Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution on Further Vocational Training, «Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Educational)»
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Journal Kompetentnost': 3 / 164 / 2019


  • 1
    Evaluation of Standards for the Hardness of Drinking Water
    M.Yu. Zabolotnyy, D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia (D. Mendeleev University, MUCTR), mikez962@mail.ru
    E.G. Vinokurov, D. Mendeleev University, MUCTR, Prof. Dr., vin-62@mail.ru
    Kh.A. Nevmyatullina, D. Mendeleev University, MUCTR, Dr., knevm@mail.ru
    T.F. Burukhina, D. Mendeleev University, MUCTR, Dr., burukhina@bk.ru
    In this article, we made an attempt to analyze acting standards for the hardness of drinking water in different countries. In a number of countries, there are some requirements for both upper and lower limits for the hardness, as well as for the separate concentrations of calcium and magnesium. We gave a short description of the effects of the drinking water hardness on the human health and also the actual values of hardness of tap water in a number of European and Russian cities. State standard for the drinking water was introduced in Russia in 1940 and has been changed since then several times, although the hardness index has been preserved at constant level of 7 mmol-equiv/l. We have stated in the paper that an optimization of the range of hardness of drinking water is necessary for both health care of the population and minimization of the corrosion of water supply equipment and pipelines.
  • 2
    To Boblovo, Visiting Mendeleev
    T.A. Bychkova, FSAEI FVT ASMS, Dr.
    As we known, precisely D.I. Mendeleev stood at the origins of modern metrology. Traditionally, different international exhibitions, conferences and seminars are held on the eve of the World Metrology Day. Paying tribute to the Great Russian scientist, we recall the meeting of the Academy Academic Council. It was held in the framework of the World Metrology Day in the estate of D.I. Mendeleev — museum-estate Boblovo. Director of the museum-estate L.M. Titova told the audience about the activities of D.I. Mendeleev; about the works of the scientist, that he made on the improvement of the village, local agricultural land with the help of the latest chemistry and agronomy achievements. The participants watched a documentary about the life of D.I. Mendeleev in the village Boblovo, made a museum-estate tour and saw its surroundings. It was decided to continue the practice of conducting visiting sessions of the ASMS Scientific Council.
  • 3
    Meeting of the Academic Council on the Day of Metrology
    Authors: Yu.A. Baryshev, FSAEI FVT Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Educational), Assoc. Prof. Dr., info@asms.ru
    Traditionally, different international exhibitions, conferences and seminars are held on the eve of the World Metrology Day. They are dedicated to the life and work of D.I. Mendeleev, the Great Russian scientist, one of the founders of modern metrology. On May 24, 2012, in St. Petersburg the Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification held a field meeting of the Academic Council. St. Petersburg was not chosen by chance: visiting places connected with the life and work of D.I. Mendeleev on the eve of Metrology day has become traditional in the Academy. D.I. Mendeleev knew the fact that science begins with metrology. Development of standardization and industrial production is impossible without modern metrology. Without metrological measurements our daily life will turn into chaos. Metrology has become an integral part of all areas of activity. It is obvious, that a huge merit of D.I. Mendeleev that Russia has a modern metric metrological measurement system. The last, most fruitful, years of his life Dmitry Ivanovich dedicated to the creation of the Chamber of Weights and Measures. Knowledge of metrology history helped him to form a modern scientific school of metrology, which became the basis of the future science. Moreover, this must not be forgotten. This must be talked and taught so that our metrology listeners do not ask: why do some metrological institutes have a monument to D.I. Mendeleev? Forgetting history, we endanger our future, scientific and technical progress.
  • 4
    Formation of the Professional Competencies Achievement Indicators
    Authors: Е.P. Aristova, D.I. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology, Assoc. Prof.
    V.М. Aristov, D.I. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology, Dr. Prof. А.О. Kharitonov, D.I. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology, Dr. Prof., aharitonov@muctr.ru
    We studies the issue of developing a methodology for forming indicators of the achievement of competencies, to represent them in the work programs of disciplines in the form of the triad — know, be able, to own. The labor functions of professional standards are the basis for determining the content of these indicators. We have proposed as a basis to take the labor functions of professional standards, corresponding to the areas of training and included in the annex to the educational standards of the generation 3 ++. We suggest choosing indicators from professional standards. We believe that the choice of indicators should be carried out on the basis of restrictive selection, providing theoretical and practical training of students. Also, we believe that the proposed methodology for determining indicators of the achievement of professional competencies based on work functions can be offered to teachers for use in practical work.
