Journal Kompetentnost': 209-210 / 9-10 / 2023
Key Requirements for the Digital Educational Environment of the CIS Base Organization
Authors: O.V. Meretskov, FSAEI FVT Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Training) (FSAEI FVT ASMS), Corresponding Member of AEI, PhD (Ped.), meretskov.ov@asms.ruT.T. Mansurov, Commonwealth of Independent States Executive Committee, FSAEI FVT ASMS, PhD (Law)The article deals with the organization of the educational process within the framework of additional professional education in the conditions of territorial distribution and interstate interaction of participants in the educational process. The approaches and requirements to the information support of such interaction through the creation of a unified digital educational environment are analyzed. The key requirements for the digital educational environment are proposed and justified, taking into account the analysis of Russian and foreign experience. At the 63rd meeting of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification of the CIS, held in June 2023, it was decided to approve the granting of the status of the Basic organization of the CIS member states for training, professional retraining and advanced training of personnel of the Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification.DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2023-9-05-10
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Public Acceptance of the BAT Concept: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Authors: R.A. Ismailov, Russian Ecological Society, Public and Business Council of the National Project Ecology, FSAEI FVT Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Training)A.A. Volosatova, FSAI Research Institute Environmental Industrial Policy Center (FSAI EIPC), A.Volosatova@eipc.centerT.V. Guseva, FSAI EIPC, Prof. Dr. (Tech.), Tatiana.V.Guseva@gmail.comThe article analyzes development of the Best Available Techniques (BAT) concept in Russia. Authors demonstrate that BAT is a development category serving as the core of the state environmental industrial policy. BAT implementation provides for the enhancement of the resource and environmental efficiency of production processes. Authors note that in order to assess the BAT-related industry transformation projects, one should use the objective criteria established in the Reference Documents (BAT-related Environmental Performance and Resource Efficiency Levels, and Indicative Levels of Greenhouse Gases Emissions). The article provides information on the BAT-related investments in the environmental and technological modernization of industry. Authors demonstrate that the investments in modernization are many times higher than payments for the negative environmental impact, which corresponds to the essence of the polluter pays principle. The article considers recommendations of national standards on voluntary expert assessment and verification of the BAT implementation at industrial enterprises. Authors emphasize the role of the BAT expert society in strengthening positions of the BAT concept and its public acceptance in the Russian Federation.DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2023-9-11-16
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Model of the Formation of Functional Damage to Human Body
Authors: V.M. Korneeva, Bauman Moscow State Technical University (BMSTU), Assoc. Prof. Dr. (Tech.), v_korneeva@list.ruA.A. Barzov, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Prof. Dr. (Tech.), a.a.barzov@gmail.comA.I. Denchik, Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, PhD (Tech.), pavlodarec99@mail.ruS.S. Korneev, BMSTU, Assoc. Prof. PhD (Tech.)A model is proposed that allows to formalize the functional damage of the body at key stages of its life cycle from probabilistic positions. Functional and biological damage is understood as a generalized indicator of the state of the human body, which comprehensively characterizes its vita-resource parameters responsible for life expectancy. The structure of the model is analyzed and an example of numerical calculation is carried out. The directions of development of the proposed approach as one of the means of information and methodological support of technologies, including in the field of digital medicine, are outlined. The solution of this problem is important for the purposeful realization of the potential of anti-aging vita-technologies in the broadest sense of the word.DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2023-9-17-2
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The Standard of the Unit of Electrical Resistance. Two Dates
Authors: B.Ya. Litvinov, FSUE Mendeleev All-Russian Research Institute for Metrology (FSUE VNIIM)M.V. Okrepilov, FSUE VNIIM, Assoc. Prof. Dr. (Tech.), m.v.okrepilov@vniim.ruA.V. Mosichkina, FSUE VNIIMTwo events and two dates associated with the creation and development of the electrical resistance unit standard in Russia are considered. The main attention is paid to the creation of mercury samples of international ohm, conducting the first international comparisons, which allowed the Main Chamber of Measures and Weights to take a place among the leading national metrological institutes of the world. The importance of research results in the XIX and early XX centuries in Russia for the organization and conduct of modern key comparisons is shown. The influence of the work on the creation of mercury samples of international ohm on the formation of labor functions and qualifications of National metrological institute employees is noted.DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2023-9-22-27
