Journal Kompetentnost': 2 / 143 / 2017
Extraterritorial Industrial Clusters as an Important Component of Innovation Systems
Authors: L.V. Il’inykh, Leading Researcher, Department of Foreign Economic Integration of Chemical Complex, Scientific Research Institute Technical and Economical Research, Moscow, Russia, ilinykh22@gmail.comProf. Dr. A.E. Khachaturov, Professor, Head of Department, Management and Marketing Department, Mendeleev Russian University of Chemical and Technology, Moscow, Russia, tavrizyan@mail.ruWe have devoted this article to the issue of industrial clusters’ transformation at
the present stage of technology development. We have attempted to prove that
the implementation of neoindustrialization process requires the formation not
territorial but extraterritorial industrial clusters. This process is aimed at ensuring
the sustainable development of national economy and improvement of the national
innovation system. We have noted that in our country the majority of federal and
regional programs of cluster development are still focused on the formation of regional
industrial clusters. We are confident that for the purposes of Russian economy
neoindustrialization it is objectively required to form at the RF territories not only
territorial but also extraterritorial industrial clusters. We consider they will provide
a more competitiveness of industrial production and will become important units
of the national innovation system.
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On Foundations of Inter-agency Co-ordination of Works on Creation of Robotics Technology
Authors: Prof. Dr. V.Yu. Korchak, Chairman, Applied Problems Section of Russian Academy of Sciences, Full Member of Russian Academy of Rocket and Artillery Sciences, Moscow, Russia, korchak.v@mail.ruDr. V.V. Ivanenkov, Associate Professor, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, RussiaProf. Dr. V.A. Vikhrov, Head of the Presidium Apparatus, Corresponding Member, Russian Academy of Rocket and Artillery Sciences, Moscow, RussiaWe have considered various aspects of inter-agency co-ordination in the context of one
of the most perspective directions of science and technology. This is the robotics.
We believe that the development of a concept paper is attributed to the number of
priority organizational, scientific and methodological measures. We are confident it is
necessary to regulate the order of all phases of operation in this document to implement
science and technology achievements in development activities on creating robotic
systems. We have classified the stages as follows:
(a) establishing a mechanism of scientific and technical examination of the
research’s results for the purpose of their correction;
(b) formation of a unified information database with the results of intellectual
activity in the field of robotics technology;
(c) organization of information exchange with scientific organizations of Russian
Academy of Sciences, High School, United Instrument Manufacturing Corporation, as
well as Foundation for Advanced Research, Russian Foundation for Basic Research and
other research foundations.
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National Accreditation System: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Authors: Prof. Dr. G.V. Pankina, Head of Department, Аcademy of Standardization, Metrology and Certification, Moscow, Russia, gvpankina@asms.ruDr. V.E. Kovlyakova, Associate Professor, Department, Аcademy of Standardization, Metrology and Certification, Moscow, RussiaThe issues of reforming the national accreditation system and the main stages of the
national accreditation body and the development of the system at the present stage we
have analyzed. Also we have identified the key positions of the legislative framework in
the field of accreditation and technical regulations. Many tasks, defined in the Concept
of RF accreditation system are solved. In particular, creation of uniform national
system of accreditation and the effective legislation in this sphere. However, we believe
speaking on the final stage of the national accreditation system reform is premature.
It is at the initial stage of development, considering the international vector of its
movement, we consider.
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International Quality Award: Recognition of Success
Authors: Prof. Dr. Yu.A. Gusakov, First Vice-President, Russian Organization for Quality, Moscow, Russia, 01gusakov@mail.ruI describe the history of quality models, awards (competitions) and three the most
authoritative and popular models in the field of quality. Treat them: the model of
business excellence EFQM (European Fund of Quality Management), Baldridge
Award model and Deming Award model. The quality competitions and awards play
an important role in popularization of constant improvement’ models and concepts,
I have shown. I suppose, an important factor in this regard is the state attitude to such
competitions. It was more a question of moral support — participation in awarding,
publications of them in the official sources, etc. I believe that the state should express
their attitude to the problem of quality in general. I am sure that it stimulates
companies and organizations to work more actively in this direction, and the quality
experts — to the creative, scientific and practical activities.
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On Confirmation of Methodology for Determining Heavy Metals in Water Samples
Authors: O.Yu. Lugovaya, Master, Dmitry Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow, RussiaDr. L.V. Polyakova, Associate Professor, Dmitry Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow, RussiaDr. Kh.A. Nevmyatullina, Associate Professor, Dmitry Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow, Russia, knevm@mail.ruDr. Е.V. Yakushina, General Director, Eco-analytical Center Ekostok, Moscow, RussiaWe have confirmed the compliance of the method for determining heavy metals
in water samples to the requirements of normative documentation and the possibility
of using this technique in the laboratory of the Ecological Analysis Center Ekostock
LLC. To conduct the research, we have used an absorption spectrophotometer with
a flame atomizer QUANT-2A, auxiliary equipment, reagents and materials: state
standard samples of solutions' composition, corresponding to the selected elements, etc.
We have performed statistical processing of results using Microsoft Office Excel 2007.
Based on the calculations, we have established the possibility of obtaining analytical
results in the laboratory with an accuracy that meets the requirements of quantitative
chemical analysis technique. This indicates the correctness of the procedure. This was
the basis for recommending the use of the quantitative chemical analysis technique
in the laboratory of the Ecological Center Ekostock LLC.
