Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution on Further Vocational Training, «Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Educational)»
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Journal Kompetentnost': 188 / 8 / 2021


  • 1
    Оn Specialists Training in the Field of Metrology and Standardization in Republic of Bashkortostan
    Authors: M.I. Biryukov, Bashkir Branch of FSAEI FVT Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Training) (FSAEI FVT ASMS), asms@bashtest.ru 
    E.V. Safin, Bashkir Branch of FSAEI FVT ASMS, FSBEI HE Ufa State Aviation Technical University, Assoc. Prof. PhD (Sc.) 
    A.M. Galiullina, Bashkir Branch of FSAEI FVT ASMS, Assoc. Prof. PhD
    E.R. Strel’nikova, Bashkir Branch of FSAEI FVT ASMS
    We analyzed the generalized experience, problems and prospects of training specialists in metrology and standardization on the example of two educational institutions of Bashkortostan Republic. These are the Ufa State Aviation Technical University and the Bashkir branch of the ASMS. We have studied the principles of the formation of competencies in the field of metrology and standardization, taking into account the requirements of federal educational standards of higher education and professional standards, the transformation of these competencies at the current stage of the development of the country’s economy. We found out that the main prerequisites for the transformation of competencies in the field of metrology and standardization are associated with the development of digital technologies that determine the pace of economic growth. We believe that the task of activating the work on metrology and standardization corresponding to the digital economy remains relevant, and the training and retraining of specialists in metrology and standardization with the required competencies corresponding to the digital economy, professional development can be carried out only with the application of an integrated approach in close cooperation of all interested parties.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2021-8-06-12

  • 2
    Standardization as a Basis for Economic Agents’ Competitiveness Improvement
    Authors: N.M. Kuprikov, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, PhD, nkuprikov@gmail.com 
    M.Yu. Kuprikov, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Dr. Prof.
    The article substantiates need to search for ways to transform the global economic system, which would make it possible to level the consequences of global changes and balance the economic activity of mankind by analogy with the mechanism of functioning of the natural system. The methods of analysis, comparison, generalization, the practical application of which have reveal the role of standardization in improvement the competitiveness of economic agents in a circular economy, made up the research methodology of the peculiarities of introducing the IT principles. I analyzed the principles of circular economy and the possibilities of their practical application. The circular economy is presented as a closed system focused on maximizing the efficiency of absolutely all processes that form the product life cycle. It takes into account circular principles in the functioning of organizations. The positive aspects of the circular economy at the micro level and barriers hindering the IT formation in Russia, are characterized. Emphasis is placed on regulatory barriers in waste and product management, as well as on labeling and certification procedures. The urgent need to form an environmental labeling system in Russia is noted. The factors of the competitiveness of economic agents are determined under the conditions of the operation of ecological labeling systems. The research is partially funded by the RF Ministry of Science and Higher Education as part of World-class Research Center program: Advanced Digital Technologies (contract N 075-15-2020-934 dated 17.11.2020)
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2021-8-13-19

  • 3
    Model of Identification the Best Resource-Saving and Ecological Systems
    Authors: S.V. Ostakh, I.M. Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, PhD, ostah2009@yandex.ru
    When modernizing existing production systems, during the assessment of their impact on the environment, it is necessary to analyze alternative options from the point of view of the environmental harm caused by them, innovation and economic feasibility. To improve the quality of the environment and ensure environmental safety, it is recommended to introduce the Best Available Techniques. In this regard, I have considered the features of the analysis and selection of the best resource-saving and environmental production systems. Then I have proposed an adaptable digitized tool implemented using a logical-information model, applicable as a single information- structured complex that provides the choice of the most appropriate production systems in the analyzed industry. I believe that the generalization and aggregation of reliable information obtained during the procedure for assessing resource conservation and environmental friendliness of construction projects and modernization of production systems minimizes environmental, economic and technological risks when making management decisions and reduces the time of their implementation.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2021-8-20-24

  • 4
    Method on Supplies Products Plan Substantiation аnd Services in the Military Consumers Interests
    Authors: I.A. Ruchenin, Army General A.V. Khrulev Military Academy of Logistics, yunikiti@yandex.ru
    I propose a method of products supplies plan substantiation and services for the system of material supplies of the Armed Forces of Russian Federation taking into account the norms of the Federal Law of 5 April 2013 N 44-FZ On the contract system in the field of procurement of products and services for state and municipal needs. The paper analyzes ways of use of this method taking into account the solution of the problem of material supplies for the armed forces. The practical significance of the proposed methodology is associated with the justification of a rational price in the process of weapons public procurement, military, special equipment and material resources. This method allows you to scientifically justify the price by determining the economically justified costs and the minimum necessary profit of the manufacturer (supplier). Besides it adjust the price based on specific conditions for the supply of products or services, including investment risks, the choice of suppliers, taking into account the quality of the products supplied and the available production and logistics capacities.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2021-8-25-31

