Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution on Further Vocational Training, «Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Educational)»
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Journal Kompetentnost': 181 / 1 / 2021


  • 1
    Effective System of Continuous Enhancement of the Specialists-metrologists Competence
    Authors: A.I. Solyanik, Voronezh Branch of FSAEI FVT Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Training), Prof. Dr., dir@asms-vrn.ru 
    V.A. Novikov, FSAEI FVT Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Training), Assoc. Prof. PhD (Sc.)
    We have considered the key task facing the FBI CSM today — the creation of effective systems of in-house training based on the principle of continuity, which implies lifelong learning, and the principle of professionalism, which consists in mastering the knowledge, skills, and competencies necessary for the effective work of a metrologist. The implementation of these principles is carried out with the help of ASMS, an organization that provides additional professional education for the personnel of Russian institutions in the field of technical regulation, standardization and ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Currently, the Academy has developed an algorithm for continuous improvement of the competence of metrologists using the electronic educational and methodological complex Competent Metrologist. After analyzing this algorithm, we came to the conclusion that it fully allows us to continuously improve the level of competence of the personnel, to obtain an objective assessment of the knowledge and skills of metrologists, to carry out entrance control of the qualifications of applicants for employment, certification of verifiers of measuring instruments, etc.
    DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2021-10101

  • 2
    The Issues оf Vehicle Safety
    Authors: M.L. Palagin, FSAEI FVT Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Training), PhD
    I consider the existing situation around electric vehicles fleet development and related maintenance questions. Market share of electric vehicles growing is a matter of time, despite poor volume in Russia these days and regional specificity of the market in general. The current rules for technical inspection do not consider the possible electric vehicles entry into the market, there are no any inspection and/or diagnostics for battery-powered vehicles. It’s widely known that batteries have a limited resource in ordinary conditions. Battery resource to be reduced also by additional local negative factors such as cold weather, aggressive driving style and others. In case of absence of regular monitoring and technical inspection for batteries, it could increase the risk of battery degradation and the creation of emergency situations on the roads. It's time to develop and introduce regulation for inspection and monitoring of batteries in operation. Requirements for batteries in use can be based on known indicators such as State of Charge (SoC) and State of Health (SoH). Technical regulation to batteries can and should be carried out in accordance with the Federal Law On Technical Regulation and the Federal Law On Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements. The diagnostic equipment to be properly verificated.
    DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2021-10102

  • 3
    Role of Forecast Documents in the Process of Forming State Programs
    Authors: V.Yu. Korchak, Innovative Technology Center of the Scientific Policy Complex, N.E. Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Prof. Dr., Full Member of Russian Academy of Rocket and Artillery Sciences (RARAS), korchak.v@mail.ru 
    A.A. Makosko, Presidium of Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), Prof. Dr., Corresponding Member of RAS 
    V.V. Kuznetsov, Information and Analytical Center Nauka of RAS, Dr., Corresponding Member of RARAS
    We have considered the relationship between the forecast documents of strategic planning and the documents of the source data system for the development of state programs. We also analyzed the order and timing of the development of these materials. In addition, we have shown the role of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the formation of the state scientific and technical policy and identified some problematic issues. Summing up the above, we consider it necessary to note that the prompt solution of the problematic issues identified in the article will contribute to improving the effectiveness of the implementation of the state scientific and technical policy. In this regard, it seems advisable to take into account all of the above as much as possible when clarifying and developing new versions of federal-level forecast documents, as well as documents developed during the formation of state programs.
    DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2021-10103

  • 4
    Evaluation of Employee Performance Based on an Integral Indicator
    Authors: Kh.A. Nevmyatullina, D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia (RСTU named after D.I. Mendeleev), Assoc. Prof. PhD, knevm@mail.ru
    I.V. Popov, RСTU named after D.I. Mendeleev, popov_iv_95@mail.r
    D.S. Lopatkin, RСTU named after D.I. Mendeleev, Assoc. Prof. PhD (Ec.), dlopatkin@muctr.ru
    We showed the relevance of the implementation of quantitative methods for the assessment of work efficiency of employees engaged in work with documents, analyzed the existing system, based on the Resolution of the RF Government of 5.08.2008 N 583 and the Order of the Ministry of Finance from 16.12.2015 N 198n, outlined version of the integrated performance assessments using the integral performance indicator, detailing each stage of its calculation. We paid special attention to the use of the coefficient system for the quantitative determination of the integral indicator and proposed a new form of the report to reduce the time of its compilation. As a result, we have developed a methodology that meets modern requirements for both the employee and the employer. Changing the reporting form will simplify the procedure for drawing up a document and reduce the time it takes to complete it. The proposed system of coefficients and their optimally selected values will allow us to obtain a fairly accurate integral indicator of an objective and reasonable assessment of the effectiveness of personnel.
    DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2021-10104

