Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution on Further Vocational Training, «Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Educational)»
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Journal Kompetentnost': 219-220 / 9-10 / 2024


  • 1
    Training of Specialists Using Digital Technologies
    Authors: Е.V. Kuz’minskaya, Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU), PhD (Tech.), bedareva@tpu.ru 
    А.S. Spiridonova, TPU, PhD (Tech.), spiridonova@tpu.ru
    Modern digital technologies make it possible to prepare a multidisciplinary specialist with a wide range of competencies. The most trending technology being introduced into the educational process is the virtual laboratory. The use of virtual laboratories allows you to increase and diversify practice-oriented classes in specialist training. The main idea of virtual laboratories is that 3D models of objects should not only look similar to real ones, but their functionality and metrological characteristics correspond to those stated, and the simulation of the game completely reproduces real human actions. The purpose of the article is to describe the algorithm for developing simulation virtual simulators and demonstrate the implemented laboratories.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2024-9-03-05

  • 2
    Analysis of Involvement in the Interaction Process with the Neural Network of Students and Teachers
    Authors: Yu.V. Andreeva, Kazan Federal University (KFU), andreevsemen@mail.ru 
    I.I. Antonova, Timiryasov Kazan Innovative University (Timiryasov KIU), Prof. Dr. (Ec.) 
    A.R. Shakurova, KFU 
    G.I. Garnaeva, KFU 
    M.G. Efimov, Timiryasov KIU
    The research is devoted to the study of the features of the current stage of the application of artificial intelligence technologies in the educational process within the framework of Russian higher school. The results of diagnostics of the speed of development, adaptation, level of involvement and depth of skills of interaction with the neural network of students and teaching staff are presented. Special attention is paid to the use of artificial intelligence in the creation of final qualifying works. To expand the data of the experiment, a method was used to analyze the process and result of defending more than 230 bachelor’s works in 2024 in a number of Kazan universities.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2024-9-06-12

  • 3
    Modern Principles & Methods of High-Tech Products Creation Managing
    Authors: A.V. Leonov, Russian Academy of Rocket and Artillery Sciences (RARAS), Prof. Dr. (Ec.), alex.clein51@yandex.ru 
    A.Yu. Pronin, RARAS, Assoc. Prof. PhD (Tech.), pronin46@bk.ru
    We have analyzed the possibility of using modern principles and methods of synergetic management at the stages of substantiation and formation of state programs for the creation of high-tech products. Methods of synergetic management and practical examples of their use are given. The principles and methods of synergetic management can be used in a wide range: at the stage of formation of scientific and technical groundwork for the creation of HTP; when developing long-term technological programs to reduce the risk of their implementation; to determine ways and means of sustainable innovative and technological development of the country; ensuring defense and national security of the Russian Federation.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2024-9-13-20

  • 4
    Development, Production, Manufacturing & Sale of Medicinal Products
    Authors: V.V. Pomazanov, SEI HE Moscow Region State University of Humanities and Technology (SEI HE MO GGTU), Prof. Dr. (Tech.), allya2005@yandex.ru V.A. Kiseleva, SEI HE MO GGTU, Assoc. Prof. PhD (Med.), kiselevam1v2@mail.ru 
    S.G. Mardanly, SEI HE MO GGTU, Prof. Dr. (Med.), ekolab-president@mail.ru 
    М.A. Gadzhiev, SEI HE MO GGTU, Graduate Student
    The history of the pharmacy business development is examined. It is estimated that in Russia it was strictly regulated and manageable. In modern Russia in the absence of relevant technical ministries and interdepartmental cooperation, the proposed palliative, using the example of JSC ECOlab enterprise, which has been successfully operating in the Moscow Region for more than 30 years, for the development and production of medical devices, medicines, and biologically active additives, supported by other similar organizations, will be able to significantly accelerate the process of reviving production pharmacies and the entire pharmaceutical structure as a whole, aimed at meeting the individual needs of non-standard medicines of citizens of the Russian Federation.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2024-9-21-29

  • 5
    Quality of R&D Performance in Network Interaction
    Authors: Ya.V. Denisova, FSBEI HE Kazan National Research Technological University, PhD (Ec.), yana-denisova@inbox.ru
    The network organizational form is fixed at the legislative level to improve the quality of educational programs in the preparation of students. For this purpose, special unique resources of each participant are used in the educational process. The advantage of network forms in any field of activity is the mutual strengthening of the potential of all participants in the process. In the study the risks and areas of quality assurance in the implementation of experimental design work (R&D) in a network form are identified. The experience of practical implementation of quality assurance of R&D performance in network interaction of a university with mechanical engineering enterprises is presented.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2024-9-30-36

