Journal Kompetentnost': 4 / 115 / 2014
Typology of Higher Education Systems Taking in the Modern World
Authors: Dr. L.V. Sergienko, Associate Professor, General and Project Management, The Federal State-Funded Educational Institution for Higher Professional Education, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow Region, Russia -
About the Chemical Industry Products Standardization
Authors:Dr. N.M. Muratova, Deputy Chief, Chemical Industry Products Standardization, FSUE, Russian Research Center for Standardization, Information and Certification of Raw Materials and Substances, Moscow, Russia
V.M. Kostyleva, Acting Head of Department, Chemical Industry Products Standardization Department, FSUE, Russian Research Center for Standardization, Information and Certification of Raw Materials and Substances, Moscow, Russia -
Topical Issues of Social and Economic Development of Regions Strategy Formation
Authors:Prof. Dr. T.Kh. Usmanova, Federal State-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education FinancialUniversity under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
Dr. S.Yu. Eroshkin, Leading Researcher, Associate Professor, Financial University, Federal State-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia -
Entropy-Tempo Assessment of the Enterprises Activity Costs & Results
Authors: Dr. N.G. Nizovkina, Associate professor, Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russia -
Statistical Methods of the Technical Devices Quality Assurance
Authors: V.V. Uskov, Head of Department, Technical Regulation, Metrology and Quality, CJSC Gazprom STROYTECH Salavat, Moscow, Russia -
Rating System of KGMU Activity Estimation. Five-year Application Experience
Authors: Prof. Dr. L.M. Mukharyamova, Head of Department, Kazan State Medical University, RF Ministry of Health, Kazan, Russia
Prof. Dr. M.F Yaushev, Professor, Kazan State Medical University, RF Ministry of Health, Kazan, Russia, -
Temperature Sensors and Their Application
Authors: O.A. Demidovich, Engineer, Second Category, JSC. Research&Production Enterprise, Etalon, Omsk, Russia