Journal Kompetentnost': 174 / 4 / 2020
REACH. Safe Handling of Chemicals in Galvanic Plants
Authors: Kh.A. Nevmyatullina, D.I. Mendeleev Russian University of Chemical Technology (MUCTR named after D.I. Mendeleev), All-Russian Institute of Scientific and Technical Information RAS (VINITI RAS), Assoc. Prof. Dr., knevm@mail.ruT.F. Burukhina, MUCTR named after D.I. Mendeleev, Assoc. Prof. Dr., burukhina@br.ruE.G. Vinokurov, MUCTR named after D.I. Mendeleev, A.N. Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry RAS (IPCE RAS), VINITI RAS, Prof. Dr., vin-62@mail.ruN.Yu. Skopintseva, Federal Institute of Industrial Property (FIPS)We have described the features of applying REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemical Substances) regulations by coating companies. We have noted that from the list of environmental safety concerns (SVHCs), only hexavalent chromium compounds can be used to protect against corrosion. We believe that coating manufacturers will most likely not be required to obtain permits to import their products into Europe due to the insignificant specific content of any substances (including those included in the list of SVHCs) in the coating relative to the weight of the entire product. We have shown the value of the adopted EAEU TR 041/2017 On the safety of chemical products for enterprises — exporters of chemical products.
DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2020-10401
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Return of Secondary Resources into Economic Turnover: Economics, Technology, Law
Authors: D.O. Skobelev, Research Institute Environmental Industrial Policy Centre, Russian Bureau of Best Available Techniques, TC 113 Best Available Techniques, PhD (Economics)In the Russian Federation, recycling of secondary resources has to become an integral part of the industrial policy. Resource efficiency enhancement, resource conservation and recycling are the directions of circular economy providing for the economic growth complying with the sustainable development goals. The paper considers main internationally accepted principles of circular economy and analyses opportunities for recycling such large volume industrial wastes as slag ash and phosphogypsum. It also provides the rationale for the necessity to develop and pass legislative acts in the field of secondary resources.
DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2020-10402
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Installation for Superconductors’ Current-Voltage Characteristics Measuring
Authors: A.F. Brodnikov, G.I. Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS, Assoc. Prof. Dr., A.F.Brodnikov@inp.nsk.suN.A. Vikhareva, Novosibirsk Branch of FSAEI FVT ASMS, Assoc. Prof. Dr., 1The method and measuring installation for determining the actual critical current values in superconductors, at helium temperatures, coming to the market from domestic and foreign manufacturers of composite wire, round or rectangular section, based on the Nb-Ti alloy, are considered. The results of the study confirming the operability of the measuring installation are presented. According to the results of our research, the performance of this measuring unit for determining the actual values of the critical current was confirmed, and a more accurate measurement result can be obtained using modern precision digital measuring equipment.
DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2020-10403
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State Contracts: Investment Support for Production Organization
Authors: Yu.A. Malyukov, Federal State Budget Educational Establishment of Higher Education A.N. Kosygin Russian State University (Technology. Design. Art), this article, I have considered the structure of the problem and strategic alternatives for investment support of processes for improving the organization of light industry enterprises production for work under state contracts. As it is known, the tasks of direct investment include the expansion of production capacities of existing products and the development of an assortment of new products in accordance with changes in technical characteristics (and requirements for them). The timely solution of these problems allows enterprises to stably fulfill government orders, adapt to the prospective requirements of the customer, and become a strategic outline of the organization and planning of its work. In this regard, I have analyzed the possibilities of reducing risks and terms of execution of orders under state contracts, proposed algorithms and indicators for substantiating investments in light industry production, taking into account the particularities of state customers demand.
DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2020-10404
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Resource-Saving Production Systems. Information Flow Management
Authors: T.V. Malysheva, Kazan National Research Technological University, Assoc. Prof. Dr., tv_malysheva@mail.ruThe article is devoted to the urgent problem of resource conservation at Russian industrial enterprises, which today is the main factor in increasing the competitiveness of products. The purpose of the article is to develop a model for managing information flows in resource-saving production systems. In the article, I have used the methodology of functional modeling IDEF0 to create a descriptive graphic model as the main research method. To achieve this goal, I have proposed a fundamental model of the production system based on the efficient use of resources. A model of the processes of information exchange in resource-saving production systems is constructed. It describes six functional modules and the material and information flows uniting them. The scientific contribution of the article lies in the definition and justification of the production system model elements, which are key in improving the resource efficiency of production.
DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2020-10405
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Quality Characteristics Variability Assessment Due to Human Factors
Authors: N.M. Borbats’, FSBEI HE Bryansk State Technical University, Assoc. Prof. Dr., borbact@mail.ruT.V. Shkolina, FSBEI HE Bryansk State Technical University, Dr.We have developed a methodology for applying the analysis of variance to study the effect of the human factor on the quality characteristics variability. In this article, we have presented a linear statistical model of the analysis of variance and an example of the practical implementation of our methodology with justification of the results of this analysis. The results of the analysis have showed that a significant difference in the distribution of deviations of the actual size from the nominal is observed depending on the experience, the age group of the operators participating in the experiment and does not depend on their category (qualification). We remind you that the statistical model and the analysis of variance are not universal. In each case they need to be adjusted taking into account the features of the process, the variability of the results of which the influence of personnel is studied.
DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2020-10305
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Pharmacy, Pharmaceuticals and National Security
Authors: V.V. Pomazanov, SEI HE Moscow Region State Humanitarian-Technological University, Prof. Dr., allya2005@yandex.ruS.G. Mardanly, SEI HE Moscow Region State Humanitarian-Technological University, Assoc. Prof. Dr., ekolab-president@mail.ruV.A. Kiseleva, SEI HE Moscow Region State Humanitarian-Technological University, Assoc. Prof. Dr., kiselevam1v2@mail.ruThe absolute dependence of society in food and medicine is a fundamental imperative of national security, the ability of a nation to meet the needs necessary for its self-preservation, selfreproduction and self-improvement. We have analyzed the most important federal laws, decrees of the Russian Federation Government and other bylaws aimed at the phased solution of the security problems of the Russian Federation, including food and medicine problems, and have talked about the history of the emergence and establishment of pharmacy in Europe and Russia. We have also examined the concepts of pharmacy and pharmaceutics, studied the current state of the country’s pharmacological and food industries, including Moscow and Moscow Region, the growth rates of the Russian pharmaceutical industry, and made recommendations for eliminating the shortage of the medical and pharmaceutical industry in professional staff of senior and middle management.
DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2020-10406
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Mathematical Model and Algorithm for Designing the Energy Balance of Athletes
Authors: N.K. Artem’eva, Kuban State University of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism, Prof. Dr., I.G. Pavel’ev1, Krasnodar Branch of FSAEI FVT ASMS, Dr., povidlov@yandex.ruV.V. Lysenko, Kuban State University of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism, Dr. Prof., v-v-lysenko@yandex.ruA.P. Ostrikov, Kuban State University of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism, Dr.The modern scientific concept of designing the energy balance of athletes and their nutrition that can potentially provide homeostatic needs against the background of super-intensive loads is based on the latest achievements of physiologists, biochemists, nutritionists in conjunction with the use of advanced methods of extensive statistical information’s mathematical computer processing. In this article, we have presented a mathematical model and a computational algorithm for the integral indicator of energy balance. It allows using many parameters that ensure the adequacy of energy consumption depending on energy consumption at different stages of the annual training cycle. We believe that by solving the objective function related to the convex programming class, one can take into account the need to correct the energy balance, as well as additional introduction of products of increased biological value and other factors that are relevant for a particular user.
DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2020-10407
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Dynamics of Natural Population Growth in the Russian Federation
Authors: L.P. Kleeva, Institute for Study of Science RAS, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Dr. Prof., Lucy45@yandex.ruI had analyze the dynamics of the main demographic indicators in modern Russia, in particular, the total population (with the allocation of its urban and rural components) and its natural growth. The analysis of the dynamics of natural growth also highlights the dynamics of natural growth of urban and rural populations. A more detailed analysis of the dynamics of natural population growth leads to the need for a consistent review of the dynamics of fertility and mortality. The analysis of fertility dynamics focuses on the number of women of reproductive age and their health, as well as the total fertility rate. Analysis of mortality rates required a separate analysis of infant and maternal mortality, the main causes of mortality, and the division of urban and rural populations.
DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2020-10408