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Assessment of Child Restraints’ Quality According to Technical Requirements
Authors: A.V. Kamovich, Student, Vitebsk State Technological University (VSTU), Vitebsk, Republic of Belarus, emina0902@mail.ruAssoc. Prof. Dr. A.N. Makhon’, Associate Professor, Standardization Department, VSTU, Vitebsk, Republic of Belarus, anmakhon@mail.ruTo ensure the safety of the child in the vehicle it is necessary to use a child restraint
systems that can ensure an effective level of protection in the case of an accident. The
allowable load threshold in this case should not exceed the standards set by regional
and international standards. We have developed a classification of child restraint
systems on seven criteria: design, size, species, method of installation, mounting system,
operation of the product category, the weight group of children. We have reviewed
a design of the frameless restraint systems, that was developed by the Scientific and
Technological Park VSTU.
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Methods of Assessing the Product Samples for Customs Purposes
Authors: Prof. Dr. A.V. Nesterov, Professor, Russian Castoms Academy, Moscow, Russia, nesterav@yandex.ruIntroduction of the EAEC Customs Code stressed the importance of expertise in
customs purposes, I have note. But the conclusion of the customs expert as an expert
evidence under the customs control may be questioned if the product samples’ selection,
used as an object of customs expertise, will have an unacceptable error. I have analyzed
possible methods of goods sample’s valuation for customs purposes, using a systematic
approach. I assume these results may allow to intensify the discussion of topical issues
of goods sample selection and goods sample taking for customs purposes. Analyzing the
methods of accuracy sampling assessing for controlled goods makes it possible to assert
that the sampling method allows the examination of goods for customs purposes, with
acceptable accuracy.
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Conformity Assessment of New Materials Using Standard Samples and Methods of High Level Measurement
Authors: Prof. Dr. E.N. Kablov, Academician of RAN, General Director, Russian Academy of Sciences, Federal State Unitary Enterprise All‑Russian Institute of Aviation Materials (ARIAM), Moscow, Russia, admin@viam.ruDr. Е.B. Chabina, Deputy Head, Testing Сenter of Federal State Unitary Enterprise ARIAM, Moscow, Russia, chabinaeb@viam.ruDr. G.А. Morozov, Deputy Head, Quality Service of Federal State Unitary Enterprise ARIAM, Moscow, Russia, tk_182@viam.ruAssoc. Prof. Dr. N.P. Muravskaya, Deputy Head, Federal State Unitary Enterprise All-Russian Research Institute for Optical and Physical Measurements, Moscow, RussiaWe have reviewed the quality control problem of created the new metallic materials
with preset performance characteristics on the example of heat-resistant nickel alloys.
It requires controlling not only chemical composition and mechanical properties
of the material, but also its structural-phased state. We have shown, how the
problem of development and certification of the chemical composition standard
samples of alloys and standard samples of structure as well as a high level
measurement techniques is solved within the industry of the Center of metrological
support and conformity assessment of nanotechnologies products and nanoindustry
in the direction of composite nanomaterials. We have prepared the article as a part
of the complex problem Fundamentally oriented research (Strategic directions
of developing materials and technologies for their processing for the period up to 2030).
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Measurement Accuracy and Risks in Quality Control
Authors: M.V. Golobokov, Metrology Engineer, State Regional Center of Standardization, Metrology and Testing in Novosibirsk region, Novosibirsk, Russia, malachit_40@inbox.ruProf. Dr. S.B. Danilevich, Professor, Academy of Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Novosibirsk Branch), Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russia, ser-danilevich@yandex.ruDr. T.M. Solov’eva, Senior Teacher, Department of Metrology and Technology of Optical Production, Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies, Novosibirsk, Russia, s_t_m_83@mail.ruWe have offered to discuss the appropriateness of specifying the concept of risk,
formulated in the standards GOST R ISO 9000–2015 and GOST R ISO 9001–2015,
as well as some provisions of GOST R 8.731–2010. We particularly consider it is
appropriate to follow the GOST R 8.563-2009 up with the concept of control procedure
attestation (testing) and probabilistic indicators of products control results’ reliability
We have also proposed to add paragraph 5.1.1 GOST R 8.563, adding to the list of
initial data. It’s necessary in developing measurement and control techniques, the item
requirements for parameters of control (testing) results’ reliability.
We believe it will help to implement evidence-based approach to the developing of
effective products control (testing) methods.
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Regional Experience of Improvement the Industrial Enterprises’ Competitiveness
Authors: M.A. Yankovskaya, Deputy Head, Volga Region Center of Quality, Kazan’, Russia, kfasms9@mail.ruDr. A.N. Yashin, Head, Kazan’ Branch, Head, Department, Technological Management, Kazan’, Russia, kfasms1@mail.ruConstant improvement is the basis for the functioning of any successful organization.
It is periodically necessary to assess and analyze the current activities of the enterprise,
and determine the direction of work improving. The self-evaluation of the organization’s
activities and the comparative analysis with the results of other enterprises, including
competitive ones is an effective solution. We have examined the methodology for
increasing the competitiveness of industrial enterprises using the mechanism of publicprivate
partnership, developed in the Republic of Tatarstan. It is based on a multicriteria
model of enterprise’s performance assessment. We are confident that this
methodology is aimed at the continuous improvement of industrial enterprises through
self-assessment and subsequent comparative analysis of performance. We believe that it
may be required in other regions of Russian Federation.