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Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Design and Interaction Possibilities
Authors: V.A. Grushnikov, All-Russian Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of Russian Academy of Sciences, PhD (Tech.), viniti@mach04.ruThe development and improvement of utility devices with the effective use of the capabilities of artificial intelligence to solve a variety of practical problems of monitoring situations in the air, on the ground and water surface, ensuring road safety, preventing and eliminating emergencies and eliminating other problems in our time is no longer conceivable without use of unmanned aerial vehicles. Their functionality is technologically provided by the possibilities of optimal design for the purposes of specific implementations. The article introduces the latest developments in the class of mobile air-based robots, for example, with a multi-platform control architecture that provides stable soaring flight and tracking the trajectory of micro-aircraft with flapping wings the size of an insect. Among the novelties of the other pole of this classification are space devices with passive manipulators for capturing flying targets using a mechanical arm.DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2023-9-28-33
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Quality of Management. Leader and Effective Manager — What Is the Difference?
Authors: V.G. Versan, Prof. Dr. (Ec.)The low growth rates of our economy are largely due to a decline in the quality of management, in many cases as a result of the ineffective implementation of decisions made on issues of economic and social development, technological development. I explain this primarily by the fact that back in the 90s the young reformers, trying to seize more power, placed their people at all levels of leadership in any spheres. And they became managers with broad powers, without having any reason to do so. Now ISO series standards are guarding the competence of the leadership, which allow the country to finally get rid of the notorious effective managers. In conclusion, I propose to replace the compromised term manager with a succinct and understandable leader. And to add this word to the Russian version of ISO 9000 series standards.DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2023-9-34-37
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Managing Features of Complex Water Resource Systems Under Climate Change
Authors: N.A. Zhil’nikova, FSAEI HE St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (FSAEI HE SUAI), Assoc. Prof. Dr. (Tech.), n.zhilnikova@guap.ruI.A. Shishkin, FSAEI HE SUAI, PhD (Tech.), ilya@mail.ruA.A. Baranova, FSAEI HE SUAI, anybaranova299751@yandex.ruL.A. Klimochkina, FSAEI HE SUAI, lithiumsuai@gmail.comThe article considers methods and models of water use management in territorial natural production complexes in the context of climate change. We have proposed a model of the mutual influence of climate change and water resource systems. It will make it possible to substantiate the impact of climate change on water resources. To assess the effectiveness of managing the hydrological cycle and production processes in complex water resource systems, the criteria for the effectiveness of their functioning are determined. The structure of interaction between water user enterprises of various sectors of the economy in natural production complexes to mitigate the effects of climate change on water resources is substantiated. The management of water resource systems in the context of climate change is associated with a high degree of uncertainty, which requires new non-traditional decision-making methods, such as the optimization of the use of water resources. We have discussed a fundamentally new actual system of environmental management of relationships between various subjects of the territorial natural production complex, taking into account climate uncertainty. This system will make it possible to model the optimal water use strategy depending on climate risks based on various scenarios for the formation of climatic conditions.DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2023-9-38-46
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Methodology of Software Risk Assessment
