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Journal Kompetentnost': 206 / 6 / 2023


  • 1
    Modern Principles & Methods of High-Tech Products Creation Managing
    Authors: A.V. Leonov, Russian Academy of Rocket and Artillery Sciences (RARAS), Prof. Dr. (Ec.), alex.clein51@yandex.ru 
    A.Yu. Pronin, RARAS, Assoc. Prof. PhD (Tech.), pronin46@bk.ru
    We have established that the multi­stage process of program management of high­tech products creation includes synergistic stages. A rational combination of program and synergistic management, based on their methodological relationship and continuity, is a modern trend in the development of methods for managing the creation of HTP in the direction of using integrated management. We believe that synergetic management should be considered as an additional tool and an auxiliary circuit in the overall structure of program management. The main purpose of the synergetic control loop is to increase the flexibility and efficiency of the program management mechanism in modern conditions, taking into account economic laws and features of the creation of an HTP, including possible risks. Optimization methods for solving the problem of synergistic control, we were formulated. They make it possible to substantiate a rational option for creating an HTP, taking into account the customer’s requirements for its efficiency (quality) in the face of constraints on budget allocations. 
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2023-6-04-11

  • 2
    Optimization of Organoleptic Methods
    Authors: L.A. Konopel’ko, FSUE D.I. Mendeleev All-Russian Research Institute for Metrology (FSUE D.I. Mendeleev VNIIM), Prof. Dr. (Tech.) 
    K.K. Semenov, FSAEI HE Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (FSAEI HE SPbPU), PhD (Tech.) 
    I.A. Moskvina, FSAEI HE SPbPU M.V. Okrepilov4 , FSUE D.I. Mendeleev VNIIM, Assoc. Prof. Dr. (Tech.), m.v.okrepilov@vniim.ru
    We investigated the assessment of the odor detection threshold by members of the test team using two odorants: butanol and dimethyl ether. We have determined the limits of permissible error in determining the threshold of odor detection and the optimal number of testers, taking into account the significance and material costs. Olfactometry is engaged in the analysis of odor, which is the field of evaluation of the reaction / response of testers. Olfactometric analysis is associated with significant material costs, primarily for the training and training of testers and payment of their labor costs. Since it is necessary to involve a group of testers to perform an organoleptic analysis, the economic costs of the analysis depend on the number of people in the group. It follows from this that the number of testers in the group should be optimal in order to ensure a sufficient level of accuracy in determining the smell with minimal economic costs. Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that 4 participants are the most optimal number of testers in the group to determine the threshold for odor detection. This conclusion can be traced by measurements of the detection threshold of both butanol and dimethyl ether.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2023-6-12-17

  • 3
    Digitalization of the Company’s Reputational Capital Management
    Authors: A.A. Safina, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University (KFU), PhD (Ec.), mitchl@mail.ru 
    D.Sh. Usanova, KFU, PhD (Ec.)
    Reputation capital in our post­industrial digital world is a synthesis of the image and brand of a company as a business entity and the business reputation that has developed in the industry or regional market, the features of organizational culture and functioning, we believe. It should be noted that this is not a material financial and economic resource at all, but the quality of reproduction of reputational capital largely depends on the steady growth of the level of competitiveness and efficiency of the organization. In the course of our research, we have consistently reviewed the stages and systematized the most relevant and rational ways to use the opportunities of digital management of the development of business entities, including the reputational capital of companies. Intensive digitalization of companies’ activities is sometimes associated with considerable material and financial risks. We have identified the main risks and identified the most significant ways to minimize them. Digital management tools can be differentiated depending on the elements of the reputation capital of a modern company — a specially created table is devoted to this issue.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2023-6-18-26

  • 4
    Electric Vehicles and Hybrids: Electrical Insulation Measurement in Diagnostics
    Authors: Yu.A. Baryshev, FSAEI FVT Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Training) (FSAEI FVT ASMS), Assoc. Prof. PhD (Tech.), elizm@asms.ru 
    M.L. Palagin, FSAEI FVT ASMS, PhD (Tech.) 
    N.Yu. Pashkov, State Research Center of the Russian Federation FSUE NAMI
    Large currents, powerful motors, high­voltage systems of new generation vehicles impose a completely different set of requirements for the level of safety. The requirements for electrical insulation in the automotive industry are generally more stringent than those for household appliances and industrial equipment. We tried to answer the question of what insulation resistance should be, considered important indicators for assessing its quality, analyzed the main factors affecting insulation aging, compared the insulation resistance measurement procedures of car manufacturers from different countries. We note that the design of electric vehicles and hybrids is designed in such a way that it completely eliminates the risk of electric shock.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2023-6-27-32

  • 5
    Products’ Supplier Selection for the Enterprise’s Technical Re-Equipment
    Authors: M.I. Lomakin, FSBI All-Russian Research Institute for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia (FSBI VNII GOChS), Prof. Dr. (Ec.) Dr. (Tech.) 
    A.V. Dokukin, FSBI VNII GOChS, Dr. (Ec.), dokukinalexandros@yandex.ru 
    P.V. Poleshchenkov, JSC S.A. Afanasyev Scientific and Production Association Tekhnomash
    In the article, we have presented a stochastic model of choosing a supplier of technologies and equipment for the technical re­equipment of the enterprise and have analyzed the main works in which various models of supplier selection are proposed. Advantages and disadvantages of these models are shown and the main directions of their improvement are identified. We have proposed an approach to the selection of a products’ supplier based on the concept of stochastic dominance, in which the technical and economic characteristics of the supplier are considered as random variables. The most preferred supplier is the supplier for whom the probability that its technical and economic characteristics exceed the technical and economic characteristics of other suppliers is the maximum. The main relations defining the stochastic model of supplier selection for technical re­equipment are given in the one­dimensional case when the supplier selection is performed based on one technical and economic characteristic and for the multidimensional case when the supplier selection is performed because of several technical and economic characteristics.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2023-6-33-36

