Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution on Further Vocational Training, «Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Educational)»
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Journal Kompetentnost': 5 / 165 / 2019


  • 1
    Competence Approach: Formation and Interpretation in National Practice
    Authors: V.V. Yatsenko, Bauman Moscow State Technical University (BMSTU), Dr. Assoc. Prof., vika_management@mail.ru 
    I.O. Naydis, BMSTU, irinanaydis@yandex.ru
    We considered various approaches to the definition of the concepts competence and competency. Their understanding is the basis for the development of educational programs and organizational competencies in the context of strategic personnel management. We have found that experts have different approaches to the interpretation of the competence approach. However, everyone acknowledges its necessity, due to the rapid obsolescence of information, which occurs rather than completes the natural cycle of training, as well as the demand in the labor market not for knowledge itself, but for abilities to perform professional functions. The study of domestic scientific literature and periodicals allowed us to identify four approaches to the interpretation of the basic concepts of the competence approach: competence and competency — personal, professional-functional, integrated and qualifying UDC65.01, JEL Classification: O 39.
  • 2
    VNIIM: Training оf Metrological Specialists in the Field of Higher Education
    Authors: M.V. Okrepilov, D.I. Mendeleev Institute for Metrology (VNIIM), Prof. Dr. Assoc. Prof., m.v.okrepilov@vniim.ru  
    B.Ya. Litvinov, D.I. Mendeleev Institute for Metrology (VNIIM), Prof. Dr. Assoc. Prof., sztul@mail.ru
    In this article, we have reviewed the history of metrology engineers training in Russia. As is known, in the USSR there were several technical schools in which it was possible to receive a secondary vocational education and the qualification of a technician metrologisе, but there was no possibility for engineers to receive education in the field of metrology and metrological support. The training of metrology engineers of higher education has started relatively recently. It is closely connected with the activities of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Metrology named after D.I. Mendeleev. We have also analyzed the problems of the metrological education formation based on the integration of the educational process with the scientific and research activities of the institute. We believe that it will take a lot of efforts to bring the training of bachelor and master degrees in line with the actual requirements for training in the field of metrology and metrological support.
  • 3
    ICT Impact on the Socio-economic Development of Russian Regions
    Authors: L.P. Kleeva, Institute for the Study of Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the RF President, Prof. Dr. Academician МАОN, Lucy45@yandex.ru
    The aim of the paper is to compare the relative socio-economic development of the Russia regions with the prevalence in the information and communication technologies. To assess the relative level of the regions development I used GRP and GRP per capita indicators. However, for comparative assessment of socio-economic development of the Russia regions were unsuitable in terms of different regions to ensure the natural resources of these indicators. On the other hand, per capita GRP rate could be used to compare regions within the framework of federal districts. Comparison of relative socio-economic development of the regions with the level of ICT usage has not shown the existence of dependency between them.
  • 4
    National Accreditation System: Changes in Legislation in the Field of the Uniformity Measurements Ensuring
    Authors: V.E. Kovlyakova, FSAEI FVT Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Educational), Federal Accreditation Service, Dr., sdsniir@mail.ru
    In this article I reviewed the legislative aspects in the field of accreditation, including in the field of ensuring the uniformity of measurements. I have also analyzed individual positions taking into account changes in the provisions of the fundamental law on accreditation and specified the main approaches in the application of the legislation on accreditation in the practice of accredited persons. The latest innovation in the National Accreditation System was the entry into force of the Federal Law of 29.07.2018 N 262-FZ On Amendments to the Federal Law On Accreditation in the National Accreditation System and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in terms of improving the accreditation procedure. I believe that the law was another important step towards the formation of a national accreditation system that meets international standards and practices in the field of accreditation.
  • 5
    Implementation of IT Technologies for Marking Agricultural Machinery Spare Parts
    Authors: P.V. Golinitskiy, K.A. Timiryazev Russian State Agrarian University — Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy (RSAU — MTAA), Dr., gpv@rgau-msha.ru 
    U.Yu. Antonova, K.A. Timiryazev RSAU — MTAA 
    K.I. Khanzhiyan, K.A. Timiryazev RSAU — MTAA
    We have identified main quality indicators of the automotive and tractor engines’ cylinder-piston group spare parts. We have also analyzed the currently existing methods of product labeling — color marking and embossing. We have examined some modern methods of labeling products using Internet resources — a QR code and RFID tags, taking into account their rapid development in the country and in the world of digitalization. Currently, such labeling is already used in the production of some industrial products. However, we must not forget that each product has its own characteristics of production, storage and operation, and its consumer market. Therefore, when choosing means of labeling, one should be guided not only by the desire to preserve information, but also by the convenience of its use for the consumer.
  • 6
    Roadmap on the Way of Quality Management Chemical-pharmaceutical Industry
    Authors: Yu.N. Karpova, R-Pharm JSC, Russian Technological University, Moscow, Russia, yulia_karpova@inbox.ru  
    E.G. Khomutova, Russian Technological University, Dr. Assoc. Prof., Moscow, Russia, khomutova@mail.ru
    Providing the population with products of pharmaceutical production is an urgent task. Unfortunately, the industry still dependents on imported raw materials and semi- products. Recently, thanks to investments, pharmaceutical companies have begun to expand production. In the article, we reviewed an approach based on a combination of basic quality management tools in order to manage production quality and increase production capacity. We analyzed a two-step process, which is an action plan or roadmap for identifying critical control points and using Shewhart control charts for analyzing and managing changes within production management. We have shown the importance of the rational use of the accumulated baggage of knowledge and skills on a concrete example. They can contribute to an increase in production capacity, if properly combined.
  • 7
    Quality Management in Design and Development of Polyurethane Foam Product
    Authors: E.E. Istomina, Pedagogical Institute of Irkutsk State University, Dr., gamlet421@yandex.ru
    In this article, I have discussed the questions on quality management in the design and development of a beehive from polyurethane foam, created by the PIC Siberian factory of thermal insulation in Irkutsk. To this end, I conducted a study on modeling the design, development, and quality control processes of this product. In the course of the study, I used regulatory documents on quality management, including a checklist, the Ishikawa scheme and the Pareto diagram. The main stages of a polyurethane foam product design and development quality management, such as inputs, resources, management measures, processes, outputs and performance, are analyzed in the course of the research. With the help of improved process technology, the defects revealed because of the analysis (inconsistency in size, porosity, cracks in the elements) were managed to overcome.
  • 8
    Regulatory Framework Analysis Governing Quality Services of Sevastopol Beaches
    Authors: M.N. Belaya, FSAEI HE Sevastopol State University, Dr. Assoc. Prof., belaya_079@mail.ru 
    S.E. Kravtsova, FSAEI HE Sevastopol State University, Dr. Assoc. Prof., SEKravtsova@sevsu.ru 
    М. Кorshunovа, FSAEI HE Sevastopol State University, Standardization and Metrology Master, marinapivtorac@yandex.ua
    In this article, we considered the need to develop a methodology for assessing the quality of sea beaches services in Sevastopol. We have analyzed the regulatory framework, including national standards, decrees of Sevastopol government regulating the requirements for beach services: general requirements for beaches facilities, their infrastructure, the safety of human life, the safety of their property and environmental protection. The identified requirements are classified into four main groups of service quality indicators. In our opinion, in order to develop a methodology for assessing the quality of services to assess the quality of Sevastopol beaches’ services, it is necessary to continue further research, taking into account regulatory documents’ requirements and the three periods of beaches use: during the preparation for the swimming season, the swimming period itself and the winter period.

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