Authors: I.V. Lazareva, FSBI All-Russian Research Institute of Metrological Service (FSBI VNIIMS), i.lazareva@vniims.ruА.N. Pan’kov, FSBI VNIIMS, FSAEI FVT Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Training), FSBEI HE MIREA — Russian Technological University, PhD (Tech.), apankov@vniims.ruToday, one of the main tasks of metrological service workers is to assess and minimize risks when using software in measuring instruments. A risk-based approach can help to solve it. The authors reviewed various risk assessment methods and came to the conclusion that some of the considered software risk assessment methods are narrowly focused and applicable only in their areas, or require additional information, for example, in the form of source code as for the van Dersen method. So, the most promising is the approach described in the international standard GOST R ISO/IEC 27000. According to the general criteria, a list of assets to be protected and their corresponding protection profiles are compiled. Risk level assessment is carried out in accordance with GOST R ISO/IEC 27005–2010, that is, by analyzing all aspects of software risk assessment in different directions. By combining the approaches of these standards, you can get a single most effective method.DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2023-9-47-53
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Ways to Use Secondary Resources in the Fiberboards Production
Authors: M.V. Shevtsova, EI Vitebsk State Technological University (EI VSTU), Assoc. Prof. PhD (Tech.), mshevtsova1@mail.ruE.A. Sheremet, EI VSTU, Assoc. Prof. PhD (Tech.)S.O. Sukhodolova, OJSC VitebskdrevI.M. Groshev, OJSC Vitebskdrev, Assoc. Prof. PhD (Tech.), groshev.i@vitebskdrev.comThe subject of the study was the concentrate of water, which is formed as a waste in the production of fiberboards. We have studied the possibility of reusing water concentrate in the production of boards using the dry MDF method after appropriate cleaning. In the paper we have presented the technological scheme of water purification used at a woodworking enterprise, and have studied the indicators of its quality at all stages of purification. An improved scheme for the process of water purification and return of the water concentrate for its secondary use in the production of fiberboards using the dry MDF method is proposed. We have carried out an analysis of the quality indicators of the mixture of source water used at the enterprise with the concentrate. Compliance of water mixture quality indicators with the requirements of sanitary rules and norms was established. The calculation of the expected economic effect from the recycling of water concentrate was carried out. We believe that these studies are of practical importance for woodworking enterprises in order to ensure rational water use and reduce pollution of water resources.DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2023-9-54-59
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Organization оf the ITER Divertor Central Assembly Production
Authors: V.V. Pryanikov, JSC Efremov Research Institute of Electrophysical Apparatus (JSC NIIEFA), pryanikov@sintez.niiefa.spb.suA.A. Okunev, JSC NIIEFAI.Yu. Rodin, JSC NIIEFA, PhD (Tech.), rodin@sintez.niiefa.spb.suP.Yu. Chayka, JSC NIIEFA, PhD (Tech.), chaikap@sintez.niiefa.spb.suThe article presents a brief description of the organization of production of an object of research and development (R&D) what is a divertor of an international thermonuclear experimental reactor (ITER), the construction of which is carried out in France with the participation of the Russian Federation and 34 other countries. The introduction presents the goals and objectives of the ITER, the main content presents the purpose of the divertor, the features of functioning, the requirements for components, the choice of the manufacturing technology, the organization of the manufacturing process. In conclusion, there are the results of prototype production and evaluation of the organized production process of the divertor presented.DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2023-9-60-66
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Ranking of Quality Indicators Influencing the Choice of Potato Harvester
Authors:N.Zh. Shkaruba, Russian State Agrarian University — Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy (RSAU — MTAA), Dr. (Tech.), shkaruba@rgau-msha.ruO.A. Leonov, RSAU — MTAA, Prof. Dr. (Tech.), oaleonov@rgau-msha.ruD.A. Pupkova, RSAU — MTAAU.Yu. Antonova, RSAU — MTAA, PhD (Tech.), uantonova@rgau-msha.ruL.A. Grinchenko, RSAU — MTAAThe most difficult process in potato production is its harvesting. To do this, there is a whole fleet of potato harvesters — diggers, models with an elevator, single-row and double-row trailed machines, self-propelled models with a hopper, with direct and lateral selection. To help an agricultural producer choose high-quality potato harvesters, we propose to do it correctly and reliably, that is, with the help of mathematics. In the article the results of research related to the development and testing of methods for selecting and ranking quality indicators that influence the choice of potato harvesters by an agricultural producer are presented. To rank the selected quality indicators, the method of comparison of pairwise hierarchies is used. The obtained weight coefficients of individual quality indicators are applicable to assess the quality level of potato harvesters based on a complex indicator.DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2023-9-67-71