  • 6
    The State of Regulatory Documentation оn Quality Сontrol of Conversion Coatings
    Authors: A.S. Serebrova, FSBEI HE Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia (FSBEI HE MUCTR), serebro-_a@mail.ru 
    T.A. Chudnova, FSBEI HE MUCTR, PhD (Tech.), violatan@yandex.ru 
    E.A. Zheludkova, FSBEI HE MUCTR, PhD (Tech.), ilyakhinaa@mail.ru
    Conversion coatings are protective coatings that are obtained as a result of a chemical reaction directly on the metal surface. The use of self-healing conversion coatings is important for the protection of metals from corrosion and wear, they are most in demand in the automotive, construction and aerospace industries. The current regulatory and technical documentation on quality control of conversion coatings and controlled indicators are considered. The analysis of the quality indicators of coatings with the function of self-regeneration is carried out. Information on the development of test methods for self-healing coatings and description of the method of testing conversion coatings for the ability to self-heal is given.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2024-9-37-41

  • 7
    Algorithm for Decision-Making During the Implementation of a Lean Production System
    Authors: Yu.M. Averina, Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia (MUCTR), Assoc. Prof. PhD (Tech.), averina.i.m@muctr.ru 
    O.V. Zvereva, MUCTR, zvereva.o.v@muctr.ru 
    I.O. Tikhonova, Research Institute Environmental Industrial Policy Center (EIPC), PhD (Tech.), iritimay@gmail.com 
    V.M. Kostyleva, EIPC, v.kostyleva@eipc.center
    The authors discuss the expediency and relevance of implementing Lean production principles in chemical engineering systems (CES) and propose a decision-making structure for implementing a Lean production system for organizing effective management of CES. The article presents the examples of implementation stages and practical implementation of Lean production principles. A standard management scheme is provided resulting from improving business processes in CES. This internal standard is the last stage of Lean production system management, which allows you to document processes, track them and improve the efficiency of CES. If the standard has already been developed, changes should be made to it and training should be conducted for all interested employees. If there is no standard, then the procedure is described in the article.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2024-9-42-46

  • 8
    Internal Audit & Management Review as a Tool for Improvement
    Authors: Yu.V. Kruglova, Institute of Advanced Technologies and Industrial Programming of MIREA — Russian Technological University
    The main stages of conducting internal audits and management analysis to find the root causes of product quality problems and plan improvements to the QMS I have examined. The results of practical application of such mandatory processes of the quality management system as internal audit and management analysis are presented. I have noted the reasons for the emergence of poor-quality data and their analysis and concluded that if processes are organized not according to a formal criterion, but rather as the use of a proven tool to improve the organization’s activities, then the expected results can significantly prevail over the investments. 
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2024-9-47-51

  • 9
    Internal Audits of Metrological Services: Prospects for Automation
    Authors: G.V. Gordeeva, National Research University Moscow Power Engineering Institute, PJSC Mosenergo, gordeeva@mirea.ru 
    E.V. Bekasov, MIREA — Russian Technological University, PJSC Mosenergo, BekasovEV@mosenergo.ru 
    S.A. Bannikov, Utkin Ryazan State Radio Engineering University, Assoc. Prof. PhD (Ec.), rgrtu@rsreu.ru
    The features and problems of conducting internal audits of metrological services, as well as the prospects for their automation, are studied. The results obtained can be used as an example to improve the quality management systems of manufacturing enterprises. Based on the positive assessments of the test automation of the metrological support process, it is also recommended to automate internal audits of the metrological service using the model of this process presented in the study. As a result, this will make it possible to achieve maximum efficiency and effectiveness of automation of audit activities, as well as improve the quality management of the metrological support process in the organization.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2024-9-52-57

  • 10
    The System оf Management & Quality Control of Medical Care. SQDCM
    Authors: L.A. Fedyk, VCS All-Russian Register, World Congress on Quality of Strategic Management and Sustainable Development (ANQ), Dr. (Philos.) PhD (Med.), flarisa1961@mail.ru 
    I.S. Pundel’ , VCS All-Russian Register, ANO HE World Academy of Quality, info@9000-2001.ru 
    E.V. Rasoeva, SAHI Tyumen Region City Polyclinic N 12
    The article is devoted to the study of the management and quality control system at the outpatient stage according to the SQDCM principle. The SQDCM principle includes a system of indicators of the quality of medical services in the following area: the outpatient stage of treatment and diagnosis is the most common, it involves the provision of medical care without the need for hospitalization. The article will consider the practical aspects of the introduction of modern principles for improving the quality of services provided on the example of the State medical institution City polyclinic N 12, located in Tyumen, the results of using modern progressive management technologies in medical institutions are studied, a brief description of the regulations used is given, on the basis of which documentation for the ISO quality control system is developed.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2024-9-62-66

