Journal Kompetentnost': 215 / 5 / 2024
Professional Experience Structure & Content in Becoming a Specialist Metrologist
Authors: B.N. Guzanov, Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University (RSVPU), Prof. Dr. (Tech.), guzanov_bn@mail.ruA.D. Kolyasnikova, Ural Works of Civil Aviation, RSVPU, kolyasnikovaad@mail.ruThe article reveals the concept of professional experience of an expert metrologist, the role and stages of his formation in the structure of professional competence of a specialist. It shows necessity of formation and development of professional experience of expert metrologist for successful solution of professional tasks through realization of additional professional training. The authors believe that it is very important that professional experience is a dynamic structure that changes in the process of carrying out a specific professional activity, capable of self-development under the influence of various conditions in which this activity is carried out, that is, it has a synergistic character.DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2024-5-03-09
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Efficiency of BAT Implementation. Management of the Resource-Efficient Techniques Selection
Authors: D.О. Skobelev, FSAI Research Institute Environmental Industrial Policy Center (FSAI EIPC), Dr. (Ec.), dskobelev@eipc.centerI.S Kuroshev, FSAI EIPC, i.kuroshev@eipc.centerА.G. Bernyatskiy, JSC RUSAL Management, Andrey.Bernyatskiy@rusal.comThe article proposes a methodology for assessing the effectiveness of technology implementation, taking into account indicators of environmental and resource efficiency, as well as indicators of greenhouse gas emissions. These indicators form a general system and are considered comprehensively. Additionally, analysis and comparison of technologies is carried out using thermodynamic (exergetic) analysis, which is expressed through the exergy efficiency of the process, defined as the ratio of the work expended on the production of the main product to the total expenditure for implementing the technological process. The exergy analysis method allows to assess the degree of maturity (level of development) of a technology by comparing it with an idealized analogue, as well as draw a conclusion about the practical feasibility and potential of modernization. It is proposed to evaluate the system of indicators through a single integral indicator. The results of the analysis are presented by example of aluminum production using the electrolytic method. It is concluded that the Best Available Technique at the moment is the electrolysis of aluminum using pre-baked anodes.DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2024-5-10-17
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Optimization of University Processes: Opportunities of the Functional Cost Approach
Authors: E.V. Priymak (Priimak), FSBEI HE Kazan National Research Technological University, PhD (Chem.), lenaprima@yandex.ruN.G. Bikeeva, FSBEI HE Kazan State Energy University, marasha23@rambler.ruOne of the directions of creating an effective university management system is the introduction of a process approach to the management of its activities. The research is based on the use of the functional cost analysis (FCA) method. The relevance of using the FCA is due to its ability to identify the sources of costs for the implementation of functions and ensure the required level of quality while reducing costs. In conclusion, functions were identified whose share in costs exceeds their significance or represents zones of disproportion from influence of secondary functions. And proposals were put forward to optimize the process of marketing and student recruitment planning.DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2024-5-18-24
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Enterprise Energy Supply Management: Expert Decision-Making System
Authors: R.N. Pigilova, FSBEI HE Kazan State Energy University, rozapigilova@yandex.ruIn the article, I have discussed managing the energy supply process to improve industrial safety and competitiveness. A special place in the management of industrial production is given to the control over all types of processes. An action plan has been developed for this purpose, and all possible risks have been analyzed. I have identified the risks that need to be managed and that can be neglected. It is proposed to introduce an automated risk management system and internal control of the enterprise’s energy supply, which can simplify management and minimize all major risks. Software is offered. It is necessary in the process of work in which all the necessary functions for management can be incorporated.DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2024-5-25-28
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Quality Management Models of Production Processes in Mechanical Engineering
Authors: Ya.V. Denisova, FSBEI HE Kazan National Research Technological University, Assoc. Prof. PhD (Ec.), denisova.ya.v@yandex.ruIn the article, I have presented an overview of the theoretical provisions in the field of quality management of production processes in mechanical engineering. The stages of evolution of production processes quality management models are on consideration. The rationale for the need to develop an integrated quality management system for production processes in mechanical engineering is presented. A model of an integrated quality management system in an integrated value chain is proposed. The main conditions for creating an integrated quality management system for production processes and products are systematized. I have summarized the main advantages of developing and implementing a model of an integrated quality management system for production processes and products for participants in an integrated value chain in relation to the engineering industry.DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2024-5-29-32
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Information Support to Reduce the Risks of Auto Components’ Defects
Authors: S.V. Kas’yanov, Tupolev Kazan National Research Technical University — KAI (KNRTU — KAI), PhD (Tech.)V.D. Mogilevets, KNRTU — KAI, PhD (Tech.)For enterprises supplying automotive components, an important problem is reducing the risks of manufacturing low-quality products and the likelihood of defects in commercial products. There is a need to create a new universal methodology for effectively solving the problem. To trace the causes of defects, the concept of defect life cycle is proposed in accordance with term defect definition in GOST R ISO 9000–2015 from the primary nonconformity of quality characteristics to the occurrence of a defect when using an auto component. We showed the need to use CALS technology and gave an example of using information to manage defects in existing production. The content of tracking information was also justified.DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2024-5-33-38
