Journal Kompetentnost': 177 / 7 / 2020
Prospects for the Development of the Russian Sharing Economy
Authors: A.N. Shmeleva, G.V. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Dr., schmelevaanna@mail.ruS.A. Bezdelov, G.V. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Bezdelov.SA@rea.ruM.B. Rybakov, G.V. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Information Society Development University, m.rybakov@rhc.aeroPrepared within the framework of the state assignment of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education N FSSW-2020-0009 Development of a methodology for managing the competitiveness of enterprises in the field of commodity circulation in the digital economy. We examined the prospects for using crowdfunding platforms in Russia as an alternative financial instrument to banks in the P2B and B2B segments of helicopter technology. The development of such practice is caused by a number of factors. Among them: the active position of the sharing economy in the country and in the world, the decline in anking activity in issuing loans and tougher requirements to clients, customers, the practical absence of profitable lending programs for small and medium enterprises; the introduction in 2020 of a regulatory framework for crowdfunding platforms in 2020; growing involvement of citizens in various IT platforms, including investment.DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2020-10701
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Methodology for Collecting, Evaluating and Selecting Innovations: Implementation Perspective
Authors: V.L. Lyaskovskiy, N.E. Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Prof. Dr., dop_big@mail.ruD.A. Sarkisyan, N.E. Bauman Moscow State Technical University, s.david99@mail.ruWe have studied and solved the problem of selecting innovations for their further implementation in promising models of weapons, military and special equipment. At the same time, we took into account such parameters as the main tactical and technical characteristics of the samples and the influence degree of innovations on them, the sample type importance and possible risks of implementation. We suggested using the dissensual approach as a way to obtain expert assessments. We considered an example of the implementation of the proposed methodology.DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2020-10702
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The Integration of the Forecasting Strategic Planning Documents
Authors: V.Yu. Korchak, Innovative Technology Center of the Scientific Policy Complex of N.E. Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Dr., Russian Academy of Rocket and Artillery Sciences, korchak.v@mail.ruIn this article, I have reviewed strategic planning documents developed within the framework of goal setting, forecasting, planning and programming processes at the Federal level. The analysis of forecast documents in relation to the development of science, technology and technology is carried out. Some problematic issues related to the mutual linking and synchronization of forecast documents are highlighted. In particular, I believe that in the next edition of the Forecast of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the long term, it is advisable to restore a single section Development of science, technology and innovation, which would strengthen its link with other documents. It is also advisable to coordinate the scenario approaches used in the development of the forecast documents discussed in the article. Prompt resolution of the identified problematic issues will contribute to improving the effectiveness of the implementation of the state scientific and technical policy of the country. The article deals with strategic planning documents developed within the framework of goal-setting, forecasting, planning and programming processes at the Federal level. The analysis of forecast documents in relation to the development of science, technology and engineering is carried out. Some problematic issues related to the mutual linking and synchronization of fore cast documents are highlighted.DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2020-10703
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Technical Analysis of the Floorball Ball Motion Characteristics
Authors: V.N. Olin, Kuban State University of Physical Culture Sport and Tourism (KSUPCST), Assoc. Prof. PhD, salibandyol@yandex.ruS.A. Sorokin, KSUPCST, sierghiei.sorokin.63@mail.ruI.G. Pavel’ev, KSUPCST, Krasnodar Branch of FSAEI FVT Academy for Standartization, Metrology and Certification (Training), PhD, povidlov@yandex.ruIn this article, for the first time, based on special laboratory studies, we described the characteristics of the movement of the original floorball when performing various throws and strikes on it, as attacking actions. Thus, it was found that a ball with holes has a drag coefficient about 1,5 times greater than a ball without holes. The drag force of a non-rotating ball with holes is also about 1,5 times greater than that of a solid ball. The preliminary theoretical calculations on the air resistance to the flight of this ball, based on taking into account the smaller mid-section, which should have reduced the drag, are refuted. Shown opposite results on the basis of which, in particular, not seek to spin the ball a feather stick at various floorball throws, and the use of the high stability of ball in flight for greater accuracy of shots. In our opinion, the methodological recommendations formulated on the basis of the conducted research will help to optimize the process of training floorball players at any stage, increase the speed and accuracy of throws and strikes, which are the most important components of the game.DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2020-10704
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Metrological Traceability of Test Results
