Journal Kompetentnost': 199-200 / 9-10 / 2022
On the Sustainability of International Supply Chains of Enterprises in Sanctions Context
Authors: E.N. Kruchinkina, A.F. Mozhayskiy Military Space AcademyA.S. Mokrousov, Volsk Military Institute of Material Support, Assoc. Prof. Dr. PhDI.A. Shakhyan, Volsk Military Institute of Material Support, kurbanov-83@yandex.ruAnti-Russian economic sanctions disrupt the functioning of international supply chains, primarily for defense industry enterprises. Import substitution allows replacing foreign resources with domestic products and eliminating dependence on foreign suppliers. But this is a long-term strategy, so it must be complemented by tactical tools that quickly eliminate disruptions in the functioning of international supply chains. We have developed a list of tactical and strategic tools, as well as a unified model for their use in managing the sustainability of international supply chains for defense industry enterprises. Tactical tools can be compensatory, i.e. eliminating disruptions without changing international supply chains, and transformational, which change existing supply chains. We believe that it is necessary to develop requirements for the use of tactical and strategic tools to eliminate the problems of the functioning of international supply chains in the defense industry. In addition, it is necessary to develop a regulatory and legal framework that allows including additional costs, inevitable when using these tools, in the cost of products of defense industry enterprises.DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2022-9-04-10
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Analysis and Activities Evaluation of the University Structural Unit
Authors: S.М. Goryunova, FSBEI HE Kazan National Research Technological University (FSBEI HE KNRTU), Assoc. Prof. PhD, svetlanagoryunova@yandex.ruN.G. Nikolaeva, FSBEI HE KNRTU, PhD, natalia0205@yandex.ruD.M. Kulakov, FSBEI HE KNRTU, gektorq@gmail.comЕ.I. Cherkasova, FSBEI HE KNRTU, Assoc. Prof. PhD, magister.fnnh@gmail.comMaintaining the high quality of educational services requires constant monitoring and evaluation of the activities of both the educational institution as a whole and its structural divisions separately. Properly performed analysis and risk assessment allows the company to identify areas of high risk and make timely decisions to reduce the impact of negative consequences. In the article, we have presented a study of the effectiveness of the functioning of the processes of one of the leading departments of the university in Kazan. With the help of a survey of the staff of the department, as well as the students studying in it, we got data that made it possible to identify the most vulnerable areas that require special attention from the leadership of both the department and the university. The survey involved 27 employees of the department and 90 students. The analysis carried out by FMEA made it possible to identify the priority risks of potential process nonconformities and propose measures to detect and prevent their occurrence.DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2022-9-11-15
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Assessment of the Feasibility of the Developed Technologies for Complex Technical Systems
Authors: S.G. Braytkrayts, FSBI 46 Central Research Institute (FSBI 46 CRI) of RF Defense Ministry, Dr.V.Yu. Korchak, N.E. Bauman Moscow State Technical University (N.E. Bauman МSTU), Dr., Full Member of Russian Academy of Rocket and Artillery Sciences, korchak.v@mail.ruА.I. Polubekhin, N.E. Bauman МSTU, PhD (Tech.) R.V. Reulov4 , FSBI 46 CRI of RF Defense Ministry, Assoc. Prof. PhD (Tech.)We have researched methodological approaches to assessing the feasibility of the technologies being developed in the interests of creating promising technical systems. We consider the use of simulation modeling to be the most progressive. Simulation models and simulation apparatus should be reliable, adaptive, allowing easy transition to different technical objects. The analysis of domestic developments in the field of simulation modeling has shown the presence of highly sophisticated models of the functioning of samples of special equipment. Expensive simulation and prototyping stands are used to work with them. However, due to the specifics of the simulated processes and objects, these tools are limited in their ability to reproduce the dynamics of the functioning of significantly different samples of WMSE. Systematic research is needed, the main results of which should be structural and functional schemes of integration and integrated application of models and modeling complexes, mathematical methods and information technologies for modeling the processes of application of modern and promising models of military and special equipment.DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2022-9-16-25
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The Effect of Abrasive Wear on the Operational Properties of the Flowmeters Venturi Nozzles
Authors: V.M. Aristov, D.I. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia (MUCTR), Prof. Dr. (Ph. and Math.)E.P. Aristova, MUCTR, Assoc. Prof. PhD (Tech.)A.O. Kharitonov, MUCTR, Prof. Dr. (Tech.), alharitonov@yandex.ruWe have presented the results of a study of the influence of abrasive wear of the Venturi nozzle working surfaces on the operation of a variable differential pressure flow sensor. The study was carried out by numerical simulation of the operation of the Venturi nozzle with zero wear of the working surfaces and with an increase in the tolerances of the considered geometric parameters. Based on the simulation results, we have analyzed the dependence of the flow rate on wear. We have developed a method for assessing the effect on the change in the hydrodynamic properties of the Venturi nozzle of the shape of the two-radius interface of the end face at the inlet with the inner cylindrical surface of the throat and the blunting of the annular rib from the intersection of this surface with the conical surface of the diffuser. It has been established that a change in the indicated geometrical parameters, even within the tolerance limits, increases the outflow coefficient by a quarter. To reduce the effect of abrasive wear on measurement accuracy, we suggest that the section of the two-radius interface and the annular rib of the working surface of the Venturi nozzle be subjected to chemical-thermal hardening.DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2022-9-26-30