  • 5
    Environmental Innovation Impact on its Investment Attractiveness
    Authors: A.A. Barzov, М.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Prof. Dr., a.a.barzov@gmail.com 
    V.V. Erofeeva, Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics, Dr., Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia 
    V.M. Korneeva, N.E. Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Prof. Dr., v_korneeva@list.ru 
    S.S. Korneev, N.E. Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Dr.
    Diversity of functional-latent interrelations in the system of making sound financial and managerial decisions on the implementation of specific design and technological solutions predetermines the need to use the probability theory apparatus when assessing possible risks and analyzing factors influencing them. In this regard, we have proposed probabilistic models of the impact of environmental friendliness of innovative technological developments on the potential of their investment attractiveness, obtained quantitative relationships and give examples of the results of calculations. We believe that the implementation of the apparatus for analyzing the quality of innovative technological developments confirms its practical significance in making a positive decision on the investment support of the proposals under consideration with a minimum degree of environmental risk. We consider it necessary to conduct further research on the development of probabilistic modeling in the field of functional and applied megaecology of industrial innovations of a physical and technological profile.
  • 6
    Optimization Production and Logistics Systems for Military Purposes: 3-d Technology
    Authors: N.A. Dzhaksybaev, General A.V. Khrulev Military Academy of Logistics and Procurement, Jaksybaev.Nurjan@mail.ru 
    А.Kh. Kurbanov, General A.V. Khrulev Military Academy of Logistics and Procurement, Assoc. Prof. Dr., kurbanov-83@yandex.ru 
    A.V. Sobolev, Volsk Military Institute of Logistics, sobolev_a_90@mail.ru
    The development of production technologies and logistic systems, which is currently taking place, fundamentally changes many areas of human activity. Modern technologies are of particular importance if they are used in the provision of military consumers in the material and technical terms. In the given paper, we speak on a conceptual approach to the formation of a cyber-physical system of providing military consumers with clothing property. It implies the introduction of a set of innovations, one of which is 3-d printing of some types of material resources, supplied to the supply of military personnel, or being an integral part of individual products.
  • 7
    Risk-based Approach: the Integration of ISO 37001: 2016 Requirements into the Organization’s QMS
    Authors: V.A. Novikov, FSAEI FVT ASMS, Assoc. Prof. Dr., nva@asms.ru 
    E.B. Bobryshev, FSAEI FVT ASMS, Assoc. Prof. Dr.  
    E.Yu. Barmenkov, MAI (National Research University), Dr. 
    D.B. Nosova, Rostec State Corporation
    Adoption of various national laws, as well as international agreements, is not sufficient for solution problems connected with briberies, bribes and other types of offenses in respect of obtaining illegal benefit by both certain employees, interested persons, and companies in general. Today, the need for responsibility of the concrete enterprises for corruption risks prevention increases in the Russian Federation, as well as in any other country of the world. It is possible to reach it only by application of the effective anti-corruption management systems build on risk-focused approach within the Russian, interstate and international legislation. The top management of the companies has to promote in every possible way the formation of transparent and honest corporate culture which is a key factor of success in the fight against corruption.
  • 8
    New Technology for Machining Surfaces of Taps and Split Tees
    Authors: V.A. Komarov, Russian Technological University MIREA, Prof. Dr. 
    V.V. Zuev, MIREA, Dr., oozon@bk.ru 
    T.N. Borovik, MIREA
    We have described technological methods for solving the problem of increasing the productivity and the machining surfaces of bends and split tees quality. This is necessary to prepare them for subsequent welding. We have scientifically substantiated and tested a new technology for processing the bends end with an external pipe diameter of 720–1400 mm. A new technology is offered instead of turning end faces of bends and split tees on face-bore type-boring machines with numerical-program control. In this operation, the removal of the total allowance of 15 mm occurs in five passes. The proposed technology allows milling of the entire allowance in a single pass, on the same machine that has undergone a small modernization. 11 kW electrical milling spindle was installed on the caliper for the boring cutters. When using end mills with a diameter of 20–25 mm, with the number of teeth equal to 4, 5, 6, 9, the average removal time for the allowance was 3 minutes, whereas for boring it is 4.5 minutes. On average, we managed to reduce the machine time for trimming by one and a half times. The durability of the cutters is high. We also explored other ways to remove large allowances, instead of ineffective boring.