 106 kPa on moisture volume fractions determined under normal atmospheric conditions is investigated. Calibrated using a barometer and a dew point hygrometer. 
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2025-1-37-41

  • 9
    Evaluation of Testing Equipment Suppliers in the  Context of Sanctions
    Authors: M.A. Ditskiy, FSBEI HE MIREA — Russian Technological University (FSBEI HE RTU MIREA), mikhailditsky@mail.ru 
    A.A. Spiridonova, FSBEI HE RTU MIREA, Assoc. Prof. PhD (Ec.), al.spiridonova@gmail.com
    In modern economic conditions caused by sanctions and changes in world trade, the problem of import substitution of testing equipment is becoming more and more urgent. Admittedly, domestic enterprises still do not fully ensure import substitution of testing equipment. A comparative analysis of priority testing equipment suppliers before and after the sanctions was conducted. This analysis showed that the imposed restrictions contribute to the development of domestic testing equipment production and the expansion of potential importers from other countries. To select the most competent new suppliers, a mathematical model was implemented, which will allow for the evaluation of supplier reliability for testing equipment, taking into account a comprehensive assessment of multiple key criteria.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2025-1-42-47

  • 10
    Analysis of Trends of the Placement Enterprises  Classification in Russia 
    Authors: E.V. Polzikova, Kuban State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism (KSUPCST), Assoc. Prof. PhD (Ped.), janepopernyak@yandex.ru 
    E.L. Zadneprovskaya, KSUPCST, Assoc. Prof. PhD (Ec.), ele-zadnepr@yandex.ru
    In light of the ever-increasing interest in traveling in Russia, special attention is now being focused on improving the quality of services provided by accommodation enterprises. Recently, the regulation of the hotel business in Russia has undergone many significant adjustments within the framework of the regulatory framework. The article we have analyzed the trends in the classification of accommodation enterprises in accordance with the amendments to the current Regulation on the hotels’ classification. There is a certain tendency to increase the requirements for hotels in terms of the classification process and reduce the responsibility of accredited organizations that carry out this procedure. This fact, we think, will lead to a situation where the quality of hotel service may deteriorate, and, in turn, may lead to a weakening of the confidence of both domestic and foreign tourists in the hotel business in Russia. 
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2025-1-48-53

  • 11
    Development of a Software Prototype for the Air  Flow Velocity Working Standard
    Authors: V.A. Afanas’ev, Institute N 2 of Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) (Institute N 2 of MAI), Assoc. Prof. Dr. (Tech.), vaa96@mail.ru 
    A.A. Versin, Institute N 2 of MAI, a.versin@rt-techpriemka.ru
    K.A. Arkhitskaya, Institute N 2 of MAI, arkhitskaya.ka@yandex.ru
    O.D. Khokhryakova, Institute N 2 of MAI, olyakhokhryakova@gmail.com
    Wind tunnel software development is a rapidly evolving field. The main prospects for development are (a) improving the algorithm for executing the program; (b) improving the user interface. We have discussed the development of a prototype software that automates the testing of a wind tunnel setup and the processing of the obtained data for a reference air flow with a known velocity. The improvements to the algorithm include the possibility of using the software not only for wind tunnels of low and high subsonic speeds, but also for supersonic ones, which is a difficult task for a researcher. Improvements to the user interface include the creation of a full-fledged application that will allow for greater convenience in controlling the system without having to access the program code directly. Specific improvements will depend on the specific test objectives.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2025-1-54-61


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