Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution on Further Vocational Training, «Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Educational)»
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Journal Kompetentnost': 1 / 142 / 2017


  • 1
    Extraterritorial Industrial Clusters as an Important Component of Innovation Systems
    Authors: L.V. Il’inykh, Leading Researcher, Department of Foreign Economic Integration of Chemical Complex, Scientific Research Institute Technical and Economical Research, Moscow, Russia, ilinykh22@gmail.com 
    Prof. Dr. A.E. Khachaturov, Professor, Head of Department, Management and Marketing Department, Mendeleev Russian University of Chemical and Technology, Moscow, Russia, tavrizyan@mail.ru
    We have devoted this article to the issue of industrial clusters’ transformation at
    the present stage of technology development. We have attempted to prove that
    the implementation of neoindustrialization process requires the formation not
    territorial but extraterritorial industrial clusters. This process is aimed at ensuring
    the sustainable development of national economy and improvement of the national
    innovation system. We have noted that in our country the majority of federal and
    regional programs of cluster development are still focused on the formation of regional
    industrial clusters. We are confident that for the purposes of Russian economy
    neoindustrialization it is objectively required to form at the RF territories not only
    territorial but also extraterritorial industrial clusters. We consider they will provide
    a more competitiveness of industrial production and will become important units
    of the national innovation system.
  • 2
    International Quality Award: Recognition of Success
    Authors: Prof. Dr. Yu.A. Gusakov, First Vice-President, Russian Organization for Quality, Moscow, Russia, 01gusakov@mail.ru
    I describe the history of quality models, awards (competitions) and three the most
    authoritative and popular models in the field of quality. Treat them: the model of
    business excellence EFQM (European Fund of Quality Management), Baldrige
    Award model and Deming Award model. The quality competitions and awards play
    an important role in popularization of constant improvement’ models and concepts,
    I have shown. I suppose, an important factor in this regard is the state attitude to such
    competitions. It was more a question of moral support — participation in awarding,
    publications of them in the official sources, etc. I believe that the state should express
    their attitude to the problem of quality in general. I am sure that it stimulates
    companies and organizations to work more actively in this direction, and the quality
    experts — to the creative, scientific and practical activities.
  • 3
    Investment Management Optimization Founded on Incremental Decision-making Method
    Authors: Prof. Dr. D.I. Golenko-Ginzburg, Professor, Ben-Gurion University, Negev Beer-Sheva, Israel, avnerb@nace.ac.il 
    Assoc. Prof. Dr. S.M. Lyubkin, Associate Professor, Department of Project and Program Management, Plekhanov University of Economics, Russian Association of Project Management / SOVNET, Moscow, Russia, S.Ljubkin@usa.net 
    Prof. Dr. B.P. Titarenko, Professor, Department of Management and Project Management, Moscow State Academy of Business Administration, Moscow, Russia, boristitarenko@mail.ru 
    Assoc. Prof. Dr. S.Yu. Eroshkin, Associate Professor, Department of Project and Program Management, Plekhanov University of Economics, Moscow, Russia, Eroshkin.SY@rea.ru
    We have considered the designed deterministic incremental model of the decisionmaking,
    founded on the use of several criterions of optimization (the target function).
    We believe that search for variants of the capital investments, estimation and ranking
    of variants, checking the realization of capital investments on the part of organizations
    are the key procedure of control investment project and programs. We are confident
    that similar algorithms and procedures can be used in the investment activities of
    various credit organizations. We believe that using the proposed algorithms will lead to
    increases in both, income from investment activities and the effectiveness of managing
    the implementation of projects.
  • 4
    On the Career Moving System, Job Profiles and Career Ladders in the Organization
    Authors: Assoc. Prof. Dr. R.A. Dolzhenko, Deputy Director of Development and External Interaction, Non-state Educational Institution of Higher Vocational Education ‘TU-UGMK’, Ekaterinburg, Russia, snurk17@gmail.com
    I am convinced that in today’s economy the human capital is the main competitive
    advantage for any business. I have reviewed the possibility to organize a system
    of career movements in organization, have shown the relevance of this work with
    the staff in conditions of business development. Also I have carefully reviewed the
    experience of Sberbank of Russia in the career moving system’s construction, in job
    profiles’ formation and in formation of the career ladders for all basic organization
    I have identified the key participants in the career moving process of organization
    and have described their responsibilities and reviewed the basic methodological
    approaches to the post profiles’ formation and career ladder in the company. I have set
    out the requirements for the job profiles and the career ladder used in the bank.