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Trends in the Hospitality Industry Development of Russia Regions and Role of Standardization
Authors: T.I. Zvorykina, JSC Institute for Regional Economic Research, ANO HE Russian New University, Prof. Dr. (Ec.), sss2800@mail.ruA.A. Nosova, ANO HE Russian New University, nosova-aanosova@yandex.ruWe examined the role of tourism and the hospitality industry in the economy of the regions, the main directions of development of the industry. The main trends were also analyzed in the development of the hospitality industry as an infrastructural element of tourism, which are a response to modern challenges of the time. The data on the trends of inbound and outbound tourism, the income of the regions of Russia, the number of employees in the industry are given. We paid special attention to the issues of sustainable development of the hospitality industry based on national and international standards. We believe that it is necessary to form a promising program for the development of standardization documents and maximally adapt standards in the field of sustainable development to the possibilities of promoting tourism and the hospitality industry in the Russian regions.DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2022-9-31-37
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Economic Efficiency of Innovative Non-Destructive Testing Operations
Authors: D.V. Kharitonov, JSC A.G. Romashin Obninsk Research and Production Enterprise Technology (ORPE Technology), Dr., haritonovdv1978@gmail.comA.I. Amosov, ORPE Technology, A.V. Terekhin3 , ORPE Technology, PhD, aterehin@list.ruA.A. Anashkina, ORPE Technology, PhD, info@technologia.ruE.V. Maslova, ORPE Technology, gorelova_ev@bk.ruFor any innovation, it is important to calculate the economic efficiency that it will bring when introduced into production. This is especially necessary for innovations that include additional procedures that increase the complexity of the production process. We have calculated the economic efficiency of measures to improve the quality and reliability of finished ceramic products when introducing innovations and have developed a scheme for the consistent implementation of innovative projects, taking into account the economic effect of the introduction of each innovation. The introduction of innovative operations of visual-optical non-destructive testing (VOT) at the stage of mechanical processing of ceramic products made it possible to reduce to zero the number of destroyed products during technological crimping operations, which in monetary terms amounted to 85 million rubles in savings in the period from 2017 to 2021 inclusive; exclude economically unjustified processing of the outer surface of 10,6 % of processed products; save an average of 80 % of products sent for revision with identified small-sized defects.DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2022-9-38-43
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Auxiliary Production: Design and Operation of Energy Supply Systems
Authors: R.N. Pigilova, Kazan State Power Engineering University, rozapigilova@yandex.ruT.V. Malysheva, Kazan National Research Technological University, Assoc. Prof. Dr., tv_malysheva@mail.ruWe examined the actual problem of organization and operation of power supply systems at manufacturing enterprises. Here, we have revealed the tendencies of growth in the specific consumption of energy resources for most types of electrical equipment. It determines the relevance of the search for new scientific approaches to the design of energy supply systems. We have substantiated the importance of scientific industrial engineering in the choice of models of energy supply systems in production. Also we showed the relative stability of the share of resource consumption for production purposes with a certain predominance of maximum values for energy use per unit of thrust. All this may indicate the presence of unproductive energy consumption due to equipment downtime or its irrational use. In conclusion, we believe that when choosing models of power supply systems in production, scientific industrial engineering is necessary as a basis for designing auxiliary power supply processes of the main production.DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2022-9-44-48
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Application of Quality Tools in the Enterprise Management’ Innovative Processes
Authors: E.D. Kosyak, LLP Mezhregionenergotranzit, edk@tpu.ruI.V. Plotnikova, Tomsk Polytechnic University, Assoc. Prof. PhD, inna@tpu.ruE.A. Sheveleva, Tomsk Polytechnic University, PhD, vasendiva@tpu.ruWe considered the processes of development and implementation of innovative projects that allow the company to gain a competitive advantage. Taking into account the specifics of the market, the factors that open up opportunities for successful innovation are the constant improvement of innovation management, an adequate response to changing market conditions, the development and application of new quality tools in the work of the organization, etc. We also assessed the effectiveness of the use of modern quality tools in innovation. We consider the most popular among them to be a tree diagram (decision tree, systematic diagram) is a quality management tool that allows you to explore a problem or an object as a system of elements and identify logical relationships between the elements found, determining both the causes and their consequences. We considered the use of a tree diagram using the example of consumer requirements for asynchronous electric motors. An analysis of the use of the chart showed the effectiveness of this quality management tool in product evaluation.DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2022-9-49-53
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The Main Directions for Increasing the Personnel Involvement Level in the QMS
