Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution on Further Vocational Training, «Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Educational)»
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Journal Kompetentnost': 4 / 164 / 2019


  • 1
    High-tech Products Competitiveness: Intellectual Property Management System
    Authors: V.E. Lyustik, RT-Intellectexport JSC, liustik.v@rambler.ru 
    S.N. Mel’nik, RT-Intellectexport JSC, melniksn@mail.ru 
    N.M. Kuprikov, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), FSAEI FVT ASMS, Federal Agency on Technical Regulation and Metrology, Dr., me@nkuprikov.ru
    The world of today is a world of global competition and sanctions applied to military- industrial complex enterprises. There is a large-scale task to increase the competitiveness of high-tech products with a high proportion of intellectual value added. Special importance is attached to the formation of highly qualified teams for solving complex scientific and technical problems, issues of professional personnel training and retraining, the formation of expert teams. Problems of training and certification of experts in the field of the intellectual activity management are especially highlighted in this issue. Rostec Corporation develops industrial technologies and creates high-tech products corresponding to the world level, with a high proportion of intellectual added value. Several tens of thousands of intellectual activity results are in its assets. Its plans include expanding presence in foreign markets and reducing dependence on monopolistic consumers. Under these conditions, a special role is given to the issues of creation, legal protection and effective intellectual activity management in the organizations. We examined in detail the use of methods and means of certification based on a reliable assessment of the intellectual activity results management system.
  • 2
    Organizational Basics of Student Practice: Experience, Problems, Prospects
    Authors: A.N. Pegina, FSBEI HE Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies, Assoc. Prof. Dr. 
    O.P. Dvoryaninova, FSBEI HE Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies, Assoc. Prof. Dr. 
    A.I. Solyanik, Voronezh Branch FSAEI FVT Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Educational), Dr. Prof., dir@asms-vrn.ru
    The main task of higher educational institutions is to prepare competent specialists, armed with modern knowledge, provided with professional and personal culture, meeting the requirements of their future employers. One of the main components of the educational process was and remains practical training of students. In this article we have discussed how and where the students of the Quality Management and Technology of Aquatic Bioresources Department of the Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies pass their practical training. We have formulated the goals and objectives of practical exercises and made recommendations for their improvement. We believe that the implementation of the proposed measures will increase the mutual responsibility of both employers and the faculty members of the department. This will ultimately lead to the improvement of the educational process at the university, the competence of graduates, and their relevance in modern labor markets.
  • 3
    On Development of the Standardization Theory and Role: Once Again
    Authors: G.P. Bunin, JSC Science Technical Center Internavigation 
    M.B. Plushchevskiy, Program 100 Best Goods of Russia, IPO Academy of Quality Problems, mplushevsky@gost.ru
    Economic development of the country and national defense are impossible without the use of methods and means of standardization, we believe. Today, the development of standardization is hampered by the low efficiency of state institutions, insufficient innovation potential, weak development of the financial market and lack of investor confidence in the financial system. Successful implementation of these problems depends on further improvement of scientific, legal and standardization economic bases taking into account the international and domestic experience, expansion of works on standardization in new directions of development of equipment and technologies. Current stage of the standardization methodological base development in terms of regulatory and technical support can be used standardosophy. Let me remind you that this is the theory of life quality normative, which has been developing since the 1990s.
  • 4
    Technical and Economic Risk Assessment of Project Implementation. Dependence on Imported Materials
    Authors: S.V. Stukalin, MIREA — Russian Technological University, Dr., svstukalin@gmail.com 
    S.V. Demshin, MIREA — Russian Technological University, Dr., s_dmsh@mail.ru 
    A.V. Makitrin, MIREA — Russian Technological University, Dr.
    We believe that today one of the most important tasks for defense industry organizations is to increase the reasonableness of the production plans and portfolios in terms of the use of materials procured through imports by identifying and assessing implementation risks of these projects. We have developed a technical and economic risk assessment taking into account material and material insecurity of projects. The proposed approach, from a financial point of view, will determine the probability of successful implementation of defense industrial complex organizations’ plan (portfolio) projects for the creation and production of high-tech samples of various equipment. Its use in the formation of production plans and portfolios of defense industry organizations scientific, research and development work will help to forecast and timely minimize the risks associated with a lack of material and resource base necessary for their implementation.
  • 5
    Specialist in Calibration Testing. Who is He?
    Authors: Yu.A. Baryshev, FSAEI FVT Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Educational), Assoc. Prof. Dr., elizm@asms.ru
    I considered the approach to the calibration testing verification officer’s professional standard formation from the term “specialist”. I believe that modern organization of labor activity; historically established division of labor presupposes a clear distinction between professions, the presence of certain requirements for experience, education, knowledge, qualifications, as well as a certificate of job seeker. In my opinion, when developing a professional standard of a calibration testing verification officer, its authors need to take into account the existing division of labor when distinguishing generalized labor functions. The source of information on the existing labor division can be normative documents, experts and managers experience. Such profession as “calibration testing verification officer” should appear with the introduction of this regulatory document. Only then, it will be included in the official reference book of professions.