  • 11
    Forecasting the Residual Life of Products by a Functional Mesodiagnostics Device
    Authors: V.M. Korneeva, Bauman Moscow State Technical University (BMSTU), Assoc. Prof. Dr. (Tech.), v_korneeva@list.ru 
    A.A. Barzov, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Prof. Dr. (Tech.), a.a.barzov@gmail.com 
    V.S. Puzakov, National Research University Moscow Power Engineering Institute, PhD (Tech.), PuzakovVS@mail.ru 
    I.V. Ivanina, BMSTU, Assoc. Prof. Dr. (Tech.), i-ivanina@yandex.ru 
    I.S. Korneev, BMSTU, iskorn@icloud.com
    Forecasting the resource parameters of the surface layer material as a trigger for failure of the entire product is most relevant for the majority of potentially dangerous objects of analysis in various sectors of the real economy. A diagram illustrating the mechanism of deformation-fatigue formation of operational and technological damage to the surface layer material is proposed. An analytical expression has been obtained that relates the residual life of the product with the results of its mesodiagnostics before and during operation. Thus, the study allows us to assess the role of IMD technologies in ensuring the functional quality of a product of critical importance from a single scientific and methodological position by calculating and algorithmically assessing their residual life of reliable operation.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2024-9-67-71

  • 12
    Research Testing of Electric Rocket Engines. Methodology & Process Management
    Authors: M.O. Ermakova, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) (MAI), romashovamo@mai.ru 
    A.M. Erikova, MAI V.P. Monakhova2 , MAI, PhD (Tech.) 
    P.A. Karepin, MAI, Prof. Dr. (Tech.)
    We have discussed the problem of managing the process of research tests of electric rocket engines. Models of the process are built, the developed system of model elements (subprocesses and tasks) of the main stages with the indication of the regulating normative and technical documents and the algorithm for ensuring the reliability of the results of the tests of electric rocket engines are presented. All these developments will make it possible to more effectively manage the process of research tests of electric rocket engines and further create a base for automating the workflow of the process. They can also become an effective additional analysis tool for solving the problem of process optimization.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2024-9-72-81

  • 13
    Logical Way of Data Analysis: Dynamic Series
    Authors: I.V. Plotnikova, Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU), Assoc. Prof. PhD (Tech.), inna@tpu.ru 
    I.A. Plotnikov, TPU, PhD (Tech.), igоrplt@tpu.ru 
    N.G. Khvalevko, Branch of Gorbachev Kuzbass State Technical University in Mezhdurechensk, Assoc. Prof. PhD (Ped.), nghvalevko@mail.ru
    The development of economic problems is most effectively solved if statistical data are analyzed. This analysis allows us making effective decisions. In the article we have given the concept and the most well-known types and parameters of dynamic series. The application of dynamic series is demonstrated using specific examples. To summarize, in statistics, dynamic series are recognized as an actual indicator characterizing changes in public life over time, in the formation of which it is necessary to observe a chronological sequence. The forecasting procedure after analyzing the dynamic series is based on the fact that the observed trend is developing naturally and the past trend, which has already been introduced into the dynamics of the series, will not show drastic changes in the future.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2024-9-82-85

  • 14
    Quality Management of Оperation of Reference Calibration Dosimetric Installations
    Authors: V.A. Styazhkin, Scientific and Technical Committee of Metrological Service of the RF Armed Forces, PhD (Tech.), styazhkinva@yandex.ru 
    K.A. Sharganov, FSBI Main Scientific Metrological Center of the RF Ministry of Defense, PhD (Tech.), kasharganov@yandex.ru 
    O.A. Voeyko, FSBEI HE Leonov University of Technology (FSBEI HE UNITECH), Assoc. Prof. PhD (Tech.), voeyko@ut-mo.ru 
    Yu.S. Popova, FSBEI HE UNITECH, PhD (Ec.), p.julia.s@mail.ru
    The standardized method of verification of measuring instruments at radiation-hazardous facilities is characterized by increased labor intensity of work, a low level of automation of processes and requires a long stay of verifiers in the zone of exposure to ionizing radiation, which leads to increased dosimetric loads and is an additional risk factor. The relevance of the issue of ensuring radiation safety by increasing the efficiency of quality management of operation of reference calibration dosimetric installations is shown. An approach to modeling the ionizing radiation field is proposed, the ways and prospects of its implementation and application in practice are determined, as well as an assessment of the factors and conditions affecting the measurement results is carried out. 
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2024-9-86-91

  • 15
    ICT in the Field of Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements as a Quality Control Method
    Authors: A.N. Kiryushchenkov, FBI SRC Applied Metrology — Rostest 
    A.D. Men’shikov, FBI SRC Applied Metrology — Rostest
    To begin with, the authors consider the history of the issue — after all, the state regional centers for standardization, metrology and testing of the Central Federal District have been participating in interlaboratory comparison testing for a long time. Today’s statement of the question and the importance of participation of standardization and metrology centers in interlaboratory comparisons of various types of measurements are discussed. It is stated that such practice should be expanded to increase the level of qualification and trust in the results of verifications and calibrations. The results of calculation of criteria based on the results of interlaboratory comparisons in the standardization and metrology centers of the Central and Northwestern Federal Districts are presented.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2024-9-92-96
