Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution on Further Vocational Training, «Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Educational)»
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Journal Kompetentnost': 207 / 7 / 2023


  • 1
    Demonstration of Science & Technology Achievements as a Tool to Increase Their Feasibility
    Authors: V.Yu. Korchak, Innovative Technology Center of Scientific Policy Complex of Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Dr. (Ec.), Full Member of Russian Academy of Rocket and Artillery Sciences, korchak.v@mail.ru
    In order to accelerate the advancement of the most promising, interesting and important ideas and scientific and technological achievements, it is necessary to popularize them faster, more and more widely in the mass media, in scientific and technical journals. But the main role in this is played by domestic and international congress and exhibition events with a wide demonstration of the presented technical innovations. On the example of international forums and events, events of the highest level are considered. Within the framework of which scientific conferences, symposiums, round tables are held, dedicated to various areas of development of the relevant industries and the best achievements of the military-industrial complex. I believe that it is necessary to conduct demonstrations of samples that have the prospect of widespread implementation in the creation of new systems and the modernization of existing ones. In addition, greater inter-ministerial coordination is needed to enhance the effectiveness of the demonstration of research and development. Implementation of activities related to the research and development results demonstration will help to increase the degree of realizability of the achievements of science and technology and expand the scope of their use, I am sure.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2023-7-04-12

  • 2
    Overview of Software Risk Assessment Methods
    Authors: I.V. Lazareva, FSBI All-Russian Research Institute of Metrological Service (FSBI VNIIMS), i.lazareva@vniims.ru 
    А.N. Pan’kov, FSBI VNIIMS, FSAEI FVT Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Training), FSBEI HE MIREA — Russian Technological University, PhD (Tech.), apankov@vniims.ru
    Today, one of the main tasks of metrological service workers is to assess and minimize risks when using software in measuring instruments. A risk-based approach can help to solve it. The authors reviewed various risk assessment methods and came to the conclusion that some of the considered software risk assessment methods are narrowly focused and applicable only in their areas, or require additional information, for example, in the form of source code as for the van Dersen method. So, the most promising is the approach described in the international standard GOST R ISO/IEC 27000. According to the general criteria, a list of assets to be protected and their corresponding protection profiles are compiled. Risk level assessment is carried out in accordance with GOST R ISO/IEC 27005–2010, that is, by analyzing all aspects of software risk assessment in different directions. By combining the approaches of these standards, you can get a single most effective method.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2023-7-13-17

  • 3
    The Impact of Metrology on the Economy. Statistics & Evaluation Methods
    Authors: A.P. Chirkov, FSBEI HE Yaroslavl State Technical University, Dr. (Tech.), Chirkovap@yandex.ru
    The lack of methods for assessing the impact of metrology on the quality of life and the economy of the country is a systemic problem, I believe. Two promising methods can be proposed to solve it. The first involves the use of statistical estimates of the share of measurement costs in various types of economic activity. The second is based on domestic statistics and taking into account the share of measurement costs in the structure of production costs. Data derived from an estimate of the total share of measurement costs for the whole country сomparable in both methods. The proposed methodology and the results of calculations performed with its help are presented. In conclusion, it can be argued that the share of costs is 10 % of the country's gross added value. Thus, in 2022, the cost of metrological support in the amount of 15 trillion rubles brought the state twice as much profit.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2023-7-18-21

  • 4
    On Training & Certification of Engineers as Metrology Experts
    Authors: S.A. Denisenko, FSBI All-Russian Research Institute of Metrological Service (FSBI VNIIMS) 
    V.Yu. Ivanov, FSBI VNIIMS 
    L.K. Isaev, FSBI VNIIMS, FSAEI FVT Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Training), Prof. Dr. (Tech.), isaev-vm@vniims.ru
    The system of training and certification of metrology experts in the Russian Federation and their role in ensuring the uniformity of measurements are described. At the same time, the center for training expert metrologists is the Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification, and the existing system of voluntary certification is implemented by the All-Russian Research Institute for Metrological Service and the D.I. Mendeleev All-Russian Research Institute of Metrology. The importance of expert activities in the field of ensuring the uniformity of measurements is obvious, and therefore it is time to add the position of expert-metrologist to the Unified qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and employees and to develop an appropriate standard.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2023-7-22-27

  • 5
    Harmonization of Geometric Accuracy Requirements
    Authors: E.V. Zimina, FSBEI HE R.E. Alekseev Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University, Assoc. Prof. PhD (Tech.), scheinrich@mail.ru 
    V.G. Kutyaykin, Nizhny Novgorod Branch of FSAEI FVT Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Training), Assoc. Prof. PhD (Tech.), asms-nn@mail.ru
    In mechanical engineering, the geometric accuracy of parts of manufactured machines, equipment and instruments is especially important. To ensure the required accuracy of product parameters, the developers of design and technological documentation establish special geometric tolerances based on the requirements for products. A few years ago, GOST R 53442–2015 came into force in the Russian Federation. We present the results of a study of this standard and recommendations for the practical assignment of geometric tolerances.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2023-7-28-33