  • 6
    Methods of the Technical Document Flow Route Quality Improving
    Authors: M.V. Ivanov, St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, umka62@list.ru
    An approach to the development of a methodology for improving the quality of the route of approval and approval of technical documentation of an enterprise manufacturing high­tech products is proposed. The traditional route of technical document flow is considered, its modernization is carried out with the help of elements of the theory of artificial neural networks. A quality model has been selected, according to which a methodology for improving the quality of the approval route has been developed and approval of technical documentation. Formulas are proposed for calculating performance indicators, efficiency, partial and complex quality indicators of the technical document management system under consideration. An assessment of the quality of the modernized technical document flow was carried out. 
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2023-6-37-40

  • 7
    Introduction of Lean Production Elements in Industrial Enterprises
    Authors: G.N. Temasova, FSBEI HE Russian State Agrarian University — Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy (FSBEI HE RSAU — MTAA), PhD (Ec.), temasova@rgau-msha.ru 
    O.A. Leonov, FSBEI HE RSAU — MTAA, Dr. (Tech.), oaleonov@rgau-msha.ru 
    N.Zh. Shkaruba, FSBEI HE RSAU — MTAA, Dr. (Tech.), shkaruba@rgau-msha.ru Yu.G. Vergazova1 , FSBEI HE RSAU — MTAA, PhD (Tech.), vergazova@rgau-msha.ru
    We discussed the methods and stages of implementing elements of Lean production at industrial enterprises, and presents a model of a Lean production system based on such subsystems as management, process organization and continuous improvement and training. The introduction of Lean production elements will improve the quality of finished products, which contributes to the company’s entry into a leading position in the market. The specifics of a particular organization’s activities can only be taken into account when creating an integrated system through the efforts of its own employees and departments with highly qualified personnel. The integration of the QMS and LPMS will allow to combine the systems, making them a single whole that will meet the requirements of two international standards, which will reduce the amount of documentation and duplication. LPMS is designed to create value for a product or service in order to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization. QMS of an organization is a system that ensures stable quality of products or services. The quality of the products must meet legal and regulatory requirements, as well as meet the needs of interested parties. Thus, an enterprise that has implemented the concept of Lean production should continuously improve the quality of processes, this will help the company achieve the desired results.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2023-6-41-46

  • 8
    Application оf FMEA Analysis to Choose Corrosion Protection Method for Oil and Gas Equipment
    Authors: A.F. Dresvyannikov, FSBEI HE Kazan National Research Technological University (FSBEI HE KNRTU), Prof. Dr. (Chem.), a.dresvyannikov@mail.ru 
    S.M. Goryunova, FSBEI HE KNRTU, PhD (Chem.), svetlanagoryunova@yandex.ru
    In the given article we have described the problems of corrosion protection of oil and gas equipment during operation in countries with a tropical climate. A comparative analysis of the electrochemical methods of pipeline corrosion protection when transporting oil is carried out on the example of Congo­Brazzaville. In this country, these mainly include methods of cathodic (impressed current) protection and sacrificial (galvanic) protection, the experience of which has shown both positive and negative aspects of their use. Therefore, enterprises realizing such methods need a reasoned choice to implement one of these corrosion protection methods in their practice. The first step is analysis of the implementation quality of technological systems, the universal quantitative indicator of which can be a risk indicator, since the technology of electrochemical corrosion protection of pipelines, like any other system, is a subject to certain risks. Identification of risks is possible using approaches used in quality management. The use of complex and expensive calculations often gives the value of risk, the accuracy of which is low for complex technological systems. Therefore, we took as a basis for our research high­quality, engineering methods of risk analysis, based on a sound procedure, special aids (forms, detailed methodological manuals) and practical experience of performers. Also, all possible stages of the process, its complexity, analysis objectives, nature of the hazard, experience and qualification of performers, the availability of necessary information and other factors were taken into account. Such an analysis made it possible to make decision on the use of several methods for assessing risks: analysis of the types, consequences and criticality of failures, a failure tree, and a cause­and­effect diagram. In the course of the work done, weaknesses in the implementation of sacrificial protection and cathodic protection of oil and gas equipment, the most important microprocesses that have a significant impact on the quality of corrosion protection, were identified. Application of the FMEA analysis methodology has demonstrated the priority in choosing of the sacrificial corrosion protection method for equipment in humid tropical climates. 
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2023-6-48-55

  • 9
    Selection Criteria for Suppliers in the Nuclear Industry
    Authors: I.A. Golub, MIREA — Russian Technological University (RTU MIREA), ivan.golub95@yandex.ru 
    Yu.Yu. Cheremukhina, RTU MIREA, PhD (Tech.), cheremukhina@mirea.ru
    The article considers key criteria of suppliers selection in the nuclear industry in accordance with The State Corporation ROSATOM Procurement Standard. The necessity of evaluation of potential suppliers in the nuclear industry is substantiated. The process addressed the mandatory and specific requirements for the bidders (potential suppliers). We have developed the criteria and methodology for evaluation and re­evaluation of the supplier. In the article we have substantiate the necessity of evaluation of potential suppliers in the nuclear industry, establishe the key criteria for selection of suppliers in accordance with The Procurement Standard of ROSATOM State Corporation, development of regulatory and methodical support of the evaluation process of potential suppliers on the basis of The Procurement Standard of ROSATOM State Corporation, as well as development of criteria for evaluation of potential suppliers in the quality management system. In the course of work, mandatory and specific requirements were established for the procuring parties (potential suppliers). Criteria and methodology for evaluating potential suppliers have been developed.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2023-6-56-60


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