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Medical Organization in a Pandemic. Standards ISO Series 9000
Authors: L.A. Fedyk, ANO HE World Academy of Quality, Asian Network for Quality, Dr. (Phil.) PhD (Med.), flarisa1961@mail.ruI.S. Pundel’, VCS All-Russian Register, info@9000-2001.ruE.V. Rasoeva, SBHI TR Regional Clinical Hospital N 2The quality of medical care and increasing its accessibility are priority areas in the development of healthcare in the Tyumen Region. The necessity of applying international standards ISO 9000 series in a medical organization in a pandemic is shown, with the help of which the problem of improving the quality of medical services and public satisfaction with the provision of medical care is solved. A draft of a new model of a medical organization aimed at improving the efficiency and quality of services provided has been developed and adopted. The first results of the implementation of this project in our institution were the creation of an open registry, a comfortable stay zone, the introduction of electronic records and outpatient cards. We managed to achieve this thanks to Lean production methods, optimal solutions and qualitative analysis of problems.DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2023-9-72-75
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Primary Adaptation of Staff Within Quality Management System Framework Using the Digital Platform
Authors: N.A. Drankova, Kazan National Research Technological University (KNRTU), drankova.n.a@mail.ruYa.V. Denisova, KNRTU, PhD (Ec.), yana-denisova@inbox.ruIn the context of the accelerating pace of modern life, in the organizations it is particularly important to establish a process of rapid transfer of knowledge and the formation of a set of competencies as soon as possible, which would allow to solve production and management tasks. One of the first steps in the process of personnel management in an organization is the adaptation of staff. The development and implementation of an adaptation process will lead to improved organizational performance. This article proposes an approach for the initial adaptation of staff using digital resources to provide on-the-job training for new employees. The use of this approach has increased the flexibility of the training process during the probationary period of the new employee and can be recommended for application in various commercial organizations in the field of personnel management.DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2023-9-76-81
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Customer Value Creation Stream of Science- Intensive Production: Methods and Models
Authors: М. Маbkhesh, FSAEI HE St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, мoammer1993@yandex.ruThe scientific article discusses the theoretical and methodological foundations and approaches to creating the consumer value of high-tech production. Theoretical aspects of the concept of consumer value are considered, taking into account the science- oriented production of modern organizations. The necessity of managing changes in the processes of creating values in science-intensive production is determined. Their goal is to stimulate the growth of financial results and economic efficiency of entrepreneurial activity, the formation of new competitive advantages and increase competitiveness. The elements of the formation of the stability of the system, which depends on the processes of creating the values of high-tech production, are considered. The benefits that organizations gain from managing the flow of creating consumer value in high-tech production are analyzed.DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2023-9-82-85
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Internal Audit: Management of Initiative Proposals for Activities’ Improvement
Authors: S.L. Aleksandrov, Samara Branch of FSAEI FVT Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Training) (Samara Branch of FSAEI FVT ASMS), PhD (Tech.), stalek@bk.ruN.B. Timofeeva, Samara Branch of FSAEI FVT ASMSN.A. Orlova, FBI State Regional Center for Standardization, Metrology and Testing in Samara Region (FBI Samara CSM) L.I. Khamidullina4 , FBI Samara CSM 1 Head of Department, Senior Researcher, Samara, RussiaWe have discussed the issue of increasing the effectiveness of internal audits of organizations’ quality management systems. It is associated with the implementation of additional actions to identify and register staff proposals for improving work, processes, products and services, as well as initiating their implementation. The attention of quality management system specialists is drawn to the need to change the definition of the term internal audit, as well as to update the corresponding documented procedure in terms of managing initiative proposals for improving activities. We recommend periodic review of the results of internal audits. This will help to take corrective measures in a timely manner and improve the procedures for their implementation.DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2023-9-86-94