  • 5
    Digital Platform as an Information and Economic Structure
    Authors: Yu.M. Niyazova, Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography, PhD (Ec.), niaz_j_m@mail.ru 
    A.V. Garin, Research Institute CEPP, PhD (Ec.) 
    M.I. Zlydnev, NGO Class, PhD (Ec.)
    We investigated the concept of digital platform, highlighting and summarizing its main content aspects. As a result of the analysis, we found that the digital platform is considered, first, as a certain economic system (structure), and secondly, as a certain information and software system (structure). We believe that both of these concepts should be present in the basic definition of a digital platform. It should be considered as an information and economic structure (system). Then we clarified the main purpose of the digital platform and identified all its actors, that is, all participants in the functioning of the digital platform: manufacturers (suppliers), consumers (users), developers, owners and managers (applications, the platform itself). Based on the results of research, we came to the conclusion that the digital platform should be considered as an information and economic structure that provides the organization of algorithmized effective interaction of its participants by providing its information infrastructure. 
    DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2021-10105

  • 6
    Design Digital Document’ System for Transportation. System Engineering Bases
    Authors: O.V. Efimova, Russian State University of Transport (MIIT), Dr. (Ec.), elenamichel@rambler.ru 
    Yu.N. Surodin, JSC Russian Railways, Corporate Transport Service Center
    We have examined the process of digital document management system organizing for cargo transportation in the aspect of forming and modeling an organizational system. The combination of organization, management and self-government processes is implemented on the basis of the digital document management system’s architecture formation. One of the main aspects of its formation is to ensure the interconnected functioning of all components of the process: preparatory operations, basic processes, maintenance. In the aggregate of stable connections and relationships inherent in organizational systems, the basic principles of their formation, functioning and development are manifested: differentiation, concentration, specialization, proportionality, parallelism, direct flow and continuity. We believe that if we consider the organization of documentary support for cargo transportation as a single end- to-end process, it is necessary to formulate many criteria that ensure the interaction of all participants in international cargo transportation. Today, it is self-regulation that allows the organizational system to adapt to changing environmental conditions through self-regulation (self-management) of structural elements, maintaining the integrity and competitiveness of the organizational system. 
    DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2021-10106

  • 7
    N. Kano Model: Selection of the Development Directions of Testing Laboratory
    Authors: N.G. Nikolaeva, Institute of Petroleum, Chemistry and Nanotechnology of Kazan National Research Technological University (KNRTU), PhD (Ch.), natalia0205@yandex.ru 
    R.N. Ismailova, KNRTU, LLC UkuLab, PhD (Ch.), isma_70@mail.ru
    We believe that in modern conditions, organizations, in order to remain competitive, must not only produce high-quality products or provide a service, but also anticipate the wishes of consumers, using various improvements, including innovations. We have shown the prospects of using the N. Kano method on the example of our testing laboratory. This laboratory has been operating since 2016, and we have already formed a circle of consumers, effective communication with whom was the result of effective work using the N. Kano method. We have considered the basic stages of realization of this method, namely: the preparation of the study, developing the questionnaire, conducting the survey, primary processing of results, the filling frequency tables, analysis of results and mapping of customer satisfaction. The analysis allowed us to identify promising areas of innovative development of our testing laboratory, which will undoubtedly contribute to the improvement of its activities.
    DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2021-10107

  • 8
    System for Assessing the Technical Readiness of Young Football Players at the Initial Training Stage
    Authors: V.V. Lysenko, Kuban State University of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism, Prof. PhD, v-v-lysenko@yandex.ru 
    S.P. Arshinnik, Kuban State University of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism, Assoc. Prof. PhD, arschinnik_fk@mail.ru 
    I.G. Pavel’ev, Krasnodar Branch of FSAEI FVT Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Training), Kuban State University of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism, PhD, povidlov@yandex.ru 
    N.K. Artem’eva, Kuban State University of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism, Prof. Dr., nkartem@mail.ru
    Until recently, Russia adopted a system called the All-Russian system for monitoring physical fitness. It existed in the tests set form. However, this program does not allow you to evaluate coordination abilities (dexterity). At the same time, there are even 14 groups of coordination abilities, which at school age are evaluated by 125 special tests for coordination. In the scientific literature, you can find descriptions of many different tests for evaluating physical qualities, checking the condition, and the degree of readiness, but they are not systematized, scattered across various sports, and do not have the appropriate certification and licensing. We were able to choose the optimal test tasks. This will optimize the educational and training process, improve the students sports training’s level. 
    DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2021-10108


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