  • 5
    New Industrialization in Russia as Part of the Trend in the Manufacturing Sector Development
    Authors: V.S. Laguta, LLC Institute of Industrial Researches, PhD, ipilp@mail.ru
    Today, in my opinion, in the field of domestic technical and technological industrialization, there is a situation similar to the introduction of computer technology in the late USSR. Then the mass entry of computers into the Soviet market was unsuccessful. The reason is obvious: a single technical tool could not change the organization of processes. Now we are facing the same problem — an attempt to introduce a new technique into the old organizational framework. Today, Russia is building a market economy, all its problems are of an economic nature, therefore, it is necessary to solve them by market methods. We need real changes in the organization of design and production processes, a transition to managing the organization of industrialization processes. I have considered the options for implementing new industrialization in the conditions of technical and technological advantages of the most developed world economies. I believe that all the above options should be implemented simultaneously, the overall multiplicative effect of real changes is important here.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2021-8-32-35

  • 6
    Development of Quality Indicators System to Enterprise Improve Competitiveness
    Authors: E.Yu. Taranenko, Graduate School of Printing and Media Technologies of St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design (GSPMT SPbSUITD), Assoc. Prof. PhD, tarlen2004@list.ru 
    E.A. Bantser, GSPMT SPbSUITD, katrin.bancer@gmail.com
    Improving the quality of finished products is a complex system task. It is solved on the basis of collecting, processing and analyzing information using methods of mathematical statistics. Among them, such as ABC analysis, Pareto diagram, Ishikawa causal diagram, etc., necessary for monitoring the production process, as well as its adjustments and improvements. We have developed a classification of indicators of the functioning of a particular enterprise that ensure an increase in the quality and consumer value of the products produced. To do this, we identified the most significant inconsistencies that arise during the product life cycle, identified and analyzed the main business processes responsible for their occurrence, ranked the selected indicators according to the degree of their impact on the quality of products. The results of the study showed that the classification developed by us really improves the quality and efficiency of production processes of a light industry enterprise, its competitiveness and the level of consumer demand for its products. 
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2021-8-36-41

  • 7
    Competence of the Organizations Providing Services to Measurements Uniformity Ensure
    Authors: S.L. Aleksandrov, Samara Branch of FSAEI FVT Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Training), FBI State Regional Center for Standardization, Metrology and Testing in the Samara Region, PhD, Senior Researcher, stalek@bk.ru
    For the success and competitiveness of organizations that perform work or provide services to ensure the uniformity of measurements in non-accredited and unlicensed types of activities, they need to additionally (beyond the scope of statutory declarations and advertising events) demonstrate their competence in this area to interested parties. I believe, the basis for the formation of evidence documentation is the development of an organizing document (for each key type of activity), including a description of the management structure and production system, establishing the subject and means of labor, as well as participants and the procedure for performing work. For the subsequent analysis and improvement of the structure of evidence documentation of the competence of the organization, it is necessary, ensuring the confidentiality of information, to keep records of the work performed. I also considered certain aspects of demonstrating competence by employees of the organization when performing work that is in demand by customers (consumers) of services. For the effective development of the organization, the demonstration of its competence should be appropriately motivated and stimulated.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2021-8-42-47

  • 8
    Impact of Digitalization on Technological Processes Efficiency in Modern Production
    Authors: P.V. Golinitskiy, Russian State Agrarian University — K.A. Timiryazev Moscow Agricultural Academy (RSAU — K.A. Timiryazev MAA), PhD, gpv@rgau-msha.ru 
    E.I. Cherkasova, RSAU — K.A. Timiryazev MAA, PhD 
    Yu.G. Vergazova, RSAU — K.A. Timiryazev MAA, PhD 
    U.Yu. Antonova, RSAU — K.A. Timiryazev MAA, PhD
    We have studied the impact of digitalization on the efficiency of technological processes of modern production. The research was carried out at a specific enterprise that produces meat products. It turned out that despite the fact that many enterprises currently use modern technological lines with a high degree of automation, they still distrust the digital counterparts of production processes. Creating a digital double of a production line, although it requires specific applied knowledge, is not an impossible task. The next stage of digitalization is the simulation of processes that allows you to identify the time and material resources used, as well as fixed costs. We conducted basic, semi-automated and automated modeling options. Research has shown that semi-automated systems can come close to automated ones in terms of their capabilities, thereby ensuring an increase in labor productivity and laying the foundation for further development in the form of accumulated data and highly efficient processes.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2021-8-48-54


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