  • 5
    On Quality of Social and Information Services to the Population
    Authors: Prof. Dr. M.N. Kozin, Chief Scientific Officer, Research Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service, Moscow, Russia 
    N.S. Shilkina, Postgraduate Student, Research Center of Informatics at the RF Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
    We have developed a model for quality assurance of social and information services.
    The model is based on improving the efficiency of information exchange. We have
    identified the principles, methods, approaches and means of information exchange
    in the provision of these services. We have found that the vector of information
    exchange directed at increasing the quality and efficiency in the delivery of social and
    information services to the public and is aimed at the solution of many problems. They
    are: more efficient use of all resources of socio-economic system, enterprise activity
    stimulation and the growth of the state social responsibility to society, resource saving,
    market development, and increasing the amount of provided social and information
    services. We believe it provides growth of labor productivity in various sectors of
    economy, increase the efficiency of budget financing of social sphere and overcoming
    the stagnation processes in the economy.
  • 6
    Lean Manufacturing as an Element of Strategy and the Path to the Knowledge Management Model
    Authors: Dr. A.D. Vorob'ev, Associate Professor, Department of State and Municipal Management, Vyatka State University, Kirov, Russia, vorobiov-ad@mail.ru
    I am convinced that the lean production methodology should form the basis of the
    company’s strategic development. The strategy model of innovation type, based on the
    methodology of knowledge management model will become the direct implementation
    of strategy. I have shown the connection between lean manufacturing and strategic
    management at the enterprise. I have considered out the knowledge management
    model as a variant of strategy model. I believe it can significantly expand opportunities
    of lean manufacturing concept and realize the innovative approach while organization’s
    strategy development. The unified scheme of strategic analysis is used in strategic
    management, the information system becomes the main instrument. I have described
    the models in which methodologies the author’s approach is implemented, and their
    implementation is a complex, ongoing process.
  • 7
    Optimization of the Enterprises Stockpile Management in the Conditions of the Network Competition
    Authors: Dr. A.V. Lavrenova (But’ko), Head, Department, Producer Business and Management of Performing Arts, Gnesin Russian Academy of Music, Moscow, Russia, sanchez.bu@gmail.com
    In this study I have presented the research data of inventory adjustment tools at
    production enterprise. I have described the scheme of maintenance of an efficient
    inventor balance which will significantly improve the operating benefits of the
    enterprises under modern conditions.
    I have reviewed the algorithm of maintaining the optimal inventory levels, which
    includes a number of sequential procedures. It contains the identification and analysis
    of needs for material resources in the planning period, the diagnosis of existing stocks of
    the material on the enterprise stock, organization and formation of inventories.
    Besides, I have substantiated the choice of basic inventory management model
    for each group, have presented the developed optimization model to maintain the
    multinomenclature level of reserves with the possibility of control.
    I believe that the proposed algorithm will allow enterprises to take instrumentation
    optimized decisions on inventory levels in the conditions of network competition and
    significantly increase the efficiency of its functioning in modern conditions.
  • 8
    Analysis of the Intensity at Operation Process of the Real Estate Objects's Complex
    Authors: V.G. Svetashov, Applicant, FSUE STANDARTINFORM, Moscow, Russia
    I have denoted that the property management’s quality assessment includes
    determination values of three groups of indicators. They are: efficiency, resource
    intensity and efficiency of property management. I am confident that the resource
    intensity of the process is the dominant factor in certain cases. I have described the
    methodological approach to the analysis of resource exploitation process of the real
    estate objects complex.
    I have used the results of economic monitoring of operating costs and have
    determined how to identify the existing relationship and regularities between the
    volume of resource consumption in the operation of real estate objects and variables,
    which characterize the conditions for the implementation of real estate management.
    These results represent the information base for future planning the real estate
    management solutions.
  • 9
    Current Problems Motorization. Analysis
    Authors: Dr. V.A. Grushnikov, Senior Research Associate, VINITI of RAN, Moscow, Russia, viniti@mach04.ru
    I am confident that as it is impossible to block the development of civilization, we can
    not stop the process of motorization, which is one of the most important components
    determining the movement of people and goods mobility. This field of activity is the
    link between human society and material production. I suppose there are some negative
    manifestations in motorization associated with its effect on the state of civilization, and
    they are manifested in various aspects of security. Like any technically complex subject
    the wheeled vehicle is the subject of high-risk, and high concentration of these objects
    on the network of public roads leads to conflicts and even man-made disasters of all
    sizes. I am sure we should not forget that the wheeled vehicle, as a technical object, can
    break with all the ensuing consequences, and is controlled by people who are imperfect
    by their nature. All this defines the diversity of the motorization problem, which is
    considered from the standpoint of mechanical and environmental safety.

Content / Abstracts