Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution on Further Vocational Training, «Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Educational)»
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Journal Kompetentnost': 197 / 7 / 2022


  • 1
    Theoretical and Practical Components in the IT-Specialists Training
    Authors: V.Yu. Korchak, N.E. Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Dr., Full Member of the Russian Academy of Rocket and Artillery Sciences, korchak.v@mail.ru 
    E.I. Borisenkov, N.E. Bauman Moscow State Technical University
    We have studied the role of information technology in the development of the country’s economy and ensuring its defense and security. We have analyzed the problematic issues of training IT-specialists, including the relationship between theoretical and practical components in the training of specialists of this profile in higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation. As an example, we have considered the system for studying information technology at the N.E. Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Based on the results of the study, we were convinced that in the field of information technology, a system for training specialists is required. It must provide the relationship between the theoretical and practical components of the educational process; FSES compliance with the needs of practice; training of specialists of different skill levels capable of prompt retraining based on the needs for new technologies; the relationship of specialties and areas of training of higher education for undergraduate, specialist and master’s programs with scientific specialties, for which the degrees of candidate and doctor of science are awarded.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2022-7-05-13

  • 2
    Best Available Techniques: Voluntary Expert Conformity Assessment of Russian Industries
    Authors: A.A. Volosatova, FSAI Research Institute Environmental Industrial Policy Center (FSAI RI EIPC), a.volosatova@eipc.center 
    T.V. Guseva, FSAI RI EIPC, Prof. Dr., tatiana.v.guseva@gmail.com 
    D.O. Skobelev, FSAI RI EIPC, Dr. (Ec.), training@eipc.center
    The article substantiates the necessity for the development of voluntary conformity assessment of Russian industries to the established requirements of the Best Available Techniques (BAT). Authors emphasize that the voluntary assessment is an integral part of the decision-making system for working out and implementing projects aimed at the enhancement of resource efficiency and environmental performance of production processes (including green projects). National standardization system documents in the field of the BAT is being systematically improved. In this regard, the preparation of a national standard for the development of technical reports (conformity assessment reports) is a necessary step for the development of a methodological base in the field of the Best Available Techniques. The BAT potential as a category of sustainable industrial development has not yet been fully realized. Each information and technical reference book and national standard is intended to become a document that will help both the regulated community and interested parties to use the principles of the BAT for technological renewal of industry and increase resource and environmental efficiency of production.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2022-7-14-20

  • 3
    Ceramic Products. Innovative Operations of Non-Destructive Testing
    Authors: D.V. Kharitonov, JSC A.G. Romashin Obninsk Scientific Production Enterprise Technology (OSPE Technology), Dr. (Tech.), haritonovdv1978@gmail.com 
    A.I. Amosov, OSPE Technology, tech.amosov@obninsk.ru 
    A.V. Terekhin, OSPE Technology, PhD, aterehin@list.ru 
    A.A. Anashkina, OSPE Technology, PhD, info@technologia.ru 
    E.V. Maslova, OSPE Technology, gorelova_ev@bk.ru
    We have considered an innovative method for improving the production of ceramic products for the military-industrial complex, developed by specialists of A.G. Romashin OSPE Technology. Traditionally, the manufacturing process of ceramic products was controlled by the quality control department by visual inspection, as a result of which products with surface defects were often allowed for further production. The company’s specialists have created an innovative method of visual- optical non-destructive testing, which made it possible to detect defects that are much smaller than visual inspection with a high degree of probability. The combination of science and production in one complex helped the employees of OSPE Technology to quickly find a new solution without resorting to the use of the open innovation model, significantly reduce costs and most effectively introduce innovation into the science-intensive and specific process of manufacturing ceramic products. The novelty and originality of the developed technique is confirmed by the received patents for the invention of the Russian Federation dated 24/08/2020 N 2746674 and dated 13/01/2022 N 2764064. 
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2022-7-21-25

