Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution on Further Vocational Training, «Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Educational)»
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Journal Kompetentnost': 6 / 166 / 2019


  • 1
    Universal Criterion for High-tech Level
    Authors: A.V. Nesterov, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Prof. Dr. Dr., Russian Customs Academy, nesterav@yandex.ru
    The modern level of development of society is characterized by a high level of technological systems. However, there are problems with the definition of high-tech products production systems, as well as the products themselves. I analyzed the main categories characterizing the high-tech property and their correlation with the help of category and production approaches. High-tech society is characterized by negative manifestations — high-tech crimes, so high-tech systems must have security subsystems. I believe that it is not the criterion of maximum profit (efficiency) of such systems that society needs, but the balance of legitimate interests of the society subjects. The obtained results can intensify the discussion of the topic considered.
  • 2
    Innovative Development of Chemical Industry as the Locomotive of the Neoindustrialization
    Authors: A.E. Khachaturov, Prof. Dr., tavrizyan@mail.ru  
    E.A. Khachaturov-Tavrizyan, MUCTR, j.khachaturov@gmail.com 
    L.V. Starostenko, lstarostenko.iam@gmail.com
    We speak on the key role of the chemical industry innovation development in the neoindustrialization of the Russian economy. We believe that Russia needs urgent intensification of the chemical complex development by creating new and improving existing technologies through the full cycle implementation of domestic innovative chemical technologies development. That are research; integrated laboratory installation; pilot testing; standardization; investment project; implementation; personnel and scientific and technical support. The crucial role in meeting this challenge is payed to human capital. Training and advanced training for the chemical complex are the necessary conditions for the development and implementation and introduction of modern technological processes and production of high value-added quality products, to prevent the negative environmental impact, enhance production economic efficiency and improve the quality of life of people.
  • 3
    Design Documentation Dialectics or Drawing as an Engineer Language
    Authors: M.Yu. Kuprikov, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Prof. Dr., kuprikov@mai.ru 
    N.M. Kuprikov, MAI, TC 187, Dr. Assoc. Prof., nkuprikov@mai.ru
    We analyzed the transformation of the engineering language of communication into a virtual solid-state image caused by digital technologies. We reviewed the basic methods and methods for creating prototypes of projected parts of aerospace engineering objects at the design development stages. Rapid prototyping technologies allow to check the correctness of the created structure, optimize it and thus ensure the required product quality at the early stages of the life cycle. The рossible applications of rapid prototyping technologies in design, we showed. In addition, we believe that the verification of the development trend proceeds through the development of regulatory and legal documentation, through activities in specialized technical committees of Rosstandart and specialized dissertation councils.
  • 4
    On the Control and Supervision of the Mineral Fertilizers Circulation in Some EAEU States
    Authors: O.B. Gromov, State Research Center High-tech Research Institute of Inorganic Materials named after A.A. Bochvar, Dr. 
    V.N. Markelova, FGAOU DPO Academy of Standardization, Metrology and Certification (training) (ASMS), Dr., markelova@asms.ru 
    P.I. Mikheev, ASMS, petr_miheev@mail.ru 
    N.M. Ushakova, ASMS 
    A.A. Stepanov, ASMS
    We studied the legislation of the Eurasian Economic Union (with the exception of Russia) in the field of control and supervision of the mineral fertilizers circulation. At the same time, the stage of the end user — the legal entity and the population — was especially carefully studied. State control and supervisory authorities for the treatment in the field of agrochemicals in Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan are defined. Differences in the organization of state control and supervision over compliance with mandatory product requirements are made. In addition, we showed differences in the organization of state control and supervision over compliance with mandatory product requirements. As a result of the study, we have shown the possibility of developing general principles for the implementation of the control and supervisory activities of the authorized state bodies in the EAEU countries.
  • 5
    Dangerous Safety Data Sheets
    Authors: А.М. Orlova, Association Non-profit Partnership Coordination and Information Center of the CIS Member States on the Convergence of Regulatory Practices, a.orlova@ciscenter.org  
    N.A. Druzhinina, Association NP KITS SNG, n.druzhinina@ciscenter.org
    We considered the quality of the accompanying documentation for chemical products, primarily safety data sheets. As is known, a safety data sheet of chemical products is a document that is transmitted through the supply chain. It is a main source of information on the hazardous properties of chemical products and measures for their safe handling throughout the entire life cycle. Completeness and accuracy of the information presented in it play a key role in ensuring safety at workplaces, protecting the environment, as well as correct actions in case of accidents involving chemical products. Unfortunately, along with hazardous products, safety data sheets are circulated on the market, the incorrect or inaccurate contents of which represent a serious threat to consumers.
  • 6
    Involvement of Enterprise Employees in Production Processes. Approaches and Principles
    Authors: V.V. Yushin, Ivanteevka Branch of the Moscow Polytechnic University, wladgit@gmail.com
    It is known that one of the main goals of the company is to make a profit. Effective use of human resources is one of the main means for goal’s achieving. It is an important task of the employer to force the staff of the organization to produce the necessary product or service in a timely manner and with the required quality. It is believed that organization of the workforce effective work is possible through motivation and involvement of staff. There are many ways, methods, approaches and principles of employee motivation, described by both foreign and domestic scientists. However, at present, there is a few scientific literature, comprehensively considering the methods of involvement of personnel in the production processes in our country. In contrast to the methods of employees’ motivation, there is no scientifically sound formulation of the involvement concept, applicable to the economic reality of our country. I describe the principles and approaches to the involvement process, define the process of involvement and provide recommendations for the involvement of workers in the production processes.
  • 7
    Parametrization of Elastomeric Materials for the Test Equipment Design
    Authors: V.S. Laguta, Institute of Industrial Research Ltd., Dr., Moscow, Russia, institut@imail.ru 
    M.N. Myslivets, EMIRP Ltd., Moscow, Russia, mail@emirp-rti.com
    We have presented a set of parameters characterizing the properties of elastomeric materials (EM) for testing in the ideal case. We have also shown the difference in the representation of the properties of EMs as parameters and indicators depending on the assigned task associated with the development, manufacture or EM operation. The results of parameters ranking by the significance of influence at exploitative indicator of a multifunctional test equipment are presented (purchase price and installation price) in the article. The examination showed the fundamental possibility of solving the problem in a more complex formulation. This allows to correctly relate the ability of the customer to finance the proposed development already at the technical stage. It is extremely important for a modern market economy in the context of limited available resources (in terms of volume and time).
  • 8
    Modern Digital Measuring Devices: Devices or Measuring and Computing Complex?
    Authors: Yu.A. Baryshev, FSAEI FVT ASMS, Assoc. Prof. Dr., elizm@asms.ru 
    N.N. Vostroknutov, FSAEI FVT ASMS, Assoc. Prof. Dr.
    We reviewed the state of the issue of verification of modern digital devices, including modern electricity meters, and various measurement systems. Modern microprocessor digital measuring devices may well be attributed not to measuring devices, but to measuring and computing complexes, as the comparison showed. In this case, in some cases it would be useful to extend the methods for determining and controlling the errors specified in MI 2440–97 to calibrate and / or calibrate such instruments. We believe that the listed issues require a good scientific study, regardless of whether or not they are used to verify digital measuring devices as a set of measuring channels of a measuring and computing complex. We have given directions for further research.

Content / Abstracts