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Verification and Calibration Processes’ Automation of Measuring Instruments in Modern Laboratories
Authors: A.N. Kiryushchenkov, FBI Rostest-MoscowA.D. Men’shikov, FBI Rostest-MoscowThe role of automation is discussed in providing a standardized approach to verification and calibration of measuring instruments, ensuring consistency of results. The results of the phased implementation of the UNITESS project in the Federal Budgetary Institution Rostest-Moscow are presented. These results showed that dozens of automated workplaces were implemented within the framework of the project. We especially note the automated devices for maintaining the state working standard of time and frequency, which made it possible to increase the number of devices that are simultaneously in verification by exactly two times, and to reduce the time during daily verification by eight times. The most automated workplaces have shown efficiency from 90 to 100 percent in performing verification and calibration procedures.DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2024-5-39-41
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Practice of Estimating Uncertainty When Calibrating a Viscometer
Authors: P.A. Gorbachev, Nizhny Novgorod Branch of FSAEI FVT Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Training) (FSAEI FVT ASMS), PhD (Tech.), asmsnn@yandex.ruV.G. Kutyaykin, Nizhny Novgorod Branch of FSAEI FVT ASMS, Assoc. Prof. PhD (Tech.)E.Yu. Geyger, Nizhny Novgorod Branch of FSAEI FVT ASMS, Assoc. Prof. PhD (Agric.)Testing and calibration laboratories accredited in the national accreditation system must meet the requirements of GOST ISO/IEC 17025–2019. Among the requirements of this standard is the need to calculate the uncertainty of measurement and calibration results. The uncertainty calculation includes two approaches to assessing the factors that influenced the accuracy of the measurement procedure, and it is here that researchers will need to have certain knowledge and skills to choose the appropriate algorithm for processing this information — converting into standard uncertainty. Despite some simplification, the given example demonstrates a general approach to uncertainty assessment and can be used by testing and calibration laboratories in the practice of performing measurements, tests and calibrations.DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2024-5-42-46
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Software Risk Assessment Method for Measuring Devices: Application Practice
Authors: А.N. Pan’kov, FSBI All-Russian Research Institute of Metrological Service (FSBI VNIIMS), FSAEI FVT Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Training), FSBEI HE MIREA — Russian Technological University (FSBEI HE RTU MIREA), PhD (Tech.), apankov@vniims.ruI.V. Lazareva, FSBI VNIIMS, i.lazareva@vniims.ruЕ.V. Kopylova, FSBEI HE RTU MIREA, PhD (Chem.), kopylova_e@mirea.ruSoftware risk assessment method for measuring instruments is demonstrated using a real example. The measurement tool in question was a system for measuring the parameters of heavy-duty automobile vehicles while driving, which is used for photo and video recording of traffic violations. We showed the application of the methodology in detail, a measurement tool was selected that has a fairly complex device and with software that will be evaluated. Clearly the methodology takes into account a wider range of factors and considers the risks of software from different angles. The presented methodology can be applied to real-life measuring instruments and become an effective way to solve problems of safety and security of measuring instruments.DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2024-5-47-51
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Digital Reality: How Mobile Fitness Applications Improve the Quality of Life
Authors: T.N. Poddubnaya, Kuban State University of Physical Education, Sports and Tourism, Assoc. Prof. Dr. (Ped.), tpodd@mail.ruI have substantiated the role of mobile fitness applications in physical education and health activities and improving the quality of life. In the article, I have presented statistical data on the demand for ICT services among the world population. The types and advantages of using mobile applications have been described. Information about the most popular mobile fitness applications is briefly given. I have formulated a conclusion about the need for in-depth specification of the impact of mobile fitness services on a person’s life, taking into account providing everyone with a decent life, as well as the large-scale use of mobile fitness applications in professional activities.DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2024-5-52-55
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On Compliance with Regulatory Standards for Cutting Quality in the Production of Welded Joints
Authors: S.V. Anakhov, Russian State Vocational Professional University (RSVPU), LLC Technoplasm, PhD (Phys.-Math.), sergej.anahov@rsvpu.ruB.N. Guzanov, RSVPU, Prof. Dr. (Tech.), guzanov_bn@mail.ruA.V. Matushkin, Ural Federal UniversityN.S. Michurov, Ural Institute of State Fire Service of MES of Russia, n.michurov@ya.ruA review of regulatory requirements and a comparative analysis of modern high-energy metal cutting technologies — laser, plasma, water jet and a number of related methods, justifying the possibility of their use in the production of welded joints, is presented. The results of an experimental study of water jet, laser and plasma cutting technologies that ensure high cutting quality are shown. Based on the results of qualitative and quantitative analysis of individual cutting quality parameters, a conclusion was made about the best quality achieved when cutting with the plasma torch developed in the author’s team, and the possibility of plasma cutting for welding without subsequent machining. It is also concluded that by now the technologies of high-energy impact on metals have a wide range of technological capabilities that allow solving most of the tasks that require high-performance, high-quality and efficient metal cutting.DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2024-5-56-62