  • 4
    Organizational Knowledge Internal Audit
    Authors: S.L. Aleksandrov, FBI State Regional Center for Standardization, Metrology and Testing in Samara Region, Samara Branch of FSAEI FVT Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Training), PhD, stalek@bk.ru
    Internal audits of quality management systems are aimed at continuous monitoring of compliance by organizations with the requirements of GOST R ISO 9001. Audits cover the work of management following the results of internal audits, including confirmation of the effectiveness of corrective actions and assessment of their impact on the processes and products (services) of the organization. Internal audits of the QMS and knowledge management systems can be integrated with knowledge audits, forming an internal knowledge audit. The latter are aimed at identifying and preserving key non-formalized knowledge used in work or potentially necessary to achieve the organization's goals, to reduce risks and identify opportunities for improvement and discover new ideas hidden in the organization. Internal knowledge audits stimulate the development of knowledge by constantly obtaining important information that is not available for direct documentation, providing access to personal experience and forecasts of specialists in improving products, services, technical solutions and technologies.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2022-7-26-36

  • 5
    Quality of Veterinary Services
    Authors: L.A. Fedyk, ANO HE World Academy of Quality, Prof. Dr., flarisa1961@mail.ru 
    I.S. Pundel’, VCS All-Russian Register, info@9000-2001.ru 
    G.S. Guseva, FBI of Sverdlovsk Region Veterinary Department of Ekaterinburg (FBISR Veterinary Department of Ekaterinburg) 
    N.A. Ul’yanchenko, FBISR Veterinary Department of Ekaterinburg 
    O.B. Krupina, FBISR Veterinary Department of Ekaterinburg
    We have reviewed the stages of implementation of the Leading network of state veterinary clinics project. The initiator of the project is the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution Department of Veterinary Medicine of the City of Ekaterinburg. The goal of the project is to provide the population with the highest quality veterinary services. An important role in the implementation of the project belonged to the specialists of the All-Russian Register. In the process of training, the working group formed a landscape design of processes, mapped all processes with the identification of critical points and determination of acceptable values, carried out staff training, and reformed the wage system. As a result of the project, every fourth client of the clinic returns for the next service, every third is ready to recommend the clinic’s specialists to their friends, which indicates the high quality of the services provided. We found out that during the implementation of this project, it was not the financial capabilities of the institution that were of primary importance, but a team of like-minded people, knowledge of information and mechanisms for its analysis, knowledge and skills in the field of quality management.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2022-7-37-41

  • 6
    On the Consumer Integration into the Operational Control System
    Authors: V.V. Vardugina, St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technology and Design, vardugina94@mail.ru 
    Е.D. Fedorova, St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technology and Design, kateapple@mail.ru
    It is known that changes in market conditions can outpace the pace of innovative processes in manufacturing enterprises. There is a time lag between the cycle of product formation by the manufacturer and the rate of maturation of its consumer value. This problem is solved by enterprises where the consumer is integrated into the production process and can measure the current level of product quality with their own reference base. We have put forward a research hypothesis, which consists in the presence of a relationship between the efficiency of the functioning of the control areas with the representatives of the customer integrated into them and consumer demand for the company’s products. It is shown that the resulting model allows the system of two-sided quality control to respond faster to changes in the external and internal environment, since it provides feedback from the production process to the process of forming consumer value. As a result, an enterprise provided with a rationally organized system of duplication of the operational control function becomes more competitive in its market niche.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2022-7-42-45

  • 7
    Aspects of Applied Metrology
    Authors: V.A. Grushnikov, VINITI RAS, PhD (Tech.), viniti@mach04.ru
    Modern studies of various phenomena and processes, and the development of efficient production and technological equipment and instruments require the use of methods and means of measuring physical, chemical, etc. parameters with high reliability, certainty, accuracy and reproducibility. Their achievement is impossible without a system of metrological support based on the results of research, comparative or comparative tests of standardization and the use of standards of measures, weights and other recorded parameters recognized by international authorized measuring and calibration laboratories. Permanent improvement of methodological support is achieved primarily through cross-comparative tests and calibrations. Thus, the metrological support system allows manufacturers and consumers of technical objects of various purposes anywhere in the world, including in space and in the ocean, to create and evaluate their properties and characteristics on the basis of uniform internationally prescribed and recognized principles. So, the effectiveness of the implementation of production processes controlled by technological parameters is achieved.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2022-7-46-53


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