Authors: V.G. Kutyaykin, Nizhny Novgorod Branch of FSAEI FVT Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Training) (ASMS), Assoc. Prof. Dr., asms-nn@mail.ruP.A. Gorbachev, Nizhny Novgorod Branch of FSAEI FVT ASMS, Dr., gorbachev@nncsm.ruЕ.Yu. Geyger, Nizhny Novgorod Branch of FSAEI FVT ASMS, Assoc. Prof. PhD K.K. Savrovskiy4 , FBI Nizhny Novgorod CSM, savrovsky@yandex.ruTraceability is a property of a measuring unit standard, a measuring instrument or a measurement result, which consists in the documented establishment of their connection with a state primary standard or a national primary standard of a foreign state of the corresponding unit of quantity through comparison of standards of units of quantities, verification, calibration of measuring instruments. We have analyzed the definition of the concept of traceability given in various domestic and foreign documents. The components of the metrological traceability of test results were established, and its legal and regulatory framework was provided. In addition, we have described the provision of metrological traceability in mechanical tensile testing as examples.DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2020-10705
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On the Assessment of the Quality Management System Effectiveness
Authors: E.A. Kovrigin, FSBEI HE Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), j7eka@yandex.ruV.A. Vasil’ev, Higher School of the Russian Federation, FSBEI HE Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Prof. Dr., vasiliev@mati.ruInternational standards in the field of quality management (including ISO-9001, ISO / TS 16949, AS 9100) dictate such a requirement to organizations as assessing the effectiveness of the quality management system (QMS). At the same time, these standards do not contain methodological recommendations for conducting such an assessment, which raises many questions in practice. There are many methods (approaches) to assess the effectiveness of the QMS. Each approach is interesting in its own way and offers its own specific assessment of the effectiveness of the QMS, however, the analysis of the methods (approaches) to assessing the effectiveness of the QMS revealed a number of shortcomings in them. In particular, there is no comprehensive (systemic) approach to the selection of indicators for assessing the effectiveness of the QMS. The objectives of this article are to analyze the approaches, as well as to develop the author’s method for assessing the effectiveness of the QMS.DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2020-10706
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Increasing the Efficiency of the Agricultural Companies
Authors: I.I. Antonova, PEI HE Kazan Innovative University named after V.G. Timiryasov (IEML), Assoc. Prof. Dr. of Economics, antonova@ieml.ruYu.A. Repina, PEI HE IEML, PhD (Sociology), M.V. Zotov3 , KMK TEMPO JSCInformation technologies in the era of the digital economy will act as a driver for the further development of the concept of lean manufacturing, the methods and tools of which today continue to be in demand by many enterprises. In turn, the success of digitalization in enterprises will be determined by the presence of a fundamental base, which Lean Production can become. The experience of the Republic of Tatarstan on the implementation of the principles of lean manufacturing is analyzed; the example of Zainsky Sugar OJSC considers the possibilities of integrating information technologies into the lean manufacturing concept.DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2020-10707
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Improving the Quality of Goods and Services: Team Building
Authors: S.V. Petrov, Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs, Dr., psv01@yandex.ruI examined the impact of team building methods on improving the quality of goods and services. The method of cross-functional team collaboration, its advantages and disadvantages, was chosen for the analysis. Also I formulated a strategy focused on building a successful, long-term and productive team. I believe that cross-functional teams are resistant to more complex projects with less time spent. Its promote intra- team cooperation and mutual trust of team members with different knowledge, skills, experience and work style, and therefore are able to solve the most creative tasks, complex projects that determine the organization’s strategy generally. With well- coordinated functioning, strong leadership, competent management, cross-functional team cooperation can lead an organization to success, upgrade the quality of products (goods or services).DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2020-10708
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The Role of Staffing in the Development of Petrochemical Complex Enterprises
Authors: M.V. Voronin, Kazan National Research Technical University, voronin_maxim@inbox.ruA.I. Shinkevich, Kazan National Research Technical University, Prof. Dr., Ashinkevich@mail.ruIn all sectors, human resources play a key role in the stable maintenance of companies and in their potential development. We believe that the successful development of the petrochemical complex is possible only if a competent personnel policy is implemented. This requires a systematic approach within the framework of staffing. In this article, we described three stages of specialist involvement: the pre-labor phase that is student preparation, target programs, case championships; personnel attraction — automation and optimization of the work process, the involvement of foreign and universal specialists; retention that are competitive wages, mobility. Each of these stages includes several methods that stimulate further growth of the industry. However, we think, that only in aggregate they can give the necessary result.DOI: 10.24411/1993-8780-2020-10709