Authors: M.M. Mityugina, FSBEI HE I.N. Ul’yanov Chuvash State University (FSBEI HE I.N. Ul’yanov ChSU), mityuginamm@gmail.comT.V. Kravchenko, FSBEI HE I.N. Ul’yanov ChSUThe employee interaction principle is one of the fundamental principles of the quality management system. We present a consideration of the process of personnel involvement as a key criterion for achieving high competitiveness of an organization and increasing efficiency in the implementation of all goals. We have analyzed international standards that establish recommendations for ensuring staff involvement, increasing their motivation and competence, developed by two ISO technical committees: ISO/TC 176/SC 3 Quality Management and Quality Assurance. Assistive Technologies and ISO/TC 260 Human Resource Management. The variety of standards testifies to the high importance of this direction, focused on increasing the level of staff involvement in the process of improving the quality of products and services provided. In accordance with the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001:2015, the PDCA cycle can be applied to all processes. We have reviewed the procedure for applying this cycle to personnel engagement activities and believe that the proposed approach allows us to implement this task as efficiently as possible.DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2022-9-54-59
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Telemedicine Today
Authors: L.A. Fedyk, ANO HE World Academy of Quality, Prof. Dr., flarisa1961@mail.ruI.S. Pundel’, VCS All-Russian Register, info@9000-2001.ruE.V. Rasoeva, SBHI TR Regional Clinical Hospital N 2, esobyanina@mail.ruTelemedicine as a method of remote management of patients has simplified the communication of the population with healthcare organizations. High availability, maximum efficiency allowed this technology to tightly enter the life of the doctor and the patient. We have considered all the advantages on the example of the work of the Regional Clinical Hospital N 2. The hospital has created a base for the formation and development of remote methods of organizing and providing high-quality medical care. The clinic has launched a mobile application Telemed-72 for appointment and teleconsultation. During the coronavirus pandemic, it was used by all patients of the polyclinic. Also, the institution has introduced a remote monitoring service for the health of citizens with unstable blood pressure. Telemedicine plays an important role in conducting medical examinations. Thus, telecommunication technologies are the most important factor in the growth of the quality of medical care.DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2022-9-60-63
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Measurements for Car Service and Repair. Personnel Qualification
Authors: Yu.А. Baryshev, FSAEI FVT Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Training) (FSAEI FVT АSMS), Assoc. Prof. PhDM.L. Palagin, FSAEI FVT АSMS, PhDN.Yu. Pashkov, SRC RF FSUE Research Automobile and Automotive InstituteAt present, the role of independent service stations has increased in Russia. Since road safety directly depends on the quality of diagnostics and repair work of vehicles, the responsibility of car service employees for the results of their activities is increasing. We determined the amount of knowledge, skills and abilities required by the personnel of these organizations, considered the issues of training employees responsible for electrical, analytical, thermal, optical, acoustic, mechanical measurements, as well as measurements of spatio-temporal parameters and body repairs. The list of diagnostic equipment offered by suppliers includes hundreds of items, so the qualifications of technicians working at service stations are extremely important. We believe that the management of service stations should regularly monitor the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of employees; attend exhibitions, seminars and trainings conducted by equipment suppliers, send personnel to advanced training or professional retraining courses in order to meet the requirements of the professional standard.DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2022-9-64-68
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Metrological Traceability During Calibration of Pressure Measuring Instruments
Authors: M.V. Golobokov, FBI Novosibirsk Center for Standardization and Metrology, PhD, Malachit_40@inbox.ruThe analysis of the sequence of transferring the pressure unit and the absolute pressure unit from the state primary standards to the calibration instruments used in the Novosibirsk CSM is carried out. The accumulation of measurement uncertainty caused by the used rule of decision-making on the compliance / non-compliance of the calibration tool with the established requirements is analyzed. It is shown that cargo piston pressure gauges and micromanometers with end length measures are free from the accumulation of measurement uncertainty associated with the decision rule used. The extended uncertainty of the measurement by cargo piston pressure gauges is about 70 % of the limit of their basic permissible error. A reliable assessment of the uncertainty of measurements performed by various calibrators and digital devices requires taking into account the metrological characteristics of a higher standard. The traceability of a pressure of less than 1 kPa reproduced by the Metran-505 pneumatic calibrator has been questioned. The research materials were used in the preparation of the FBI Novosibirsk CSM for accreditation for the right of calibration of measuring instruments and may be useful for demonstrating metrological traceability by other laboratories.DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2022-9-69-79
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Analysis of Verification Data for Three-Phase Electricity Meters
Authors: N.V. Vyaznikova, Vologda College of Railway Transport — Branch of FSBEI HE Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University, vtgt2014@mail.ruAs you know, the metrological service of the power company constantly verifies electric energy meters. A series of measurements is carried out with one device in the mode of active and reactive power. As a result, the relative error of the working meter is determined, which is compared with the permissible error. Based on the results of the comparison, a conclusion is made about the suitability or unsuitability of this measuring instrument for use. I analyzed the data obtained as a result of checking three-phase electric energy meters using the Orange visual programming environment. To visualize the data and their relationships, scatter diagrams, a box with a mustache and histograms were constructed. Machine learning models describing the dependencies of the initial parameters were also used, and the quality of the models was evaluated. The tests were carried out for several months. A sample was used for the analysis, which included the results of 9854 measurements on 170 samples of nine types of meters from two manufacturers.DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2022-9-80-83