  • 6
    Team Building as a Way to the Organization Effectiveness of the Improve
    Authors: S.V. Petrov, Vladimir State University Named After Alexander and Nikolai Grigorievich Stoletovs, Assoc. Prof. Dr., psv01@yandex.ru
    I researched the team building process as one of the methods to organization effectiveness improve. To this end, the process of team formation was reviewed in stages, the role of the leader at each stage was defined. The advantages of having a well-coordinated team in the organization were also identified, and the teamwork effectiveness indicators were formulated. The importance of developing the competencies of each team member for the formation of a highly efficient team was particularly noted. In conclusion, building a highly efficient teamwork requires competent leadership and management. Thus, third-party specialists should be involved in team building in an organization and the criteria for monitoring and evaluating the team building process should be used.
  • 7
    Outsourcing in the Pharmaceutical Industry
    Authors: K.Z. Nemesh, D.I. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, korneliya_nemesh@mail.ru 
    S.G. Komarova, D.I. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Assoc. Рrof. Dr., komsvetka@muctr.ru
    I analyzed the reasons for the wide spread of outsourcing among Russian manufacturers in the pharmaceutical industry and identified the main one. The use of outsourcing contributes to the implementation of Good Manufacturing Practice standards, which give Russian pharmaceutical companies an opportunity to enter the world market. Then I reviewed reference terms of the customer and the contractor, the main pros and cons of this business process, such popular in the modern world. The main plus is the reduction of costs and expenses of the enterprise. As it turned out, high-tech companies often resort to outsourcing, as they do not have enough time and resources to build the complete chain necessary for the product production and commercialization. Since in our country outsourcing is just emerging, there are negative points that restrain the use of outsourcing in Russian reality. These include gaps in law, breach of confidentiality, information leakage, poor quality of services.
  • 8
    Trends of Artificial Intelligence Development in EVENT
    Authors: S.A. Musatova, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education State University of Management (State University of Management), Dr., sima.musatova@gmail.com 
    G.V. Dovzhik, State University of Management, Assoc. Prof. Dr. 
    M.V. Iontseva, State University of Management, Assoc. Prof. Dr.
    In this article we explored the general trends in the development of artificial intelligence in the world, advantages and disadvantages of its implementation, analyzed the options for using artificial intelligence in organizing events — from creating content using holography and other modern methods to using it in promoting an event. We believe that an intensive increase in the volume of investments in the IT sphere, the development of service artificial intelligence, including meeting the needs of clientele, has been proven to be the decisive trend of several coming years. The development and expansiveness of artificial intelligence also affects the event industry, which increases its use both in terms of creating the event itself and in the expanding possibilities of its promotion.
  • 9
    Thermoelectric Temperature Converters. Effect Analysis of the Shell on the Thermoelectric EMF
    Authors: A.P. Druchinin, MSTU STANKIN, 89778895931@mail.ru
    I have made an analysis of the influence of the shell on the thermo EMF of thermoelectric temperature converters (thermocouples) and calculated the correction made to the thermo EMF of different types of thermoelectric converters using a shell. The studies were carried out according to GOST R 8.585–2001. Nominal static conversion characteristics. These studies were conducted on 13 identical thermocouples in the case and without the case, made of wire of the same batch. Thermocouple sensitive elements were welded on a spot welding machine in automatic mode. When comparing the testimony of the studied thermocouples, I found a difference in the readings in the measurements. According to the results of the research, I concluded that the case has an effect on the thermoelectric temperature transducer TEDS, and introduces an error in the readings of the thermal converter.
  • 10
    On the Wave of Innovative Projects
    Authors: A.E. Artes, FSEI HE Moscow State Technological University STANKIN, Prof. Dr.
    I prepared a review article based on materials from the 24th International Industrial Exhibition METAL-EXPO-2018, held in Moscow. The exhibition, in general, recorded the fact of stagnation in the country’s consumption of metallurgical products, a slow growth in domestic consumption and a decline in exports. Today, the need to develop domestic metal-consuming industries, primarily the production of machinery, equipment and vehicles, is obvious. Previously, their deficiency was covered by imports. Unfortunately, the import substitution program in civil engineering has, in fact, not yet begun to be implemented. I believe that the main reason for the decline of Russian engineering is the lack of funding. And, nevertheless, the exhibition showed several promising examples, when many enterprises, mobilizing the latest technologies and some state support, demonstrate an increase in the production of the necessary high-quality products.

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