Journal Kompetentnost': 186 / 6 / 2021
New Technological Challenges: Drivers and Inhibitors of Industrial Production
Authors: S.S. Kudryavtseva, FSBEI HE Kazan National Research Technological University, Assoc. Prof. Dr., sveta516@yandex.ruS.I. Vol'fson, FSBEI HE Kazan National Research Technological University, Assoc. Prof. Dr., svolfson@kstu.ruM.I. Farakhov, LLC Engineering and Implementation Center Ingehim, Assoc. Prof. Dr., info@ingehim.ruWe have presented the analysis of trends in the development of high-tech production and the factors hindering its development in the context of new technological challenges. We have given the results of systematization of drivers and inhibitors of the high-tech industry, based on the modeling. Thus, based on the results of the analysis, the following conclusions can be drawn, that Russian industry development drivers are the implementation of the (a) import substitution policy, (b) modernization of industry, (c) an optimistic forecast regarding changes in demand for high-tech products in the manufacturing industry, (d) changes in the conjuncture in the field of industrial production. The proposed tools and findings of the simulation will improve the methodological developments in the field of high-tech manufacturing industry development to improve its competitiveness and R & D intensity, we believe. The reported study was funded by RFBR, project number 20-010-00655.DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2021-6-05-09
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Metrological Assurance of Comparability of Influencing Factors in Complex Configurations
Authors: V.M. Korneeva, N.E. Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Academy of Quality Problems, Dr., v_korneeva@list.ruA.A. Barzov, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Dr., a.a.barzov@gmail.comS.S. Korneev, N.E. Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Dr., corneev.sergei2014@yandex.ruM.V. Vetlinskaya, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, m.vetlinskaya@gmail.comWe have shown the need to ensure metrological compliance between various parameters included in the structure of functionally complex qualimetric models. Based on the results of the study, we have developed a structural scheme of the influence of psychosomatic parameters of the state of the human body on the feeling of a certain level of quality of life. It is objectively and latently determined by its functional and variable biological damage. Next, we obtained a linear model of the influence of deviations from the nominal value of the parameters that form the body’s FBP on the intensity of changes in this latent indicator of people’s quality of life. In addition, we have proposed a methodology for metrological unification of the parameters of the model of changes in the body’s FBP, as well as a methodology for ensuring comparability of deviations of psychosomatic parameters of the body. We believe that these methods should be used in the analysis of other qualimetrically difficult to formalize functional configurations, in particular, the psychological profile.DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2021-6-10-18
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Verification of Liquid Thermostats with a Miniature Sodium Fiducial Point Ampoule
Authors: A.F. Brodnikov, Novosibirsk Branch of FSAEI FVT Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Training), Assoc. Prof. Dr., mainbox@asmsnsk.ruA.N. Vikhareva, FSBEI HE Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies, Assoc. Prof. Dr., Milana-maria@mail.ruWe have investigated and justified the possibility of using miniature ampoules of reference points as reference measures for reproducing and transmitting the temperature unit during verification (certification) of liquid thermostats. The advantage of these ampoules is a small volume, high metrological reliability, as well as an acceptable cost due to the small weight (less than 10 g) of especially pure metals used in them. We have experimentally tested and propose a method for determining the actual temperature of the coolant in a liquid thermostat using a reference point of solidification of sodium in a miniature ampoule and a multi-solder differential thermocouple. The advantage of the considered method in comparison with the traditional one based on the use of reference platinum thermometers is the simplicity and reliability of the devices implementing it. The technique can be used for certification (verification) of liquid thermostats using miniature ampoules with reference points of other metals, such as gallium, indium, tin and zinc.DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2021-6-20-23
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Forecasting in Sports: Regression Analysis