  • 6
    Biotechnology as the Basis of Sustainable Development
    Authors: V.V. Pomazanov, SEI HE Moscow Region State University of Humanities and Technology (SEI HE GGTU), Prof. Dr. (Tech.), allya2005@yandex.ru 
    V.A. Kiseleva, SEI HE GGTU, Assoc. Prof. PhD (Med.), farmgogi@mail.ru 
    S.G. Mardanly, SEI HE GGTU, Prof. Dr. (Med.), ekolab-president@mail.ru
    We have reviewed the main stages in the development of biotechnology in the Soviet Union and post-perestroika Russia: the formation of the industry in the 60s and 70s; its heyday and international recognition in the 80s; the decline and ruin of biotechnology enterprises and research institutes in the perestroika 90s and the beginning of a difficult revival in the first decade of the new 21st century. We know that biotechnology is an important factor in achieving sustainable development, recognized by the UN General Assembly as the basis for building a better and more sustainable future for all. We are confident that the development of public- private partnership in the self-regulatory organization format will help the Russian Federation to successfully and fully revive biotechnology in the coming decades and the products of the biotechnological industry will return to the world market as a full- fledged competitive partner, thereby ensuring the protection of national interests and the technological sovereignty of our state.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2023-7-34-39

  • 7
    Analysis of Existing Approaches to Implementing the Workspace Organization Method
    Authors: D.A. Anashkin, JSC A.G. Romashin Obninsk Scientific and Production Enterprise Tekhnologiya, Adma1981rus@gmail.com
    The practicality of the study is reasonable due to the need to analyze existing approaches to the implementation of the workspace organization method (5S) and the results of its use in the development of production systems. I have discussed the problems caused by the urgent need for rapid restructuring of the country’s economy due to the imposed sanctions and supply chain breaks, in a situation of the need for rapid growth in labor productivity in conditions of limited procurement of foreign high-performance equipment and hiring new and/or unskilled workers. I have used such research methods as a comparative analysis, generalization and elements of meta-analysis. The purpose of the study is to generalize existing approaches to the implementation of 5S and find important elements necessary for successful implementation. The key findings of the work are a shortage of new ideas for the introduction of 5S in scientific publications. The question of their search is relevant.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2023-7-40-44

  • 8
    A Set of Factors Affecting Textile Products’ Quality Assurance
    Authors: E.R. Khayrullina, FSBEI HE A.N. Tupolev Kazan National Research Technical University — KAI (FSBEI HE KNRTU — KAI), elm.khair@list.ru 
    F.M. Galimov, FSBEI HE KNRTU — KAI, Prof. Dr. (Tech.), far-galim@yandex.ru
    The problems of ensuring the quality of textile products are associated mainly with an outdated material and technical base, a lack of innovation in the industry, a high share of manual labor combined with insufficient safety and environmental friendliness of production, increased energy, labor and material intensity of processes. The modern strategy for the development of the industry involves the localization of domestic production, increasing the share of synthetic and technical textiles, reducing counterfeit goods, creating new jobs and subsidizing. The purpose of the study is to establish a set of factors affecting the quality assurance of textile products. In conclusion, authors for the first time developed a cause-and-effect diagram and scientifically substantiated a set of factors that must be taken into account to ensure the proper quality of textile products.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2023-7-45-52

  • 9
    Country Risk Management
    Authors: E.А. Diveeva, Moscow University for Industry and Finance Synergy (Synergy University), Dr. (Ec.) 
    S.N. Dmitruk, Moscow Witte University (MUIV), The Russian Presidental Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA), Assoc. Prof. PhD (Tech.) 
    A.L. Barannikov, MUIV, RANEPA, Assoc. Prof. PhD (Tech.) 
    S.Yu. Eroshkin, Synergy University, Assoc. Prof. PhD (Ec.)
    The development and formation of foreign economic relations is due to the division of labor in the context of society or territory. Of course, such a division should be considered on an international scale. The general situation in the world, political trends in countries and in the world — from all this there is a kind of codependency with the international division of labor. The article is devoted to the study of the concept of country risk, the main methods of country risk management are considered. The influence of country risks on the economic ties of the regions is revealed, measures are proposed to minimize the impact of country risk and strengthen the financial and economic stability of the regions. 
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2023-7-53-56

  • 10
    Venturi Pipe Mounting Errors’ Effect on Mass Water Flow
    Authors: A.O. Kharitonov, Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia (MUCTR), Prof. Dr. (Tech.), alharitonov@yandex.ru 
    E.B. Busygina, MUCTR, Assoc. Prof. PhD (Tech.), bus-elena3@yandex.ru 
    O.A. Nikitina, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Assoc. Prof. PhD (Tech.), line_av@mail.ru
    We have presented the results of a study of the influence on the mass flow of errors in the fastening of the Venturi pipe when measured by the method of variable pressure drop. The results of a numerical experiment performed by the finite element method using the Ansys 5.5ED program made it possible to obtain a qualitative assessment of the negative effect of the indicated fastening errors. Analysis of the numerical experiment results made it possible to evaluate the influence of the displacement of the axis of the Venturi pipe and its skewed fastening on the measuring pipeline. It has been established that the misalignment of the axes of the Venturi pipe with the axis of the measuring pipeline has a more significant negative effect on the change in the mass flow rate. At the same time, a mutual decrease in the negative influence of fastening errors was noted.
    DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2023-7-57-60


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