Journal Kompetentnost': 171 / 171 / 2020
Competency Model of the Rocket and Space Technology Exploitation Subject
Authors: Yu.A. Gravchenko, A.F. Mozhayskiy Military Space Academy (VKA named after A.F. Mozhayskiy), Assoc. Prof. Dr., juraGR2025@yandex.ruM.A. Marchenko, VKA named after A.F. Mozhayskiy, Assoc. Prof. Dr.D.O. Mokan, VKA named after A.F. Mozhayskiy, Dr.We have examined the competency model of the exploitation subject of rocket and space technology. It is based on an algorithm graph model for the implementation of the target destination of this operating entity, which is a hierarchical graph. In the study, we relied on the concept of competence as a library of algorithms containing algorithms for the participation of an official in operational processes. The competency model of the subject of exploitation of the RST was described as a hypergraph and the main classification features of competency models were identified. We have determined that the significance of each competence for the implementation of the intended purpose of the operating subject depends on its position in the hierarchy of the graph model and on the properties of the algorithms included in it. In conclusion, we have proposed the option of assessing competency according to three properties: hierarchical complexity of competence, educational level of competence, and the level of mastery of competency by the performer.
DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2020-10102
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Communicative Competency & Competence: Retrospective Analysis and Modern Realities
Authors: V.V. Yatsenko, Bauman Moscow State Technical University (BMSTU), Dr. Assoc. Prof., vika_management@mail.ruI.O. Naydis, BMSTU, irinanaydis@yandex.ruWe have discussed the role of communicative competency in professional activities and examined the approaches of domestic and foreign experts of various scientific and educational fields to the definition of the communicative competency and communicative competence concepts. This study is the basis for the development of employees training programs in effective ways of communication. Based on the approaches that we have studied and taking into account current trends in the development of the global community, we propose decomposing communicative competence into two levels. The subjective nature of our model is associated with increasing intensity and the need for optimization and timely receipt and transmission of information flows and intercultural cooperation at the global and interpersonal levels through traditional forms of interaction and modern technologies.
DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2020-10103
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Granting Integrated Environmental Permits: Legal regulation Analysis
Authors: A.A. Volosatova, Federal State Autonomous Institution Research Institute (Environmental Industrial Policy Centre) FSAI RI EIPCV.V. Morokishko, FSAI RI EIPCM.N. Tsay, FSAI RI EIPCM.V. Begak, Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science St. Petersburg Research Center for Environmental Safety of the Russian Academy of Sciences, FSAI RI EIPC, Dr.The article offers an analysis of the legal regulation in the field of granting integrated environmental permits. It provides an overview of the current and expected legislation aiming at the transition of industry to new, technological regulation, as well as regulating relations between the authorities and industry in the process of technological modernization on the basis of Best Available Techniques. The experience of interaction of pilot enterprises with state authorities within the permitting procedure will be considered in the next article. Training of representatives of government authorities considering applications and employees of industries and consulting companies involved in the development of these applications remains a very important issue. This problem requires an integrated approach developed at the state level, we believe. It can be solved by running centralized training of specialists, for instance, within the framework of the Federal project ‘Implementation of the Best Available Techniques'.
DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2020-10104
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Technosphere Development in the 21st Century. Patterns and Features
Authors:A.V. Leonov, FSBI 46 Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, Prof. Dr., alex.clein51@yandex.ruA.Yu. Pronin, FSBI 46 Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, Dr., pronin46@bk.ruWe believe that the most typical state of the technosphere in the 21st century will be the joint use of traditional and new technologies. The development of the technosphere through the integration of technologies is a multi-stage evolutionary synergetic process. In this context, the entire history of technosphere formation and development can be viewed through the prism of synergetic integration mechanisms. High-tech products (HTP) are already manifestations of self- organization. Thus, the complex nature of technological, technical, economic and other problems associated with the creation of high-tech products and technologies necessitates the development of a comprehensive methodological approach to the problems of technosphere innovative development based on the self-organization principles. The most important task in the technosphere development is the phased, systematic and coordinated evolutionary synergetic integration of existing and new technologies in the creation of new HTP products. Such integration will significantly improve the quality of HTP products at the same or lower cost of resources for their creation.
DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2020-10105
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Social Practices of Older People: Inclusion of Public Administration Experience
Authors: I.I. Zadorozhnaya, Moscow City University of Management of the Government of Moscow, Assoc. Prof. Dr., zadoro-irina@yandex.ruIn the article, I examine the experience in the field of public administration of Moscow in the conditions of demographic aging of the population. The need to reorient social policies from exclusion to inclusion is caused by the steady tendency of an aging population, which no developed country has yet been able to overcome. It is noted that older Muscovites positively assess participation in the Moscow Longevity project, the implementation of which began in 2018. The project has established itself as one of the best in this field. Examples of European projects related to the aging of the population that are initiated and implemented at the municipal level are given. The data indicate that their main goal is the wide involvement of older people in public life and the creation of the most comfortable living conditions for them. I believe that in modern sociocultural, economic conditions, it is necessary to change the vector of social policy aimed not only at material support for older people, but also at ensuring full and active participation in all areas of life, in the decision-making process. This conclusion is also confirmed by the results of a sociological survey of the participants in the Moscow Longevity project.
DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2020-10106
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On Measures to Introduce Digitalization Implementing in the Cement Enterprises
Authors: E.V. Zaytseva, NUST MISIS, Assoc. Prof. Dr., zaytsevaEV11@yandeх.ruI describe the most important stages and elements necessary for the comprehensive and long-term implementation of the Industry 4.0 concept. It’s a key component in improving the efficiency of industrial production and an increase in the competitiveness of products. Industry 4.0 assumes the integration of modern information and communication technologies with production and automation equipment aimed at organizing and controlling the entire value chain throughout the entire production cycle of the product and services. I have considered five central levels of management for the full implementation of this concept and devoted a special place in the article to a methodological approach to implementing measures to introduce Industry 4.0. as a fundamentally new strategy for the development of cement production.
DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2020-10107
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Promising Power Generating Systems
Authors: V.A. Grushnikov, VINITI RAS, Dr., viniti@mach04.ruIn my study of promising energy-generating systems, I considered biosimilar environmental technologies as the most preferable in the modern world. The energy industry, which is the basis of human activity all spheres, not only allows improving production and domestic processes, but also improves itself. Along with the use of traditional energy resources and methods of their transformation or transformation from one to another type or condition, to increase energy efficiency and the level of resource conservation and environmental protection, the most promising is the use of nature-friendly technologies based on advanced thermodynamic processes. It make it possible to economically, environmentally and competitively solve the whole range of industrial, technical, commercial and communal problems of modern society, which lives densely in megacities and worries about the environment and its own security. At the same time, requirements for comfortable living, ergonomics and the level of process automation are constantly increasing. These trends are evident in all segments of the energy and utilities sectors.
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Practical Experience in Identifying Costs
Authors: A.Yu. Andrianov, Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs, Assoc. Prof. Dr., nirr1960@mail.ruWe have examined theoretical approaches to the classification and determination of costs, the general classification of costs according to the economic theory of constraints by E. Goldratt, analyzed the relationship between quality improvement and cost optimization according to the concept of General Quality Management. As a practical experience, we have taken into consideration the logistics chain of commodity deliveries of dairy products (a batch of yoghurts). Using process cards, we have examined the main business processes, the effectiveness of managing them, dentified the weak links in this chain, as well as the reasons that caused losses during the transportation and warehousing of goods. We believe that optimizing the cargo handling process during peak load hours and orming a competent team in weak links will strengthen the overall throughput of the supply chain and reduce the number of losses.
DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2020-10108