Authors: E.G. Kostenko, Kuban State University of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism, PhD (Ped.), Kostenko_e_g@mail.ruI.G. Pavel’ev, Kuban State University of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism, Krasnodar Branch of FSAEI FVT Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Training), PhD (Ped.)In the modern world, the development of the scientific forecasting problem is relevant and is caused by the need to search for new ways of training qualified specialists. We believe that specialists in the field of physical culture and sports should be able to analyze, generalize and systematize data, make forecasts, including in the field of vocational education. Sports forecasting includes all the basic methods that accompany any scientific research, including probabilistic and statistical. In this regard, it became necessary to improve the teaching methods of the discipline Processing of empirical data by means of mathematical statistics. For its successful development, methodological guidelines have been developed for the effective and rational solution of the problems of forecasting and planning complex activities in the field of physical culture and sports, associated with the use of mathematical methods. We have analyzed the forecasting process using the example of regression analysis and believe that forecasting in the sports industry using regression analysis is an integral part of the training of athletes.DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2021-6-24-29
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Process Approach to Knowledge Management in a High-tech Enterprise
Authors: K.I. Porsev, FSBEI HE Yaroslavl State Technical University (FSBEI HE YASTU), PhD (Sc.), ram_dva@mail.ruV.A. Ivanova, Institute of Engineering and Mechanical Engineering of FSBEI HE YASTU, Assoc. Prof. Dr., ivanovava@mail.ruWe consider knowledge management as one of the promising areas of management development in modern high-tech enterprises. The development of production, sustainable economic growth of enterprises, the introduction of innovations, etc., depend on the efficiency of knowledge management processes, however, a number of problems still remain in this area. Considering that the most promising application of the process approach to overcome them, we have built a diagram of the knowledge creation process in accordance with the requirements of GOST R ISO 9001–2015, analyzed the possibility of identifying the output of the knowledge creation process in the form of a management decision and established the possibility of considering the knowledge base as an element of the support system making these decisions. This suggests the possibility of further research related to the application of fundamental concepts and management methods to solve the problems of improving knowledge management processes at various stages of the product life cycle.DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2021-6-30-33
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Conceptual Foundations for the Formation of the Project Portfolio of the Head Enterprise
Authors: V.A. Volochienko, N.E. Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Dr. (Ec.), voko2010@rambler.ruL.B. Sorokina, N.E. Bauman Moscow State Technical University, lbs0415@yandex.ruIn modern conditions, increasing the accuracy of the formation of the portfolio of projects of the main enterprise for the production of high-tech products is of particular relevance. We have reviewed the existing method of building a project portfolio, its advantages and disadvantages are considered. The classifications of the initial data of the portfolio formation and the types of problem situations that arise between the subjects of its formation are formed. The classification of problem situations is proposed to be carried out on the basis of a set of management decisions taken to resolve them. The solution of specific problem situations that arise during the formation of a project portfolio is recommended on the basis of the use of specialized recognition systems. Recommendations for creating a model have been developed. In conclusions. The study has a practical significance, which is expressed by a significant reduction in the uncertainty in the formation of the portfolio, increasing the accuracy of its formation, minimizing the time for conflict resolution and contract conclusion, increasing the productivity and efficiency of the head enterprise.DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2021-6-35-44
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Method of Evaluation of Military Logistic System Stability
Authors: M.A. Plotnik, Volsk Military Institute of Material Support (Branch of the General of the Army A.V. Khrulev Military Academy of Material and Technical Support, St. Petersburg)Currently, there is no single methodology for assessing the stability of supply chains, although this control tool is necessary for enterprises, including those belonging to the country’s military-industrial complex. Based on the analysis of the formation of methods for assessing the quality of the functioning of economic (and logistics) systems, I have developed and proposed a method for assessing the stability of the CPU, including lists of private parameters, methods for determining their threshold values, evaluating the generalizing indicator of the stability of the CPU and developing a scale of its recommended values. I believe that when assessing the stability of the supply chain, it is necessary to take into account not only its technical, but also organizational and economic characteristics, it is advisable to analyze individual indicators in three stages: for individual suppliers, by levels and for the CPU as a whole, in order to get a comprehensive picture of stability, and to calculate the integral indicator of stability, use the method of geometric weighted average.DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2021-6-45-51